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Hyperspace Drives - Turkish - 04-25-2010

It is not a moot point, we had the technology then, we brought our knowledge with us.

Technology is also scalable, couple that with more than a century of research into alien technology in one house. And twenty more from the remaining houses? I'd say the chances of making it work are alot higher than zero.

Hyperspace Drives - JIVA - 04-25-2010

a few things i do remember about the lore of sirius ( might be wrong though )

- sirius is unlike the sol system. its a manufactured cluster of stars. a "micro-cosmos" to offer diverse enviroments in a very small room of space. - so its not like the sol system and alpha centauri ( the closest star system ) which is still lightyears away.

- jumpgates do not create wormholes. the wormholes are present all throughout sirius. - they were also manufactured. - jumpgates only provide traffic control/safety AND stabilized travel. a natural wormhole in its normal state can damage a passing ship. - a gate allows vessels to travel unharmed.

- the osiris had a jumpdrive as far as i know in the SP campaign. - and its experimental feature is not its drive but only its stealthgenerator. - so we can assume that dreadnoughts and other capital class vessels of that time also have jumpdrives. at the same time we can still assume that they usually use jumpgates though. they fit through - so why use a jumpdrive when you can use a jumpgate...

anyway - i still don t think such a feature is a good idea. i m not so much thinking of abuse but of the wellfare of the community as a united community.
start handing out "special treatments" and you create a two class community. ( yes, we already have it - sort of )
jumpdrives are a bit like cloaking devices imo. - no matter how much you increase the downside of the effect - its almost impossible to balance it out.

cloaking has been RPed in the past ( but it takes both sides to agree - since there is no real cloaking of course ) - jumpdrives might also be RPed as such.

orbital bombardments have been RPed, so have many other things.

when its only used as a special feature for special events. - in the past - on key events or well planned events in general ( like RM vs. corsairs ) - admins were present to watch over it, take photos and share memories afterwards.

admins present on such events can easily let you RP a jumpdrive ( by .beam [ player ] [ location ] ) - its not perfect, but doesnt require any new feature at all.

Hyperspace Drives - tansytansey - 04-25-2010

' Wrote:- the osiris had a jumpdrive as far as i know in the SP campaign. - and its experimental feature is not its drive but only its stealthgenerator. - so we can assume that dreadnoughts and other capital class vessels of that time also have jumpdrives. at the same time we can still assume that they usually use jumpgates though. they fit through - so why use a jumpdrive when you can use a jumpgate...

If the Osiris had a jumpdrive, why was it such a big deal to get out of the Nomad System before the jump hole closed? :|

' Wrote:It is not a moot point, we had the technology then, we brought our knowledge with us.

Technology is also scalable, couple that with more than a century of research into alien technology in one house. And twenty more from the remaining houses? I'd say the chances of making it work are alot higher than zero.
Intra-system jumping is a lot different from inter-system jumping.
The main point being distance. If you notice during the jumping cut-scenes, the ships merely accelerate to a high speed. They don't really 'jump' like you would see in a Jump Hole or Jump Gate
It's different for the warp-projectors, but if we had that tech in sirius, where is it? I don't have one on any of my ships.
I'd have to ask our resident Starlancer nut, but I'm pretty sure that warp-projectors were experimental and probably never got off the ground, due to the war and stuff.

Hyperspace Drives - Durandal - 04-25-2010

' Wrote:The only thing remotely close to a hyperdrive in the Freelancer Universe would be the Hypergate... but since that thing was built by the Dam'Kavosh, is bigger than half the planets in Freelancer and is in a single static location, I don't see how it's feesable that human scientists could recreate that technology to fit inside a mobile spaceship.

"Because it's cool and I like it" is almost as bad as "GOD DID IT LOL"

To be perfectly honest this sounds like an excuse to prevent technology advancement in Discovery. It's been seventeen years, I don't see why the technology couldn't have been reverse engineered in that timespan.

Hyperspace Drives - dodike - 04-25-2010

' Wrote:a few things i do remember about the lore of sirius ( might be wrong though )

- jumpgates do not create wormholes. the wormholes are present all throughout sirius. - they were also manufactured. - jumpgates only provide traffic control/safety AND stabilized travel. a natural wormhole in its normal state can damage a passing ship. - a gate allows vessels to travel unharmed.

Jump gate are not built on existing jump holes. Jump holes are naturally occurring phenomenon in Sirius, it's the randomness that makes them unsafe. Location of jump gates is carefully chosen. Jump holes where also discovered after first gates where built.

Zeb Harley described why gates are safer quite nicely.

' Wrote:The reasons are the objects in a starsystem.

You cannot jump through the gravity wells of suns so you have to go around them with a slower speed.

You also cannot initiate a jump close to objects with a big mass, that is the reason why the jumpgates are at a far distance to objects with a big mass like planets.

Since they connect different systems with a straight line, it also has to be made sure there is nothing interfering with this straight line. This explains why the jumpgates are exactly where they are: every other position would send you into the gravety-well of a yet unknown system's sun.

This may not be the official point of view of the Ageira-administration, but every transport-pilot of the company knows a thing or two about space-travels. After all this IS the reason why Ageira does not recommend using jumpholes! You never know if they don't send you right into the middle of a sun.

130 - First prototype Jump Gate is tested successfully in Texas.
380 - The first Jump Hole is discovered.

Hyperspace Drives - tansytansey - 04-25-2010

' Wrote:To be perfectly honest this sounds like an excuse to prevent technology advancement in Discovery. It's been seventeen years, I don't see why the technology couldn't have been reverse engineered in that timespan.

Advancement, sure. If there actually was an advancement. It feels more like going from zero to a hundred here.
And reverse engineered from where, might I ask? No one in the Sirius Sector has that kind of technology. It would have to be created from scratch.

Hyperspace Drives - munsan - 04-27-2010

this idea is sure mind blowing, i played homworld and it was great made me feel i want to join into the battle...

Quote:Advancement, sure. If there actually was an advancement. It feels more like going from zero to a hundred here.
And reverse engineered from where, might I ask? No one in the Sirius Sector has that kind of technology. It would have to be created from scratch.

am not sure about this but i saw a clip where nomad go to the sol system and destroy the system, am pretty sure they didnt cruise all way from sirius they must have used othere type of engin. Or they were coming longe befor the war in starlancer... just a thought..

Hyperspace Drives - tansytansey - 04-28-2010

' Wrote:this idea is sure mind blowing, i played homworld and it was great made me feel i want to join into the battle...
am not sure about this but i saw a clip where nomad go to the sol system and destroy the system, am pretty sure they didnt cruise all way from sirius they must have used othere type of engin. Or they were coming longe befor the war in starlancer... just a thought..
The extended version of the Freelancer Intro isn't canon with Freelancer, although it is considered canon with Discovery. There's nothing to say that the Nomads are using hyperjump technology in the video, it looks more like they're cloaking.