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Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Printable Version

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Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Echo 7-7 - 01-18-2011

Forum Name: Echo 7-7

[color=#ffffff]Skype Name: strokonator

[color=#ffffff]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Chornohora
  • Shipclass: CT-69 "Crane" Large Train
  • Name: Matthias Andrewson
  • Date Of Birth: AS 791
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet New London, Bretonia.
  • Department: Operations Department - Transport Division
Brief Bio:
I am a Bretonian national, born and raised on New London. After my high schooling I moved to Cambridge to study combined Chemical and Mechatronic Engineering, and was awarded Honours upon completion. Immediately afterwards I was head-hunted by a corporate emplyment scout, and I moved to Leeds to work as a Systems Engineer at a new Chemical and Pharmaceutical production plant. I worked there several years, but eventually I yearned to do more, and I studied part-time a Information & Data Architecture course, providing me with a thorough understanding of the Sirius Neural Net. In between jobs and studying I have taken piloting courses, enabling me to fly one-man ships from Light Fighters to Freighters.
With the blessings of my former emplyer, I left the company to do some freelance trading work before moving to Liberty to seek a new employment opportunity. Now I wish to join Ageira in order to work for a company which develops the best and newest technology in the Sirius Sector.

  • Shipname: Ageira|SF|Grey-6; Ageira|SF|Black-6; Ageira|SF|Silver-6; Ageira|SF|White-6
  • Shipclass: CTE-6000 "Eagle" Very Heavy Fighter; XB-2 "Havoc Mk II" Bomber; CTE-HF "Kingfisher" Heavy Fighter; CTE-4000 "Griffin" Light Fighter
  • Name: Cole Jericho
  • Date Of Birth: AS 788
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Denver, Colorado
  • Department: Ageira Security Force
Brief Bio: <classified>

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Fabio Krull - 01-19-2011

Forum Name: Fabio Krull

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Rubihorn
  • Shipclass: EL-HiL51 "Mammoth"

  • Name: Fabio Krull
  • Date Of Birth: 781/10/09
  • Sex: male
  • Place of Birth: Freeport 2
  • Department: Transportations
Brief Bio:

Starting out as a dockworker in my young days I grabbed the opportunity to work on freighters supplying the Freeport. My dreams always went forth though, so I enlisted as a crew-member on several freelancing Transports. As I have seen a whole lot of Sirius in the meantime, I'd like to do some more regular work for a plannable and regular income.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Enoch - 01-25-2011

Forum Name:Enoch

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name:Nektrataal0

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Ararat ; Ageira|Snowdon
  • Shipclass: CT-69 Crane Civilian Large Train ; Pelican - Civilian Armored Transport

  • Name: Peter Slade
  • Date Of Birth: 794
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles
  • Department: Transportation
Brief Bio:
Was born on LA, as mentioned above. As I grew up I became more and more interested in mechanics. My parents, being scientists, paid me the most expensive engineer studies. I ended up working on Norfolk shipyard, fixing large ships' engines and other important parts. Then I realized I deserved better. A friend of mine suggested that I should apply here.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - erich_619 - 01-25-2011

Forum Name: The_Guardian

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: the_Guardian_fl

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Isa
  • Shipclass: Camara - DSE-720 Civilian Freighter

  • Name: Paul Mavriks
  • Date Of Birth: 790 A.S
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles
  • Department: Transportations
Brief Bio:
Not much to say, born on Los Angeles, Average family, average home, average life. I just want to make my way in these crazy times.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - tucalipe - 02-09-2011

Forum Name: Arthur
[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: tucalipe

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Sugarloaf
  • Shipclass: CTE 750AE Civilian Starflier
  • Name: Jason Gates
  • Date Of Birth: April 4th, 796 A.S.
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Leeds, Leeds System
  • Department: Transportation
Brief Bio:
On 802, my father left for a freelancing mission for the BAF, but never came home. Mother got sicker and sicker after that. While my older brother spent his days on learning of our father's fate, I stayed behind and ran the store. Now that mother died two years ago, we decided to leave that sad place. He joined LSF. Dad taught him a lot about his flying skills, while I learned by myself.

>> Listing Bretonia Judicial Record
>> Loading...

>> Charged for physical agression, on July 10th, 793 A.S.
>> Charges lifted on July 12th, 793 A.S.
>> No further records found.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Joku - 02-09-2011

Forum Name:Sandremo

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name:Sandremo2

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Nidze
  • Shipclass: Albatross - CT-39X Civilian Transport

  • Name: Keith Digby
  • Date Of Birth: 795
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Leeds
  • Department: Transportations
Brief Bio:
I was born on Planet Leeds. I never did much.. Mostly messed around back home... Untill my parent's got killed in an "Accident" or so the Bretonia Police say... Never had much of a choice after that.. Had to find a job to get credits

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - SpaceTime - 02-13-2011

Forum Name: SpaceTime

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name:

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Huangshan
  • Shipclass: Stork - CT-73 Civilian Advanced Train
  • Shipname: Ageira|Black-3
  • Shipclass: Havoc Mk II - XB-2 Civilian Bomber
  • Name: Nikolas Burton
  • Date Of Birth: 783 A.S.
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: New London
  • Department: He is a captain in the Transportation Deparment and he's also a member of the ASF.
Nikolas Burton was born on March 5th, 783 A.S. He came from a middle-class family of New London, with both of his parents working within the Bretonian bureaucracy. He eventually was sent, at the age of 12, to the Planet Cambridge to continue his studies, and most likely join the state's bureaucracy too. Even though he was a very good student, he wasn't attracted by his studies; his real love was the travel between New London and Cambridge. So the 17 year old Nikolas left Planet Cambridge and his studies and was enlisted in the Bretonian Armed Forces. He knew that in this way he could be in space while serving his country.

His position in the army was in the reconnaissance. Some months later the Nomad War broke out. As a new pilot, he was tasked to patrol and gather intel inside the New London System, while most of the Bretonian fleet was in Cambridge, Omega-3 and Tau-31. One of his most remarkable moments in his life was that in a typical patrol with his close friend Paul Foster they encountered two Rheinland Pilots who defected from the Military. Their intel was staggering, so Nikolas and Paul were awarded the Cross of Saint George. Young Nikolas was impressed by the Rheinlander's intelligence and love for their country, which actually lead him to a sympathy towards Rheinland. Moreover, the events in the Nomad War affected the 18 year old Nikola's opinion and behavior about other groups like The Order. The following years Nikolas Burton's skill in aviation of light and heavy class ships was improved, while his navigation and quick-thinking skills were also enchanced. But he didn't feel complete, he wanted to learn more things, feed his curiousity by visiting new places and exploring the universe. He also knew deep inside him that military wasn't suited for him.

Suddenly, at 813 A.S. - when tensions between Bretonia and Kusari have risen and a war seemed possible - his chance arrived; In a typical patrol a distress signal came from a KoF convoy which was attacked by Molly ships. He quickly arrived at the scene of battle and assisted the escorts in taking out the pirates. Afterwards, Nikolas escorted the convoy to Cardiff because of the severe damage in one transport. In Cardiff's bar Nikolas talked to the KoF transport leader. He offered him a job in KoF and seconds later... Nikolas accepted the offer. Some days later Nikolas officially quited the Bretonia Armed Forces with the rank of First Lieutenant. Even though he was feeling sad for leaving his comrades, his friends and his family, he knew he should change his way of life.

Nikolas Burton worked as a Pilot Officer in KoF for 4 years; he worked as a transport captain, escort and trainer. He met people from the 4 Houses and the Border Worlds as well. As a former navy pilot he was soon tasked to the most dangerous trade routes; the profits he made in the Edge Worlds were huge, so were the dangers. Therefore he started searching for a more experienced crew. This action annoyed some KoF high ranking employees because of his distrust towards the available KoF spaceships crew. At 815 A.S., at the age of 32, he married Amy Wilson, a Libertorian doctor in Planet Manhattan. He loved Amy and he knew she was the only wife who could understand of his long-term absence and the dangers of his job. Acquiring the Libertorian citizenship while still having the Bretonian citizenship at 817 A.S. he and his crew decided to leave KoF and move to a more professional company. There, he worked jealousy the last 2 years earning many promotions in both the Department of Trading and the Department of Social Service. Nikolas Burton is a person who needs an inspiration in order to move forward. Since the Universal Shipping Incorporated was unable to give him such thing, he decided to resign and apply for the Ageira Technologies. Recently, his wife Amy, is pregnant.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Erathial - 02-14-2011

Forum Name: Farad'n

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: erathial

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Elbrus
  • Shipclass: Heron - CT-53 Civilian Train

  • Name: Kagin Sarkoff
  • Date Of Birth: 28/17/797
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Hamburg
  • Department: Transportations
Brief Bio:
Born and raised on Planet Hamburg, Kagin has spent his first few years of adulthood as an operative of the military police on the planet, working on purging the corruption and keeping a watchful eye out for political dissidents. This position in society was his birthright and he has until now never thought of pursuing a different career. Alas it is all his fathers fault, even though indirect. Being the son of an important politician always has it's pros..

And cons..
Following a kidnapping during a raid on some smugglers out in Tau-37, Kagin has constant strain on him as he is under the threat of another kidnapping and another round of extortion.
With pressure mounting and his father also affected by this, Kagin now seeks to find peace by trading within Ageira

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Amelia - 02-25-2011

Forum Name: Amelia

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: amelia.berry20

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Ainos
  • Shipclass: DSE-720 "Camara" Civilian Freighter

  • Name: Jennifer Berry
  • Date Of Birth: 797 A.S.
  • Sex: Female
  • Place of Birth: Trading Vessel Endeavor
  • Department: Transportation Division
Brief Bio:
Jennifer Berry was born in the year 797 A.S. on the Endeavor. She was the third daughter and, not like the other sisters, interested in trading. In her childhood she spent a lot of time with her father to learn everything about the trade. Already in the early years she practiced the trade together with her father and her mother. In 815 A.S. she got the opportunity to work as a crew member onboard the Endeavor. She worked very hard and soon she was an important member for the Endeavor. Her main task was the communication and the navigation of the Endeavor. But in the year 818 A.S. where the Endeavor was destroyed, everything has changed. She and 4 other crew members were the only ones that had managed to survive the ambush. After this stroke of fate she didn't knew what to do. Amelia and Lily were searching for new jobs. Evie was gone, just like her parents. After long considerations, she decided to continue with trading. She collected enough money to pay a complete new ship. It was not as impressive as the Endeavor, but still she managed to get her own trading ship. She called the new ship Endeavor to honor her father. But she later realised that she had no use for the ship, because she didn't find the suitable crew for it. So she decided to give the new ship to Lily, as she could have the most use for it. After she delivered the ship to Lily she searched for a job in a trading company. After a long search she finally managed to find a company to whom she can trust.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - einzelnwolf - 02-28-2011

Forum Name: Travis Reed

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: einarr.schmied

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Cowles.
  • Shipclass: Heron - CT-53 Civilian Train.

  • Name: Travis Reed.
  • Date Of Birth: 792 A.S.
  • Sex: Male.
  • Place of Birth: Planet Los Angeles, California, Liberty.
  • Department: Transport.
Brief Bio:
Born to David and Jenny Reed, who could barely support themselves, let alone a child. I grew up having to take what jobs I could get to help support the family, all with the dream of getting away from it. Over the years, I managed to save up enough money to get a small ship and some basic piloting lessons, plus any required licensing. During my training, I was involved in an accident, the injuries from which disqualified me from becoming a combat rated pilot. It wasn't quite bad enough to disqualify me from being a transport pilot, however. I want to earn my living in space, and stay away from the place where I grew up.