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Memorial thread - mwerte - 10-17-2010

AC Merc, got me started with RepEx, and a very cool guy to talk to. He started the 'amusing sanctions' trend, and was alway fair and willing to help as an admin.

Johann Brunhild. How the guy knew SO much about Rheinland is beyond me. And a good friend.

Memorial thread - Primitive - 10-17-2010

' Wrote:Joker's.Thug-Drunky
This guy was really fun guy to be around with. He's from Hungary. He liked to come online semi-drunk/stoned and fly with us just telling jokes for hours. He had flown with us from back in Apocalypse Wing days. I just can't remember his name back then (really annoying). Sharing numerous versions of Monkey-jokes near planet Gammu is what use to cause my stomach to ache from all that laughter.
RL got him. He had to move to Austria where he got a new job. I'll never forget that guy.

His name was Peter, best man to fly around with.

Memorial thread - dodike - 10-17-2010

I miss Bobthemanof.... he always made me laugh

Memorial thread - Not Espi - 10-19-2010

uh. some of the people mentioned here are still around, and at least one of them is flying on a regular basis.

joker, your drunky guy is still playing. he is in tbe black sails shooting your trident everytime you pop around:)

ench, gentle is returning. he remade his sails character a few days ago, and i see him fly on his phantom time to time, even if just in the form of a brain and balls with some wiring:lol:

however, my 2 cents:

sails bunch:

grimly - even if he pops ingame from time to time and flies around with us, he is fairly inactive due to RL. he and skeleton sails taught me so much it unbelievable. i'm a faction player thanks to them and grimly will have a special place in my disco players folder for like - ever.

TME - left just recently, but he was a great guy to talk to. iRP and ooRP he was overall a great dude to mess around with.

vega (or TYHPilot for forum name) - he didn't say he left (not permanently at least), but he hasn't been around for quite a long time. i fear he might not come back, but keeping the hope alive.

jamie - another anzlag fellow that left us. sorry to see it too. great guy as well.
from the old council bunch -

carole - oh, the lulz in skype chats. finish your gorram studies and march in!

lanakov - haven't seen him in some time now. he might be playing somewhere where i'm not meeting him though, so - yeah.

zhenya - no idea what happened with him whatsoever. he just kinda disappeared

tazuras - lulzy lulzy lulzy, even if he might be lurking around somewhere.

teschy - is in the process of leaving... q-q

might have missed someone, ill add them when i remember.

Memorial thread - The Joker - 10-19-2010

' Wrote:(...)
joker, your drunky guy is still playing. he is in tbe black sails shooting your trident everytime you pop around:)
Are you sure?

Memorial thread - Kubotan - 10-19-2010

Yep Drunky is still around. A good friend of mine. And one of the better pilots I have met.

Memorial thread - Not Espi - 10-19-2010

' Wrote:Are you sure?


Memorial thread - The Joker - 10-19-2010

' Wrote:aha
People are so nice nowadays. Yay!

Thanx for the info fellas.

Memorial thread - Not Espi - 10-19-2010

' Wrote:People are so nice nowadays. Yay!

Thanx for the info fellas.

aha he came back like 3 weeks ago.


Memorial thread - n00bl3t - 10-19-2010

' Wrote:Sprolf
Unfortunately I've had rare opportunities to RP in-game with this guy as him being Collin Breen. Probably got to know him better when the game started to be boring for him or when he became annoyed by negative atmosphere which existed in this community. And still exists. I do remember one of his Order-chars back when we use to invade or try to invade Minor. Great RPer.
We exchanged PMs, talked about a lot of topics in general. He wanted to become a writer if I remember correctly. He's one of those guys with whom you'd gladly go for a drink.
A friend.

John Kimble
This guys wasn't around for long, at least not with this char, but he was so funny with "I'm a cop, you idiot" line. We use to fly around Liberty on several occasions and RP two idiots with a lost goal in their minds. Joker simply wanted to help him reacquire Sarah Connor. They never succeeded.
His RP was a laugh-riot.

' Wrote:Reavengitair.
This dude was just great. Always loved reading his posts.. Maybe not the lengthy ones as much though.. He's the guy you can point a finger at for bringing back up the bd. And he did a hell of a job at it too. Great RPer, and great PvPer. Though he'd never admit it. XD I always wondered how he could type so fast.. By the time i was finished typing "konnichiwa" he had already started up a whole dang conversation! Just a cool bean to hang with, definitely. (Btw he does pop in every now and then).

I'm pretty sure almost everyone here remembers this guy.. Oh god.. Heh. He started the whole /CS/ watchamicallit thingymabob. Awesome RPer. Awesome leader in general. I remember whenever i'd call for backup he'd be like, "I don't think I can make it" then 5 minutes later he brings a whole damn fleet. And outside of the RP community.. Eh.. I think everyone knows. But still, cool guy.

EDIT: Metamay's gone too.

' Wrote:Ophidian:
Pretty much most awesome dude I met here, always calm, always finding solutions for everything, epic RPer,
even better friend, amazing with music and graphic stuff, not to mention epic skype chats in OHC channel,
RP meetings with Zoners while he was half drunk xD, meh, those were funny times.

' Wrote:Hyung Soong

' Wrote:Del - awesome guy

' Wrote:Jura II

' Wrote:AC Merc, got me started with RepEx, and a very cool guy to talk to. He started the 'amusing sanctions' trend, and was alway fair and willing to help as an admin.

' Wrote:I miss Akumabito...

The people mentioned here are some of the ones I miss.

My reasons would be similar in most cases.