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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Equinox - 01-02-2008

Comm ID: Elder Costello
Message to: Carlos Benitez
CC to: The Benitez Family

Let me make this clear, these threats you have talked about is a lie and I don't like it one bit that you would ACCUSE us of such a thing, now either come with proof of us threatening/forcing you to change your stance with the SCRA or you better take those accusations back, its that simple.

My information tells me that the trader you tried to stop and order around was a Corsair IDed trader that had made quite a few food drops at Crete before this incident with you.

Although we don't tolerate his actions we also don't tolerate yours. We don't like being accused of something that has never happened.

It has also come to my attention that the protocol you are on about, that you yourself set down as law on Crete was NEVER actually discussed with the other Corsair factions. You went ahead making this law without even asking the Brotherhood if we agree with it? after all we have done to help the Benitez family when you first arrived here.

Although I do see a need for this law I do not see how you can just pass the "no passenger law" without seeking council from the Brotherhood before hand.

Now if you want to make new bed fellows with the Coalition then you go for it, we really don't care. For thousands of years the Brotherhood has been around and trust me we will be around for another thousand.

The Elders are in discussion on what to do with with the accused Brotherhood member.

End transmission.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-02-2008

------Incoming Transmission--------------------
To: Elder Equinox of the Brotherhood of Crete
From: Commandante, Don Carlos Benitez

Evidence has been supplied to the Brotherhood confirming everything that has previously been stated regarding Che.Guavera. To call it a lie is to call into question the honour and integrity of myself, my brothers Ferono and Zavier, and every citizen of Crete who went without a meal some days ago because food shipments where usurped by tourists.
My message to the Corsair nation that triggered the retaliatory shooting of all ships bringing Tourists to Crete was not one claiming that such an action would be law, but simply that I would do everything in my power to stop these people from taking food of the plates of our children, or for spies and saboteurs among them to bring our nation to it's knees. I received no opposition from anyone in the Council when I made this declaration, and in-fact received support from all who responded. I will, as stated previously, dictate our policy based on what is right, and best for both my family and the nation, and will not have it dictated from on-high by the Brotherhood.
Any Corsair who deliberately, or through ignorance brings potential enemies and usurpers to our doors is no hermano of mine, and we will continue to attack anyone who tests our resolve by bringing these people to our home. ((// I am told by my hermano Ferono, whom I trust implicitly, that the trader had no IFF and a Generic Trader ID. The player also switched characters and retaliated, a server law violation, I believe. I'd rather not notify them, and let you get on with disciplining members of your organisation who are way out-of-line))

If you want evidence of your attempts to manipulate our diplomacy, I need only refer you to your own comm channel in which you questioned my motives for choosing not to join your hostilities with the SCRA.
Quote:I also find it amusing the stance from the independent corsairs aswell as the Benitez after everything they have done to you.
I didn't need reminding of the SCRA's victimisation of us many cycles ago, and your mention of offences they had committed against us in the past; that you denied had happened before the SCRA turned on you (or vice versa) is little more than manipulative.
Who has wronged us more? The Bully who's nature it is to victimise small clans, or the Older brother that stood and watched, and never intervened?

Quote:the SCRA have got in the way of the Brotherhoods friendships with other Corsair factions (Benitez, OPG) and it was brushed under the carpet
-Costello, you where the one holding the broom.

I'm also concerned about the juxtaposition of your message with that of Elder Raul. D. Yanez.
One apologetic, accepting the facts that your member Che. Guavera violated your policies and ours. Another post questions our motives, honesty and integrity. It seems "unity", the nominalisation apparently lacking between the people of Crete, is also absent within your brotherhood.
Who's message do I take as the word of the Brotherhood?

------------Transmission Ends-------------------

----Incoming Transmission---------------
To: Benitez Family and Allies
Comm ID: Commandante, Don Carlos Benitez

A glorious night to be a Corsair!
After offloading a large shipment of Alien Artefacts on Rochester in NY, myself and fellow smuggler Ferongr departed, carrying Counterfeit Software discs, and headed for Bretonia. While emerging from a Jump-hole, we where ambushed by the LSF who managed to disrupt the engines of my colleague. I managed to escape, but my friend's ship was destroyed.
I arrived back at Crete safely, and later became aware that the smuggler; was still alive, and in LSF custody. We also received a tip-off from a Corsair sympathising LSF agent suggesting that the smuggler, along with a number of other criminals including some hated Red Hessians where on-board an LSF Prison ship, and where being transported to a Bretonian Prison Station in the Manchester system.
Quickly, we assembled a strike team consisting of 1 Gunboat, 1 Praetorian Bomber, and 1 Titan to retrieve the smuggler, and any other allies that may be on the train. I piloted my battle-scarred gunboat Tartarus.
The strike team quickly made it's way to the Manchester system, and using information supplied by the corrupt LSF officer, deduced that the prison ship and it's escorts would be headed through Cortez.
I, and the rest of the strike team jumped to Cortez and set up a lane hack some 15k from Planet Curacao.
An LSF scout emerged from the hacked trade-lane, and was pacified by heavy laser-fire. Dodging our fire, he was unable to warn the prison ship and it's escorts, who emerged from the lane moments later.
The strike team focused all fire on the Prison Ship, and scored heavy damage to its hull. Facing the death of the Ship's crew, the LSF forces stood down and allowed our Bomber to dock with the Prison ship.
Not long after, LSF and SA reinforcements where detected on an approach vector. The smuggler we where after was located, and brought onto the Bomber, which un-docked.
The strike group made a quick getaway, leaving the prison ship stranded and the fighter escorts dazed as to what had just happened.
Due to the interruption of incoming re-enforcements, we where unable to liberate any more prisoners, but made our way back to Crete with the smuggler who is now staying as a guest of the Benitez, and should be back to moving our Art in no time.
No hermanos where lost in this raid, which can only be described as a triumphant success.

Later that evening, Praetor Zavier Benitez organised an invasion of our drug trafficking nemesis' stronghold of Omecron Alpha. I was back at Crete, holding down the fort, but I am told that our force managed to take down 2 Battleships, a number of Cruisers and Gunboats using a fleet equal in number, but packing less fire power. The victory fell on us, and whilst our ships where eventually driven away by Solar radiation storms, I am told that the Outcasts now are focusing efforts on licking wounds and piecing their ships back together.

It is with great pride that I offer my congratulations to Praetor Zavier, who once again demonstrated the skill, talent and leadership ability that inspired me to bestow Praetorship upon him. My congratulations and thanks go also to the other hermanos who took part, and the indipendant corsairs and Brotherhood members who tagged along to provide assistance.

Today also saw the debut of a new hermano, Senor Daniel_Benitez, who, whilst young and inexperienced, proved his capability and own skill today in Alpha. Welcome to the family.

And finally, as another bit of on-going seems the Clan Treasury is looking healthier than ever before, and as a result, expansion plans of our secret base can now move forward. I will be overseeing the efforts at the outpost over the coming months, and it should be ready for widespread strategic use in afew months time. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped raise funds to pay for the construction operation, and urge you to continue with your donations to ensure that such feats can frequent Benitez' future.

Viva los Corsairs. Viva los Benitez.

---------Transmission ends--------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Equinox - 01-03-2008

Comm ID: Elder Costello
Message to: Carlos Benitez
CC to: The Benitez Family

I think you need to re-read my lest message, the accusation of us forcing (yes forcing) you to change your diplomacy was what i was saying was a lie not if this Che acted out of hand.

Quote:I also find it amusing the stance from the independent corsairs aswell as the Benitez after everything they have done to you.

Where in that message is the forcing you or threatening you like you mentioned? its an observation, theres no forcing or threatening there.

You mention that you do not want to be dictated to by the Brotherhood, do you not think that bringing this law in without seeking the other Corsair factions views is dictating to them?.

It has no value to me if this was a right choice to make at the time, the point is you went ahead with it without consulting the Brotherhood.

Also you mention it was me that brushed it under the carpet? I really think you should get your facts right before saying such things, or have you long forgot our conversations? my hands were tide at that time but it doesn't mean that the whole thing wasn't brought up with the other Elders by me when I thought they where over stepping there mark forcing our allies away like they did.

I think you forget how we helped you when you first started here, the one mistake we made was letting old ties with a allie blind us to what was going on, if you wish to punish us for this by allieing yourself with the revolutionaries go right ahead I guarantee it will be your undoing just like it was ours.

By the way Yanez is more polite than me, I normally just tell it how it is, you should no that by now.

Like i said in my last message the Brotherhood member is being dealt with.

End Transmission.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-03-2008

--Retaliatory Transmission---

As stated, no law was ever passed. It was a declaration of my intent, and that of my family. Our policies do not require Brotherhood appraisal, and if your organisation adopted the same policies, you should have discussed it with yourselves first.
As stated in my post, I named a trader's traficing of Passengers to Crete "Crimes against our people", because weather or not it is against your laws, it is still a crime against the people, to bring tourists to our home and force our children to starve.

Your hands where never tied Costello. It was always a choice; face deteriorating relations with SCRA, or the Benitez? Us or them? You chose to stick with them...and now where has it got you? SCRA have abandoned you, and we are still here defending your families.
But only now do you admit that the Benitez where ever mistreated by the SCRA. Back then, you stated we where in the wrong. And now that you have admitted you where wrong to downplay how badly we where treated. Yet there is no apology for not fighting our corner, no-one looking back and thinking; perhaps we chose the wrong ally?
The SCRA affair was started be a renegade Benitez member who attacked them, and in your arrogance, TBH and SCRA forced me to reduce myself to apologising profusely and humbly for the actions of a member who had already been exiled from my family.
A renegade TBH has attacked our ships. Where is our grovelling apology? When will TBH suffer the same humiliation by the hands of their allies?
We have treated you far better than you deserved.
You overplay your assistance to us when we where a young family. Snippets of advice and afew small loans opened our relations, which quickly turned to contempt and mistrust due to actions by renegade members and unchecked independents and the realisation that before our arrival in this sector, any new brothers of ours would have otherwise been brothers of yours. Further deterioration when the SCRA victimised us and you decided your relations with them where too valuable to risk by fighting our corner. So you see, I have got my facts straight.
You've always undervalued us, that is the core of the problem here.

--Transmission ends-------------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Zelot - 01-03-2008

Signal Source: AFA Fallowed Ground, Saga Station, Tau 42
Signal Destination: Benitez Family, Crete, Omicron Gamma
Signal ID: Ze'ev Barak, Ambassador of the Artisan Farmers Alliance

Konechewa Don Carlos,
This message is a follow-up to our conversation in space the other day, I represent the intrests of a large orginazation of independent Kusari Farmers. We have had a hard time competing with the products of the Liberty corperations. Many of the farmers I represent have no place to sell thier product. They are forced to let thier fields lay empty. Don Carlos, I think we should discuss what we can accomplish together.

This is my private comm channel:

Thank you for your time Don Carlos

Ambassador Ze'ev Barak, Artisan Farmers Alliance

signal terminated ------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - custo'-benitez - 01-03-2008

***incoming transmission***

This is Custo' Benitez signing in. Just a few incidents to report.

Zavier Praetor had just retired back to Crete due to a injury that was giving him grief, when the TBH gunboat Scarii announced he was going to return to Delta to go help with the war effort over at Yarren. I moved my Titan from Crete orbit and went to accompany him.
At the Gamma > Kappa Jumphole I came across a pilot callsigned as Alexander.Kalashcinov or something similar. I requested he identify himself in ID and affliction. He replied Merc so I gave chase although he was out of scanner range. He fled through the Kappa JH so I jumped through after him. He had already engaged cruise engines and had a good head-start giving him a lead over me and fustratingly putting him out of scanner range again. He then had the audacity to, on open comms, ask why Corsairs chased him. I was then called back to the Gamma JH by Scarii who told me there was a Keeper incoming who we could ambush as it came through to Kappa. A Keeper did jump through, it was identified as Keppers.Tauvi. As it jumped through a Rep Ex ship came on scanners so before engaging the Nomad, I jumped back to Gamma to warn the pilots there a Rep Ex was inbound. I then jumped back to Kappa and engaged the Nomad. The ship it flew was extremely manoverable and my Titan could rarely put a hit on it, the fight was surely won when a Order tagged Osiris arrived callsigned Alder. The Nomad being outgunned and outnumbered then fled.
I went to investigate another hostile contact that had arrived on scanners. I can't remember the callsign, but it was a Zoner tagged and Zoner IDed Zoner Destroyer. The fact it was Zoner tagged confused me, seeing as I am at a freindly status with the Zoners. I ckecked my rep list and found the Zoner guard had been added. Still, the fact Zoner capital ships are near the JH to Gamma is a bit worrying, I would ask that they kept their major warships out of the systems around Gamma...

And on the note of the last few transmissions by Elder Costello of the Brotherhood, I recall you saying: "For thousands of years the Brotherhood has been around and trust me we will be around for another thousand." Just one thing I noticed about that, the first sleeper ship to arrive in Sirius was the Liberty, and that happened rougly 816 years ago, our sleeper ship, the Hispania landed considerably after this. You say TBH has been around for over a throusand years, but I doubt the Corsair people have been around for more than 790 years. I'm not to well versed in Solarian history, but I'm pretty sure TBH wasn't around back on Earth.

***transmission terminated***

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-03-2008

------Incoming Message---------
Comm ID: Commandante, Carlos Benitez at the Mrytos Villa, Benitez Base on Crete
Intended Recipient: Ze'ev Barak, Ambassador of the Artisan Farmers Alliance

I am very interested to enter diplomatic talks with the Artisan Farmers Alliance. Essentially, we possess resources and equipment in plentiful supply for ourselves, but invaluable to eachother. Thus any kind of arrangement between our organisations could, forseeably, be little other than totally beneficial for both parties.

The people of Crete need food; something I am told the Farmers Alliance has in surplus. The Benitez family require funds; solid cash to be spent on construction of our ships and outposts. In return, we can offer weapons, equipment, strategic advice and possibly assistance. We can also offer valuable Alien technology that can be smuggled to house capitals for large profit that in turn, can benefit both our organisations.

These are the resources we have to trade for mutual benefit. What say you?

----------Link remains up. Over---------------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-03-2008

------Incoming Transmission--------------------
To: Benitez family, and allies still loyal to us.
From: Commandante, Carlos Benitez
Source Location: Emergency temporary executive offices on Yaren Base, Omecron Delta

Tonight, a meeting was organised by Praetor Zavier and Respected Elder Yanez of the Brotherhood. Initially, things went well, until the Brotherhood drew back the thin veil covering their true intentions and pushed a proposal (one representative, accidentally, but appropriately calling it a "demand") that the Council of Elders be restructured to give Benitez 1 single representative, where the remainder of the council would be made up of Brotherhood members.
After attempts to divert discussion to a different solution, and the refusal by 1 TBH member in particular to let the matter drop, the Benitez representative ships entered formation, engaged cruise engines, and left the meeting, and then Gamma, as a gesture of the Benitez' loss of confidence in the Brotherhoods' regime.

Shortly after arriving in our hideout at Cadiz in Omega-5, we recieved word that a joint Outcast and Blood Dragon fleet was inbound to Gamma. Choosing not to face attack by the TBH aswell as the attack force, and to demonstrate to the Brotherhood why they need our support, we took our ships to Omecron-Alpha to draw away the Outcast and Blood Dragon force.
Alpha was relatively undefended, and after defeating an Outcast battleship and a number of fighters and bomber (3 or 4), the battle in Gamma was over, with victory reportedly falling on the Brotherhood.
We recieved word that we would henceforth be known as traitors to the Corsair nation.

Thus the exodus began. With Naxos Orbital Colony not yet complete, we had no choice but to make our way to one of the few bases where our alliegences still lay. All ships of the fleet are now on Yaren. The Zoners on Freeport 11 have been helpful, and are providing accommodation for the families from Crete that where rescued before we where driven out.
Loyal smugglers such as Oliver Delacroix rescued our relatives from Crete, and brought them to Omecron Delta, along with our most valued possessions. Other ships on Crete are being liberated as we speak.

I am almost certain that the Brotherhood and their supporters will by now have burned down our homes on the planet that should have always been called "home". Reports from Omecron-94 report that the Orbital Colony is still at least 4 months from completion, and in the meantime, we Benitez are without a home.
We retain our dignity however; our pride, and self-determination that the Brotherhood attempted to rob from us. We have no desire to strike back at the Brotherhood and see innocent Cretians die in the process... we are making appeals to our remaining allies; the Farmers Alliance (AFA), the Order (who have already been very accommodating), Gaians (NLH), and perhaps even the Colonial Remnant (who know only too well how painful it is to lose your home) to supply us with the food and other supplies we need, to keep our people going through this difficult time in our history.

The first phase of the Exodus of the Benitez Family is under way, forced by the Brotherhood's desire to control us. The second phase will begin when Naxos Orbital Colony is complete in Omecron-94.

This message, heard so many times shouted in triumph in the heavens above Crete, now does not symbolise jubilation or triumph, but our hopes and fears for the future of this family, and for the people of Crete whom we left behind.
"Viva los Corsairs. Viva los Benitez."
One day, we may again have a home. Perhaps even one day, we will return to Crete, but now we must stand steadfast in the face of hardship, and ready to face new challenges ahead.

[Image: yarenzt1.png]

-------------Transmission ends----------------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Equinox - 01-04-2008

' Wrote:------Incoming Transmission--------------------
To: Benitez family, and allies still loyal to us.
From: Commandante, Carlos Benitez
Source Location: Emergency temporary executive offices on Yaren Base, Omecron Delta

Shortly after arriving in our hideout at Cadiz in Omega-5, we recieved word that a joint Outcast and Blood Dragon fleet was inbound to Gamma. Choosing not to face attack by the TBH aswell as the attack force, and to demonstrate to the Brotherhood why they need our support, we took our ships to Omecron-Alpha to draw away the Outcast and Blood Dragon force.
Alpha was relatively undefended, and after defeating an Outcast battleship and a number of fighters and bomber (3 or 4), the battle in Gamma was over, with victory reportedly falling on the Brotherhood.
We recieved word that we would henceforth be known as traitors to the Corsair nation.

It seems your plan to "show the Brotherhood how much we need you" failed miserably. We with the help of true Corsairs (Corsairs that did not run because of some differences and let the whole of Crete fend for itself to prove a point) defended our home amicably.

Now you like to try to put across how your so poor done to, quite a nice show I admit but im sure no one is as gullible as to believe such rubbish.

From day one the Brotherhood has tried to help you, and we have many times, although you seem to forget that, but now when the chips are down you have shown your true colors not only to the Brotherhood but to the many independent Corsairs there.

So you carry on trying to portray us as the bad guys but the simple fact is if it wasn't for us those families of yours that you picked up would be under the control of the Outcasts and NovaPG now.

End Transmission.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Zavier - 01-04-2008

Incoming Transmisson
Comm ID: Praetor Zavier Benitez

Elder Costello..Your ships were damaged, your pilots tired..If that outcast battlegroup we destroyed had've made its way to Crete, your tired pilots would've been picked off like flys by FRESH outcast ships and pilots. Your damaged ships would've stood no chance. We chose to stem the tide of reinforcements. If we had've joined the main fight, our pilots and ships would've been tired and damaged, and in no shape to fight off the battlegroup.
Now do you see why we did what we did? Or are you too busy slandering us across Sirius to care?

Praetor Zavier out.

Transmission end