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third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Printable Version

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third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Kazinsal - 03-24-2010

' Wrote:That's 8 turrets... Unless you meant that 2 of the five can fire backwards:P
Anyhow, I love this design:)

Nothing wrong with it at all, make it official already!!
That's what I meant, two of the turrets are full 360 degree. Probably something that can hit both up and down and sideways too.

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Cosmos - 03-24-2010

lib GB mk2!

and yes Jinx, This Civ gunboat model haz the wins.

Edit: This would actually be a nice ship for the MM~ though, it looks like something we would fly.

(Btw Dieter, if this is added...Ill give u 50 mill to let me haz 1 in MM~)

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Curios - 03-24-2010

Looks cheap and nice, good for non-military gunboat. But here is 2 things i can't hold myself from asking:

1. Can we take a look at the variant with using civilian shipline textures on it (eagle, starflea).
2. I hope it will fits to be far from cool gb actually, its not military. (and giving a gb level ship to everyone around is looks abusing military "cool" techs that are restricted, why to build relations with faction to request good GB if you can just get this one?)

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Miixxu - 03-24-2010

Not bad, I think it fits as a civilian ship. It just screams MERC to me. Kinda looked like its the bastard child of the Bounty Hunters to me though.

Not that thats a bad thing.

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - jxie93 - 03-24-2010

This gunboat strangely reminisces the LABC or Liberty Gunboat in my opinion. Maybe it's the fact that it's a tad long.

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Jeremy Hunter - 03-24-2010

To mimic myself in eveyr ship submission thread Jinz does.


third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Sprolf - 03-24-2010

You need to get some higher blood pressure, kiddo.
I'd recommend cheeseburgers.

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - akka1000 - 03-25-2010

Looks really nice Jinx
Im a little doubtful about the big glass cockpit, it seems like a vunerable point for the ship

@those who were saying it should be based on the zoner ships, just because its civillian, how can disco grow properly if everything new must be based of something already in the mod ie. the zoner ships.

Eventually we might as well call this Discovery Zoner Eagle mod.

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Sprolf - 03-25-2010

Yay, Akka has good point!
I like it when other people say these things, not just me.

third ( and last ) civ GB attempt - Jeremy Hunter - 03-25-2010

I dont like cheese sprolf.

I perfer hamburger, lettuce, tomato, and...BACON!!!!!