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Pirate: - Jimothy - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:Do police officers go around shooting people for mugging someone? Yes, I know disco =/= real life, but it's common sense
Shooting no, but in disco, criminals are less likely to stop for the law, and being chased and caught is not likely to result in an arrest, so a kill must be made...

Pirate: - Baltar - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:Shooting no, but in disco, criminals are less likely to stop for the law, and being chased and caught is not likely to result in an arrest, so a kill must be made...

You've not been here long have you. I've RP'd being arrested before. They escort you and have you dock at some base neutral and simulate being arrested. Then the bad guy or gal swaps to another character for a while. I've done it for RM, BAF and LN before. I'm sure you can be a bit more creative with your RP to get around the game mechanics.

If the bad guy or gal doesn't wanna play along then he or she's resisting arrest and by all means take em out. But if they plead for their life, offer a bribe, follow your instructions? Let em live.

The big difference here is that if you "kill" em ... then they gotta leave for 4 hours. Do you really wanna be a jerk and have them unable to role play their character for 4 hours just so you can have YOUR fun?

Pirates don't have to pirate EVERY trader that comes across their path. Why do you gotta destroy EVERY pirate that crosses yours? Like you said yourself ... it depends on the circumstances and whether the other person is willing to role play with you. Don't turn this into a slaughter fest.

Pirate: - Elsdragon - 09-01-2010

While pirates do not -have- to pirate every trader they come across, most of the droll croud that calls liberty their home does. Heck, most pirates everywhere do. Not all pirates, but enough that the lawfulls gun them down on sight. A sad state of affairs, I think, but thats what you get from all those idiots, factional or non.
It is true, and I agree, that just because you can does not mean you should, but when you have a Substantial pirate population making very high demands, and a substantial lawful population who only does it for the shooting, you are bound to get what amounts to MW2 in space.

Pirate: - Baltar - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:... It is true, and I agree, that just because you can does not mean you should, but when you have a Substantial pirate population making very high demands, and a substantial lawful population who only does it for the shooting, you are bound to get what amounts to MW2 in space.

Can you explain away the lolcaps with LNS tags? I mean really ... do we need to have so many dreadnoughts and LABCs?

EDIT: Sorry Elsdragon ... didn't mean to sound so rude. But notice that the Rogue Destroyer requires an SRP but you can get ANY lawful cruiser or larger WITHOUT an SRP? A bit of a double standard if you ask me.

Pirate: - Elsdragon - 09-01-2010

It is, really and truely, a double standard, same that exists for the corprate guys hardly being allowed to defend themselves.

If lawfuls can get a better ship easily, there is hardly a reason to stop a few lesser played pirate groups from having a dessie that can only be gained from a forum that has been indefinitly closed.

Pirate: - Baltar - 09-01-2010

I just consider it downright bad joo joo to go blowin up a pirate just because he's got the ID. I don't take my pirates in to do an all out assault on an LN, LSF or whatever ship ... why do they gotta do it to me?

We pirates have a heck of a time getting ANYONE to role play with us. Traders run silent or they yell "I don't pay pirates" ... everybody else just says "die pirate" and open up on the guns.

Sorry but I don't buy the whole shoot first and role play later bit. When I pirate I keep my demands low (2 mil max but usually only 500k). If you lawful (or lolful) types wanna just open up the guns "because I'm there" then you can expect my demands to go up in to the 10 mil range.

Not to mention that when you go all "shoot on sight" then you really cannot complain when a large Rogue or Hacker battlegroup shows up to just start shooting you on sight. Can't tell you how many times I've been outnumbered 10 to 1 on my pirate and being blown up just because I'm red. Its annoying as crap and IMHO violates rule 0.0.

Pirate: - blubba - 09-01-2010

Quote:keep in mind Rule # 6.7 (and all its exceptions) ... "Attacking freighters, transports, liners or demanding cargo from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships." This includes the LNS tagged vessels. You cannot attack a Transport or Freighter with a Pirate ID while you fly around in a cruiser or battleship. Sorry but ONLY the [LN] tagged vessels have this authority

No need to apologise there Baltar. Specifically exception 'a' I believe. 'House space'.

Quote:Exceptions to this rule are:

a) Official faction tagged house ships in their respective house space ONLY.
b) Terrorist, Nomad, Wild, Phantom ID players;
c) LSF or Liberty Navy Guard vessels operating within Zone 21 or Alaska;
d) Order Guard vessels operating within Alaska or Omicron Minor;
e) Blood Dragon Guard vessels within Chugoku;
f) Corsair Guard vessels within Omicron Gamma;
g) Outcast Guard vessels within Omicron Alpha;
h) Guard ID players in their -own- associated Guard system.
i) Special OP players within the guidelines of their approved RP.

Now assuming that you were an LN capital vessel (in the example given), you have the right, even if he's a freighter/transport to vaporize him. If you are not in the official faction but have a gunboat or smaller, you can still vaporize him, assuming RP rules are followed.
Remember that it was stated:
Quote:yet they think they can just move through house space as long as they don't hurt a fly.
It's the 'House space' that made the difference regarding the capital ship vs transport/freighter question. If it's not 'your House space', don't do it.
I think thats right anyway...

Pirate: - sean24 - 09-01-2010

If you are getting sick of pirates who say they've done nothing wrong just make sure you keep a copy of the Laws of Liberty handy or at least memorise some of them.

Every unlawful ship is illegal in Liberty so 'arrest' them for that.

Pirate: - Blaze - 09-01-2010

If you want to get rid of pirates then get a fully loaded liberator and grab a mercenary friend and hire him to for a million per suspect:)

If you want to get rid of pirates then get a fully loaded liberator and grab a mercenary friend and hire him to for a million per suspect:)

Pirate: - coffee - 09-01-2010

As far as I get it - ID's are to show/check if the player uses the right vessel/equipment according to the tech chart
(except special ID's)
So it is an OORP thingy