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Armor Upgrades - CzeReptile - 11-11-2010

Giving you time to run, fire longer and whatnot. The fact that 2 bombers kill unarmored cruisers in matter of minute or two...raises an eyebrow.

Armor Upgrades - Gaz83 - 11-12-2010

' Wrote:No matter how, fighter fights should be shortened.

This, everytime I get into a fighter fight (even more so if light fighters are involved) it lasts ages.
I've even been involed in some that have lasted close to an hour.

I'm all for either removing armour or removing bot & bats, or even stopping shields recharging when they're down, because everyone everytime just dodges like mad until they recharge.

Armor Upgrades - SeaFalcon - 11-12-2010

' Wrote:or even stopping shields recharging when they're down, because everyone everytime just dodges like mad until they recharge.


*grabs his snac and emp's*


So fight are long,
be happy you can dodge lolwuts while calling some help and pew 'em back.
Or when someone start pewing at you when you didn't expect it and you can reload you ship just in time before saying poof.

Maybe decreasing some ships bots... yes.


Look at bright side of it. :rolleyes:

Armor Upgrades - Cond0r - 11-12-2010

To be honest, I'm all for removing Armor Upgrades. It would make fighter fights more intense, and more fun in my opinion. BUT...

If you remove only the Armor Upgrades on fighters, then the fighters basically stand no chance anymore against a Gunboat with basic turrets. And if you remove all Armor Upgrades, then Gunboats don't stand a chance against bombers anymore. Basically, you can't just remove them on one ship type, and you can't remove them on all. It would totally ruin the balance.

Armor Upgrades - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 11-13-2010

Armor is one of the only ways we can customize performance on our ships, other mods have alot more ways.
I'd keep them for variety's sake, an you could always decrease bats/bots If fights need to be shortened.

Armor Upgrades - Xenosaga - 11-14-2010

The manouverability hit seems like the best solution for me.

Armor Upgrades - sampankaj001 - 11-15-2010

' Wrote:The manouverability hit seems like the best solution for me.

Yep thats wat I was saying.....

Everything is about balance,

but, Armored Fighter & Armorless Fighter are both balanced well?

You can say the same for all ship classes,
Armored GB > Armorless GB = ?
Armored CAP > Armorless CAP =?

In any class, only well armored ship getting chance of survival in fight.....

If a VHF fights against the HF, the HF haves a chance of survival due to its high manouverability,
while VHF haves its armor but lacks in manouverability.
So we consider it as balanced.....

Try to apply it on the Armored ship (VHF) & Armorless Ship (HF) then is it balanced?

Removing Bats/Bots not going to solve this problem......
Either you have to introduce manouverability hit thing like the same in RL world or have to remove the armors & balance all the ships against each other......

Armor Upgrades - Coin - 11-15-2010

1 hour fights? I wish I could have one hour fights. I was having one hour fights on RAW, but here, my VHF seems to meet caps wherever i undock, and im bloody useless at fighting with a cap.

the armour upgrades are fine. if your fights are taking too long, its cos your essentially taking a knife to a gunfight.

dont take on a gb in a light fighter, use a bomber and a VHF instead. bombers die very fast to VHF's, and VHF's die to light fighters.

removing armour upgrades is not the answer. changing them slightly is:

we have different sheilds, why not have armour that differs in its response to the different weapons too?

Armor Upgrades - Zeb Harley - 11-15-2010

I don't see how fighter-fights would be shortened by the removal of armor-upgrades.

Whenever you fly a vulnerable ship against an opponent with strong firepower you simply take good care of your shield not to catch any hits to your hull.

So people would fight much more careful. This would probably even increase the length of fighter-fights rather than shorten them.

On another hand I find it quite unbelievable that yet again a skill-related symptom shall be coped with by removing or adding equipment.


I have a much better idea:
What we truly need to shorten fights is some script ingame which erratically flips your mouse's directions.
That wouldn't be skill-related and everyone would be content then.

Armor Upgrades - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 11-16-2010

Removal of being able to trasnfer bots/bats would shorten group fights siginicantly.

But I'm not up for it. Cause it would kill variety. And instakill would be so much of a thing. Now then people are running for instakill they reduce their amount of time spent on regular firing. While also dodging less becouse of constant razor aiming making them open for shots by thier enemies.

Reduction of tactical choices is not what I'm up for. Besides, it's been a while then I had like very long fight I didn't enjoyed.