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Nomad healing - Dusty Lens - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:So remind me what's wrong with RPing systemwide from an invincible zone? People RP while docked all the time. What's the difference here?

Because you can be forced to dock, therefor ending combat. Technically an opponent who walks away from a nomad sitting within a healing zone would be required to comply with "fleeing" rules.

This strikes me as problematic.

Nomad healing - Shryke - 03-20-2010

Nomads get ganked, they should be uber, is a recurring theme in this thread.

Let's remember one thing: no one forces anyone to play a Nomad. If you don't like getting ganked and having only a few bases to land on, don't play a <strike>Xeno</strike> <strike>Liberty unlawful/lawful</strike> <strike>anyone in Tau 23</strike> Nomad.

Nomad healing - Dusty Lens - 03-20-2010

Xenos do heal in sun coronas though. Their ship is even teleported to safety if they stay there long enough.

Nomad healing - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 03-20-2010

Basicly you can get ganked in anything. This is not an excuse, as dusty lens said, try fly a xeno in Lib. No matter that you don't show any interest fighting lib lawfuls.

Nomad healing - Not Espi - 03-20-2010

kill npc's for bots, or ask outcasts for some. they are basically everywhere except rheinland

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Now picture that thing.

Running away.

With you having no way to shoot it down easily because it's so damn agile.

And then flying into a sun's corona.

Where you can't follow since your hull will melt.

While it will regenerate.


And over.

And ooover.
Fun, innit?

-10% every minute, yeah, that'll mean a lot in a fight where one hit takes away more.
-Works only when speed <15, so no dodging
-Shield and powercore must be at max, so one hit, no regen. One shot, no regen either.
-Nomads wouldn't be able to go farther into the corona than any other ship, like I've said before: corona =! death zone.

And on the Xeno ganks: they can fly to their base, try to fly to your base as a nomad when you're 15 system jumps away.

Nomad healing - Mr.Fabulous - 03-20-2010

I may get flamed for this, but...

why not create total regeneration on Nomad wherever it is?



I've just read some interesting things that the squids experience... Can't dock anywhere else other than the Shrine, a freakishly-far-away place? Botts & batts keep running out? Want to extend RP without creating a POWERGAPPER?

I go with the life-regeneration-part when the energy-bar is full, but they have some restrictions:
1.) They are SLOW (0.1%-3% per minute)
2.) They activate only in systems with stars (the more, the better; none means no regen)
3.) They are unobstructed (not in any cloud that work like the Badlands)
4.) They SHOULDN'T MOVE to activate it
5.) They exist as a hardpoint for the shield (so NO VEIL FOR YUZ :P)

I hope I've contributed something.

Nomad healing - Jinx - 03-20-2010

a good way to determine the fairness of any suggestion is to spontanously give it to another faction - possibly an enemy faction - and watch the responses

[ which most likely go from: but they must not have it, cause their lore does not suggest it.. .... up to: our RP is better and more beneficial for the server as a whole, and they don t deserve it, cause theirs is detrimental ]

now - aside from all lore and RP about it ( cause we cannot balance things to what they are meant to by the lore - or corsair ships would fly 20% faster or something )

would the nomads agree when we gave self regeneration to the BHG core? - after all, they only got 1 base, too - and its not like their appearence at even freeports is often much appreciated.

not that it ll happen - but simply try to imagine that.

after that.... boast their weaponpower by around 15% - 25% - and make their ships a little more nimble.

when in a pvp, and on the loosing end, - a player ( not a character ) starts not to wonder about the lore too much - but he ll start to question the fairness.

about the "ganking" - the better the gear, the more advantages a group has over another group, the more this group will get "ganked" - cause the weaker group has no other chance to compensate for this disadvantage. - so in order to get ganked less....

its surprising that the solution is to make your ships weaker - until they are balanced with the rest - only then, you can expect a FAIR 1 vs. 1 ( and still, you won t get it - but then.... you ll get as much and little as any other faction - and those that overpower you by numbers cannot justify it by saying that your gear forces them to )

but anyway - whenever you make a suggestion to boast a faction - imagine that the exact same boast went to your mortal enemy, not on trial, but permanently. - how would that make you feel. ( again, don t argue with RP and lore, cause that pov only concerns gameplay fairness )


one nomad battleship beats one corsair dreadnought - or at least the chances are greatly in favour of the nomad battleship. - is the corsair still expected to present a fair 1 vs. 1?

what if he teams up with.... another corsair dreadnought. - now its 2 vs. 1 ..... again an unbalanced situation. - from the weaker side, it went to being the stronger side - and its almost impossible to find "balance".

balance could be found if both ships were equal in combat - but when the balance is off, - it is either getting owned or being the one ganking the enemy - and both are not really great choices.

the more we increase the differences between factions, the less balanced things become, the harder it is to find fairness. - and while of course 100% balance is boring ( meaning everything is of the same size, shape and stats ) - there are still limits to what is still within balance and what is off.

when asked, almost every faction in freelancer can claim a few "unique" features that can sometimes even be justified by vanilla lore. - that might be superior technology, superior piloting skills, faster ships, more durable ships etc. - but if everything was heterogenous like that - the only factor determining balance is the player himself. - yet i believe that this is a rather unreliable factor when it comes to balance - cause pvp is not a group experience as much as a competition.

when you win a pvp, i have yet to hear a pilot say "nice fight dude, your skill is greater than mine, but i happen to have better stats by default, - sorry" - i d rather hear "nice fight man, skill up a little and better luck next time".

Nomad healing - Miixxu - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:but anyway - whenever you make a suggestion to boast a faction - imagine that the exact same boast went to your mortal enemy, not on trial, but permanently. - how would that make you feel. ( again, don t argue with RP and lore, cause that pov only concerns gameplay fairness )

As a member of the Order, I am the mortal enemy. I still think this is a good idea.

Also while BHG only have one base, they can land at most others, Nomads cannot.

Nomad healing - Coin - 03-20-2010

If you're there to roleplay, and have run out of bb's, just ask the person you are rping with in the interests of roleplay. if they are divvying up the rp, they'll hand out cookies for sure