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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Edge Worlds (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=72) +----- Forum: OSI- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=92) +----- Thread: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) (/showthread.php?tid=43685) |
Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Miaou - 10-04-2010 > Incoming Transmission > Input- Joachim Liam > Location- Planet Gran Canaria > Encryption- Medium > Subject- Trade report Two, Overdue report > Message Begins Looks like a few of my transmission never went through, I hope this report will. After our contract, I continued on assignment to deliever items to and from Gran Canaria. I was stopped twice on these runs, once by a seemingly drunk corsair and once by a unknown pirate. Both failed to get me to cut my engines, so I was able to flee to safety. Uploading delivery data. One (1) special request run, locations traveled to; Staring location, Gran Canaria Yukon, Freeport 14- Deuterium Kepler, Ames Research Station- Water Freeport 10, Tau-37- Consumer Goods Omega-49, Gran Canaria- Niobium Nine (9) Runs. Locations traveled to; Starting location, Gran Canaria Omicron Minor, BS Isis- Deuterium Omicron Delta, Freeport 11- Oxygen Omega-49, Gran Canaria- Iridium > End Transmission Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Miaou - 10-10-2010 > Incoming Transmission > Input- Joachim Liam > Location- Planet Gran Canaria > Encryption- Medium > Subject- Trade report Three, run report. > Message Begins Gutentag, reporting in for my runs. Only problems were the squishes trying to blow up my ship. cost a bit to repair after each attack, but the deliveries made it up. Uploading trade data. Eight (8) Runs. Locations traveled to; Starting location, Gran Canaria Omicron Minor, BS Isis- Deuterium Omicron Delta, Freeport 11- Oxygen Omega-49, Gran Canaria- Iridium > End Transmission Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 10-10-2010 ![]() --Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Solar Breeze, Omicron Theta-- --Subject: Promotion-- Congratulations, Mr. Liam. You have met the requirements for Transport Captain rank. You are now approved to commission a Whale transport. Gabriel Caudill
OSI CEO Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - BioWarfare - 10-10-2010 > Incoming Transmission > CommID: Illuminated > Origin: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 > Encryption: Low > Subject: Trade Report > Message Begins Evening pilots, Figured I'd best get the report in before I hit the hay, the sun's going down here, not that that means anything, once it goes down it stays down for 3 months... I had the pleasure of trading alongside Palamino earlier. We covered a fair few lightyears, made a fair few credits, and had a run-in with the Mollys. Our completed runs are as follows: - Bio-Neural Processors from Planet Cambridge, Cambridge to Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 - Deuterium from Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 to Freeport 14, Yukon - Counterfeit Software from Freeport 14, Yukon to Freeport 5, Omega-41 - Spaceship Crew from Freeport 5, Omega-41 to Freeport 9, Omicron Theta - Niobium from Freeport 10, Tau-37 to Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 Although these commodities are not all on the list of required runs, both myself and Palamino have received numerous messages from friends on the Freeports giving us a heads-up on what they need. My nephew lives on Freeport 5, he's an engineering apprentice actually, and he messaged me telling me the Corsairs were demanding software, and one Corsair had even threatened the Commodity Dealer because they couldn't get any for a month. I hope these have helped somewhat. Regarding the run-in with the Mollys: We were on our final run from FP10 to Gran Canaria, flying above the sun in Dublin as we cut through from the Leeds Jumphole to the Omega-49 Jumphole. We entered into dialogue and he demanded 2 million credits per trader. After negotiating, Palamino paid 2 million, I paid 1 million. He would have been happy with 1 million each, but when he's flying a VHF, we didn't argue. So I wish to ask, do the Mollys have rights to tax us en route? After all, we've given them food, shelter, and a getaway when they've needed it, so why should we be made to suffer by one rogue pilot on a mission to stock his coffers? Keep us informed. Regards, Illuminated & Palamino > Message Ends Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - raynestorm - 10-11-2010 Incoming Transmission... CommID: OSI-Palamino, Joselyn Elizabeth Subject: Trade Reports Message Begins: Greetings, I did a few runs last night, sorry it didn't get uploaded last night, but some things came up and I had to deal with them immediately. Run 1: Start: Freeport 10 to Gran Canaria hauling niobium, Gran Canaria to Erie hauling basic alloy, Erie to Freeport 10 hauling consumer goods. Run Ends Run 2: Done with Illuminated. Start: Gran Canaria to Freeport 14 hauling Deuterium Freeport 14 to Freeport 5 hauling counterfeit software Freeport 5 to Freeport 9 hauling spaceship crew Freeport 9 to Freeport 10 empty Freeport 10 to Gran Canaria hauling niobium. Run Ends Run 3: Start: Gran Canaria to Freeport 10 hauling deuterium Freeport 10 to Shasta hauling niobium Shasta to Erie hauling neon Erie to Gran Canaria hauling neon Run Ends. During the 1st run, the trade lane i was going through was disrupted by 2 Hackers by the names of Zwei and T-Man. Just as we started in negotiations, the LNS came along and cleared me to go while they dealt with the pirates. During the 2nd run, Illuminated and I were flying through space and got pirated by a Molly. I ended up paying 2 million credits and Illuminated paid 1 million credits. The Molly said that we needed a Licence to fly through space. I forget which run i was on, but I did also get stopped by =CR=orange asking if i was selling anything, i said no, all i had at that point was consumer goods, he said okay, that he was running low anyways, and i took off. All in all, not a bad day for trading. Regards, OSI-Palamino, Joselyn Elizabeth Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Arashi - 10-18-2010 >>> Incoming Transmission <<<
>CommID: Rita Rivierez>Encryption: High >Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta >Destination: OSI >Subject: Zoner Hostilities??? Below is the message I have sent to DHC. As I said, I did not have access to the entire message as to my knowledge it was only sent to the Omicroners, and Omicron Stations. While stopping at FP11 I heard a lot of whispers about this, and saw some news bulletins that were very vague. At fist I thought it was just some propaganda, due to the hostilities out this way. But then I heard the same rumors when I stopped by FP9, and FP XV. I started asking questions of the citizens and they believe it to be true, so I am forwarding this information on to you, as I'd hate to see innocent zoner trade ships attacked because they weren't informed by DHC. If you have any questions, you should contact DHC, or TAZ leadership. Rita Rivierez [TAZ]Eris's.Fairy Commanding. Message *with full headers* to DHC Attached Wrote: >>> Transmission Closed <<<
Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Dourden4 - 10-22-2010 Incoming Transmission.... Comm ID: Duncan Stow Location: Gran Canaria, Omega 49 My apologies for the delay in the transmission, i had a few comm issues to sort out. Anyway, We had a big convoy yesterday and we were meeting at GC. Myself and the Palamino arrived first, and as we waited for the rest of the convoy to arrive, Med Force One came by GC. I had a nice chat with Commander Haddock, seems Freeport Nine is all fixed up. Once the rest of the convoy showed up, we set off on our runs. My manifests follow: GC--> Fujisawa Mining Facility, 4980 units of Deuterium We went empty over to Isehara, where we picked up the Plutonium. On our way out of Okinawa our lone escort, the Orinoco, Traveled down the lane and called out danger. Turns out there was an Infected Kusarian at the jumpgate. While the Orinoco held the infected one at the gate, the rest of us made our escape from the system via a nearby jumphole. The rest of the journey back to Lanzarote was basically a race between us, and completely uneventful. So after the minor delay in Okinawa, i had lost some cargo, but not much. Isehara--> Lanzarote, 4980 units of Plutonium Purchased, about 4977 delivered After that run, we decided to make an Amulet run: GC--> FP10, 4980 units of Deuterium FP10--> Shasta Orbital Skyhook, 4980 units of Niobium Shasta Orbital Skyhook--> Planet Erie, 4980 units of Pineal Amulets Planet Erie--> Boa Vista, 4980 units of Neon Boa Vista--> GC, 4980 units of H-Fuel So all-in-all, an exciting and profitable evening. Ill be back in space as soon as the minor red damage is repaired and the ship refueled. Duncan Stow OSI-Luskanite OSI-Calimshan Transmission ends.... Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 10-22-2010 ![]() --Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
Pretty soon we will be changing the way we supply the Freeports. We are doing a great job at the moment, but I feel it could be done a bit more efficiently. From here on all basic goods deliveries will follow the Package Plan. The plan covers monthly deliveries of basic goods to most Zoner installations. --Location: Solar Breeze, Omicron Theta-- --Subject: Freeport Supply Packages-- Once I have heard back from the respective stations I will update you here with the specific details and bonuses for fulling them. Gabriel Caudill
OSI CEO Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Dourden4 - 10-23-2010 ![]() Comm ID: Duncan Stow Location: Lanzarote Base, Omega 49 Subject: Trade Report Alright, this ones gonna be a good one. The Palamino and Myself headed up to Tau 23 to get some Nio ore from a friendly little miner, callsign Mole. I got my load with no issues, but Palamino ran into a little trouble. As was stated to me, A Junker iff'ed Pirate Transport, callsign The.Merry.Mole.Mining, came by and inflicted major damage to her vessel. He had demanded her load of ore and then started shooting almost immediately, or so i was told, I was not present for this encounter. After the fact, i had a brief conversation with the pilot over the long range communications, and discovered he was seriously misinformed.He actually thought we were Outcasts! Transcripts of that conversation follow: Transcript 1 Transcript 2 While i waited for the Generous miner to refill Palamino, i had a nice conversation with a passing Outcast vessel; the MNS-Alvarez. He had some interesting opinions on the whole situation between Zoners and Corsairs in the Omicrons. Those Transcripts follow: Transcript 1 Transcript 2 Transcript 3 After the conversation we soon set off for New Berlin. We traveled to New Tokyo with no more incidents. Upon arriving at Planet New Tokyo, I received a communication from [TAZ]The.Meat.Grinder warning us of some pirate activity in Honshu. We had to stop for a second while Palamino sorted out some engine malfunctions, and while i was waiting a KNF Battleship appeared, Callsign 113th|IKN-Seiryuu. We had a conversation about Niobium ore and how he thought it wasted on Rheinland. I refered him to our Corporate Offices for discussing a possible shipping contract. He seemed intrigued by the idea, so maybe we will have another deal soon. Transcripts of that conversation follow: Transcript 1 After this we moved on and made it to New Berlin. We sold our ore, bought some food rations, and headed over to Hegoland Station. There we sold the food and picked up Nuclear Device, which we delivered to Lanzarote with no incidents of note along the way. As we approached Lanzarote, a few contacts showed on the scanners. Upon getting closer one of them showed to be a Corsair, callsign Alex.Uretonov, sitting right above Lanzarote. Here is the guncam shot i obtained: Guncam 1 He made no Hostile moves so i just docked and sold my cargo. I ended my runs here at Lanzarote Base. Duncan Stow OSI-Luskanite OSI-Calimshan Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - raynestorm - 10-24-2010 Incoming Transmission CommID: Joselyn Elizabeth Subject: Trade Report. Greetings, Sorry it has taken a little time to send this through, but i was trying to get all of my paperwork and information together so that this would be correct. I was lucky enough to be able to make a run with the Calimshan, we started out in Omega 49 at Gran Canaria and headed to Freeport 14 with a load of Deuterium, made it safely to the Freeport. Went from Freeport 14 over to Ames Research Station with water. We had heard that a friendly miner by the name of Mole was selling some ore. So I flew up to meet him and get my cargo. I had just paid him and collected my cargo when another ship by the name of The.Merry.Mole.Mining flew up and demanded my cargo. By the time i got to say anything or even jettison my cargo, he was shooting at me. I was destroyed in a matter of seconds. The friendly miner, Mole, did try to help me, but unfortunately it didn't work. Copies of the conversation are as follows: http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h202/fal...OSI/screen7.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h202/fal...OSI/screen8.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h202/fal...OSI/screen9.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h202/fal...SI/screen10.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h202/fal...SI/screen11.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h202/fal...SI/screen12.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h202/fal...SI/screen13.jpg Afterwards, i recieved a message from the miner, Mole, offering to mine a new load of ore for free, so i flew back out to where the miner was picked up my second load of ore. I flew back to meet up with the Luskanite, because the Calimshan had docked with the station. The Luskanite and I continued on the run together to go and sell our load of ore. We traveled to New Tokyo with no further incidents. While at New Tokyo, i had some engine malfunctions that i had to sort out in order to move forward with our run. Once that was fixed we moved on to New Berlin, where we both sold our ore. We then picked up food rations and moved on to Hegoland Station, where we sold the rations of food and picked up nuclear devices. We headed to Lanzarote, and made it there with no problems. When we arrived at the base, we found a Corsair sitting on top of the base. He made no hostile movements or did not broadcast anything hostile over the comm, so I docked and sold my cargo. Lanzarote Base is where my run ends. Thank you for your time, Joselyn Elizabeth Transmission Ends. |