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To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Printable Version

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To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - BlueSpawn - 11-03-2010

..:: Incoming Transmission ::..
Comms ID: Yevan Pushkin
Location: Freeport 9

But of course. What idiot I am! How dare I presume to paint all Zoners with the same brush!

Take Freeport 2 for example. Totaly different from the others. When the Unioners started to overpopulate the station, the Zoners there got scared by the overwhelming force of the pirate gangs and --



That's right.

They got all of the Unioners to move the hell out and kicked them out of the station.

I suppose this is what we'll do then, dear Lev. We shall paint each Freeport with a brush and then you, who seem to represent a breed of Zoners from the Bizzaro universe, can go to your parallel dimension and live there.

In the meantime, we have to live with the fact that our people were attacked and murdered without cause or warning.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Dancing Bears - 11-03-2010

Ah, so what the gentleman said earlier is true, this is not a discussion of ideas, or a confrence call for zoners to make thier voice heard, this is a set of marching orders, only for people who support you. I think if thats the case, you aught to just change that heading on the transmission, it should read "To: All zoner violenteers, others should not speak."

Either way, this way or that, you can do whatever the hell you want, just dont assume this is the voice of all zoners.

I do find it interesting how quickly you jump to insulting me when other arguments fail you....sad what things have come to, cant even be a pacifist among zoners anymore.

Now I think I will just be on mah way alittle further down the road away from you folk.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - BlueSpawn - 11-03-2010

..:: Incoming Transmission ::..
Comms ID: Yevan Pushkin
Location: Freeport 9

Good. Go back and crawl into the hole from which you came.

Haven't heard from you in nearly a year. When you re-emerge it's to conveniently tell us to be less aggressive toward Corsairs.

Where were you when our people were shot to hell? I don't remember seeing you then.

You were silent for a year, so remain silent now.

Your opinion isn't wanted here.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Dancing Bears - 11-03-2010

No you wont see me flying into a fight to protect someone or fight for your zoner ideals, you want to know why? I am a pacifist, thats my zoner ideal, and it used to be allowed to think differently among the zoners, guess thats not the case no more.

You should know better than anyone, I emerge when there needs to be someone who speaks for the pacifistic ideals of some zoners, it doesnt matter if it's Corsairs, Outcasts, Bounty Hunters, or Unionist. I have always spoke out for finding peaceful ways of dealing with people. I cant point you to all my communications arguing with people, because I just dont do that as well as you folk, I live my life, I was staying with Mal in Baffin for a long time, then there was this lady commodore in Liberty who caught my fancy, anyway, just cause I dont run around opening comms with people to yell about this nonsense and that nonsense dont mean I aint round about.

So good to know that I am right having nothin to do with yous all, when you dont welcome other zoners ideas and contributions, you aint no zoner I want to have anything to do with.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - BlueSpawn - 11-03-2010

..:: Incoming Transmission ::..
Comms ID: Yevan Pushkin
Location: Freeport 9

Your speeches were no where to be found when our Freeports were getting bombed or when we opened dialogue with Corsairs.

Where the hell were your pacifist talks then?

I haven't seen nor heard you make a single conversation with any Corsairs while this mess has went on. If you want to help, do something. Act. Make initiations.

Otherwise, get the hell out of here.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - lousal - 11-03-2010


To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Dancing Bears - 11-03-2010

' Wrote:::::: transmission opened :::::
From: James Ferguson, (]o[)

Mr Shestov,

I do not know if I should cry from joy to see your distinguished theories. So you are a pacifist from Liberty now but you are calling yourself Zoner? I guess we have a problem here, which we could call "involvement", right? But sure, sure ... you were living in Baffin with Malaclypse, which is a very interesting mentioning to confirm your authority and knowledge about Zoner matters, it is as amusing as Old Sol's habit to cite Aristoteles when actually running out of arguments.

But alright then, you shall have your chance I say. If there is anything else but cowardice behind your ideal to maintain peace at all costs your way will certainly prove to be the right one. Let us say you have 24 hours to bargain the following solution with the Corsairs:

1. The Corsair Empire approves the ownership of Zoners over Theta. No exceptions but 5k around the Gamma Jumphole.
2. The Corsair Empire pays no less than 500 million credits of reparations for the damages their pilots committed at Freeport 9, Freeport 11 and Freeport 15. The Empire might want to hold the Bounty Huter Guild Core responsible for some damages at Freeport 11 though. Not our business.
3. The Corsair Empire signs a contract implying Zoners to be their exclusive supplier of food.
4. Zoners will grant docking permissions at their bases as it was been in the past further on.

I daresay we have a touchstone for your ideals now. I am eager to find out in the end if your ideals can provide what is the most important thing for us Zoners - FREEDOM.

Or are you already bribed by the Corsairs?

Awaiting your results, Mr. Shestov,
- Ferguson
::::: transmission closed :::::

Awesome, give me an impossible task, with impossible rigidity and then claim my failure and your successors. I choose to not play your game, I have said what I came here to say, which is you dont speak for me, I dont want war. I am done with your attacks and fallacies at this point, I am off to smoke a joint. Have fun storming the castle.

[Image: pbride15.jpg]

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - Mannock - 11-03-2010

Comm ID: Mannock
To: Shestov

The truth is that I do not know who you are and really do not care. Appears out of nowhere and you want to lecture us about diplomacy and peace, I shall assume that you have never been told the dangers of alcohol and drugs.
Now you'll hear me "tipo listo" if you have something intelligent to say, say it, otherwise you back to the hole that you've left.
Here we are, "CANTAMAÑANAS" to discuss the future of some of the Zoners that affect all of us in the future.

To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - lousal - 11-03-2010


To: Zoners (Comms access to Lev Shestov blocked) - tyro - 11-03-2010

...:Incoming Transmission:...
...:Robert Pirx, Freeport 5:...

I listened carefully to all voices. Unfortunately, I don't see any possibility of agreement. Most of the participants are trying to force their point, don't want to listen other arguments, calling thinking different as traitors. I think, you want the war. Nothing less, nothing more, only the final game. The rest are just words, some philosophical, psychological digressions and pipe dreams. I stand on a realistic basis and I do my best for Freeport 5 safety.

The truth is that you had plenty of time to talk. Elder Shepardi was in your station. I don't know what was happening, because you didn't inform the Zoners community. We knew only rumors. I tried to communicate with you, but only a guy from IND told me some crap about bodies falling out of the ventilation. Your talks were important for the whole Zoners. Why didn't you organize the conference then to ask about our opinion?

The reason is, that you are not interested in such insignificant station as Freeport 5, or others. Now you need us as cannon fodder. And when we'll be wiped out, it will give you another argument to dispute with the Corsairs, which you will lead safely sitting behind the minefield in 74.

No, this is not our way. Hundreds of years Zoners prospered in cooperation with neighbors, and now you want to turn this thing around. If you think this is the Zoners way, it means that we are not the same Zoners. It seems that you are more, but I see no OSI or TAZ votes. When they take the floor, we will see who is who.

Our Freeport remain free as long as possible. Like everyone, you are welcome guest in Freeport 5. We can provide humanitarian assistance to you if you will need it. That's all.

...:End Transmission:...