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Nomad Trial Privileges - Treewyrm - 07-09-2010

Kidnapped, eh? That's making a judgment without actually knowing how things came to be. Nothing was "kidnapped", at that time the choice at hand was simple: either they become unavailable to anyone whatsoever or they become available to a restricted-type player faction. That's it. And had I not intervened it would have been the option number one, and then you wouldn't even had morphs, let alone playable Nomads in any fashion. Bet you didn't know that, yes? So stop talking nonsense about things you don't know or at least do yourself a favor and dig up the history of making that faction. But that's harder and would take up some time unlike making assumptions out of thin air and screaming "damn monopolists!".

Nomad Trial Privileges - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 07-09-2010

Quote: decided to kidnap a vanilla faction and try to keep it for themselves.

I dont think they kidnapped it per se, They took a chunk of Nomad vanilla lore, RP'ed and added and almost made their own lore, and made their own faction. Nothing wrong with that. All factions do that to some degree or another.
The problem is, I hang out in the omicrons regularly, VERY regularly. I have not seen a SINGLE Nomad ID'ed player. Only Keepers or Wilde.

Quote:"damn monopolists!".
This is partially true. The Keepers have monoploized the larger picture of the Nomads. It would be interesting if there was a [Nomad] Faction or somesuch, with the Nomad ID's, with similar but seperate ideals to the Keepers. Im not saying the Keepers are bad, or, omg the keepers get all the nice stuff, I iz jealousy. Im just saying a little variety wouldnt hurt them.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Boss - 07-09-2010

The problem with that is that the Nomad's design as a collective of minds doesn't allow for different ideals...

Nomad Trial Privileges - Treewyrm - 07-09-2010

Variety comes at it's own price, and variety isn't always a positive thing to be held above no matter what. There are places where it is not needed unless the idea of shattering single faction into separate sub-factions has roleplay reason to be that. Right now there isn't. If you think harder the variety is already there - it's provided by two Wilde factions, each having own style and unique touch. Factions like these have to maintain consistency across, and if one would appear having separate ideals it would break the consistency, and for the sake of what exactly? Variety for the sake of variety? I think Nomads around Discovery have enough as it is. Personally I'd be more interested to see in what would concept of infested faction transform in Bretonia and Liberty. That's where variety can be attained without breaking overall consistency.

Although. How is that all related to the topic anyway? I'll tell you what - it's not.

Nomad Trial Privileges - kersch_wasser - 07-09-2010

well...considering that all of the majorly important vanilla factions (the four houses..corsairs and outcasts) got there own houses

ive got the most brilliant idea to solve this

make nomads into there own house...copy and paste keeper lore while there all asleep...modify the grammar so it isnt in microsoft "wingdings" font...

and then it would work out beautifully

i mean the faction variety would be rather slim....but i suppose it could work like this if you drummed up enough nomad players

biggest mind nodes to smallest...whith each class as it own sort of faction,with the higer having authority over the lsf and lpi for instance

they could have there own shipline of biological stuffs for trading materials...but the price of there stuffs could be massively reflect how the nomads have a much smaller population than general humankind

think nomad inflationary value

this would make an awesome 4.87 update to tie up the whole cosmic shift gallia started

also i would reccomend upping the price of the nomad baby fighter to as much as yer average stork train (round 188 million or possibly more)...this would help players who wanna start on the nomad-ness by giving them more time to understand disco before going nomad

and also things would get more andm ore expensive going up on the shiptype and noamd faction...not to mention that nomad missions in this respect could be tweaked to give like a 20th of the rep boost that normal missions that could help

this is like a very big rp gold nugget waiting to happen

Make nomads into there own house

Because after boring can it possibly be to be human all the time?

Nomad Trial Privileges - Treewyrm - 07-09-2010

I used to think about making Nomads into their own house. I gave a lot of thought to it. But in the end that's just dreaming. Face the reality - it ain't going to happen. There are so many problems with it, let alone making infrastructure for one... and in the end what? The resulting outcome would one way or another then mimic other houses, and how would that be different? How would that be 'alien'? Making them a full-fledged house would sacrifice their identity and being 'something different' they are right now. It would accomplish the opposite. More or less they're already a house, but not the typical one. It's one that's within the other houses.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Anomander - 07-09-2010

I buy a Nomad Morph, and the sime time I sell all weapons from my ship - so I fly without any weaponary
but still I can manage to fly by Pensylwania, NY , Alaska and Omicron Minor to Iota without get any scrach.

So it's posible to fly without any weapons - but still I like an idea to give morph nomad guns with less power.

Nomad Trial Privileges - squidofsymphony - 07-10-2010

Just so "important" people don't go blaming me for other people's nonsense.

I'm suggesting that the Nomad Morphs be given less powerful weapons for PvNPC. Not PvP.

Another thing is that this is an idea. Not a demand.

Of course this thread is open for other ideas. Not because I've got nothing in my power to stop that but because you can't have 4 million threads for everyone else's crazy ideas.

To finish it off, don't just throw words because someone had an idea that you don't agree with. A simple yes or no answer would have sufficed.


Nomad Trial Privileges - Akura - 07-10-2010

According to the tech chart, the Nomad Trial ID can only use Nomad Equipment and Generic Equipment.

This means, no use of any human guns whatsoever. No Outcasts, no Civilian guns etc.

The ID can only use things like the Mini Razor, Mines, CMs, CDs.

I say give the Morph some weak Nomad Class 8s, that aren't worth using on anything else.

Nomad Trial Privileges - Pingu! - 07-10-2010

If I remember, there are already some Nomad Class 7s ingame, they could use that. Same thing as AI, if that guns are used somewhere else, sanction.