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New ships... why not new cockpits? - Printable Version

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New ships... why not new cockpits? - Vector - 03-09-2010

Does anyone know how this can be properly achieved then? I personally wouldn't mind putting the time into designing/modeling new ones.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Geeky - 03-18-2010

' Wrote:Does anyone know how this can be properly achieved then? I personally wouldn't mind putting the time into designing/modeling new ones.

Make a notice on the forums "Seeking designers to model new cockpits", make a team then divide tasks, like one designer takes Kusari cockpits, on rheinland, one outcast caps, one IMG and so on.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - jxie93 - 03-18-2010

Capital ships don't have cockpits silly, they have bridges.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Jeremy Hunter - 03-19-2010

Yes. I'd like to see out the windows of my Future Resheph, not staring out the cokcpit of a Defender!

I Vote YES to Proposition NEW COCKPITS!

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Dantrithor - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:Capital ships don't have cockpits silly, they have bridges.

That made me think about something that may help cruiser pilots. Why, instead of designing a simple cockpit, or a full bridge, don't you make it so it looks like some sort of monitor? with something transparent-ish as aiming reticle, HUD-like. Just an idea i'd like to toss-in.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Curios - 03-19-2010

Quote:Capital ships don't have cockpits silly, they have bridges.

Shocking news!

Freelancer didn't support making bridges, so we can't make bridge. We just can try to make cockpit that looks like a bridge. But here is some underwater stones, like if that bridge will be too big it automatically become useless duo to poor view from windows.

So, im voting for idea above this post.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - DartStriker - 03-19-2010

Making a bridge for a cap ship is epic fail. The area of space it would take up would make it so that only a small group of people would enjoy it. Everyone else would complain how they can't see anything. The monitor Idea, is epic win. I think I'm going to play around with that idea.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Petitioner - 04-05-2010


As a frequent BWT pilot I NEVER use cockpit view because it makes no sense, it's at the back in the world view and yet I have nothing in front of me in cockpit view? This is WRONG. More than just that, it's absolutely immoral to deny me the ability to feel like everything's fine and cruise along through asteroids like a freaking ninja. LFs do not have this problem, larger ships shouldn't either. A++ thread, would read again.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Curios - 04-05-2010

Go try reujin


New ships... why not new cockpits? - Kyte_ - 04-05-2010

You guys Rawk!!!

I am confident that whatever you come up with will be awesome!!!

Love n' Lustre
