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random idea - Seth Karlo - 11-25-2010

The day anyone puts battleship weapons on weapon platforms is a sad day for us all. At the very least get creative... I've used stationary gunboats and cruisers before, use some imagination!

random idea - Jinx - 11-25-2010

a little reminder

some time ago - players complained that nasty, nasty smugglers and commonly bad players ( usually referred to as "bad roleplayers" by people who secretly believe that they are good ones ) were able to mostly ignore NPCs and make their way through even the most hostile space.

ships like trains etc. broke through blockades - and the little NPCs with their little CDs could not stop them.

then - it was decided that "yes - give some NPCs train CDs - cause train CDs at least pose a threat" - and so - it was done.

lets have some time pass......

it is "now" - and ppl have made half a dozen threads that the annoying NPCs with no ability to harm them still manage to stop them with their nasty CDs. - ppl feel that it is not RP but only a very annoying element.

and so - train CDs are being removed ( and yay , we go back to 4.83 )

about CD platforms - have you thought it through?

USUALLY - people who suggest such things believe that their factions get such equipments - but factions that are hostile to them do not get it. - until they realize that fairness makes all factions gain it - - only then they find themselves being CDed in the course of their action, too. and it might even be worse.... maybe only factions one thinks should NOT have them - get them... while factions that one personally believed to deserve them ... don t get them.

and just a little while later - ppl tend to make a thread on the forum asking "is it RP? or just obstruction..."

random idea - Backo - 11-25-2010

I would've suggested a small minefield around the entrance jumpholes and some good guns at the way out of the minefield (doesn't matter if it's stationary ships, platforms or anything else).
But economically looked at... Not every faction can afford getting them. But still, it -is- a suggestion.

random idea - Coin - 11-25-2010

' Wrote:It's easy enough to put CD's onto weapons platforms. The Nomad guard system already has them I believe...

As to 20 minute cool downs? Just no. Not only is it impossible without hex editing, it's a crazy idea. Imagine how annoying that would be.

I've been thinking about protecting guard systems and I have a few ideas, but nothing's been testing yet:(

the twenty minute cool down? no. 'twas a five minute cool down, and that was for EMP platforms

basically, the EMP missile - if you hit the target when the shields are down, it makes the ship go dead in water. except that this is a space game, so it goes dead in the vaccum.

so how about a EMP platform that prevents you from entering the system, and you need to cruise away from it (i.e. thrusters do not work)

random idea - AeternusDoleo - 11-25-2010

@Jinx above: The TCD NPC discussion doesn't come into play with static defenses. Turrets can't chase you down for hours on end, you can simply thrust away. As for the TCDing NPCs themselves: I really don't see the problem with them, just blow em up. Transport type 3 guns do an excellent job at NPC control, especially if you switch targets frequently to NPCs who are doing the straight attack run, or side-by-side flight (in which aiming for the + is a guaranteed hit).

What i do take issue with is smugglers that strut through enemy guard systems more or less unimpeded. Giving the guard system exits a bit more of a bite should help in controlling that.

random idea - jxie93 - 11-27-2010

Super EMP platforms would be more effective in this case if you want to stop people lolraiding your stations and planets. If they have fast enough projectile speed and refire not a single enemy ship would be able to fire off a single shot.

random idea - Govedo13 - 11-28-2010

' Wrote:What i do take issue with is smugglers that strut through enemy guard systems more or less unimpeded. Giving the guard system exits a bit more of a bite should help in controlling that.

I agree that it must be done in Guard systems. Some are rather well protected some are not. But this will fix it.

random idea - Skorak - 11-30-2010

Well you could please CD platforms in the range of stations and planets, If they work like weapons platforms... I dont see the problem. There were patrols and now you displace them with a handfull of platforms.

Cereon out

random idea - Backo - 11-30-2010

Still, nothing beats a sudden warp of 10 angry lvl 19 NPCs at you. Priceless, especially if it's Titan NPCs and you're in a capital ship. Hehehe.

But platforms are more trustworthy, since you can never get those 10 angry lvl 19 NPCs at the right time, then again... platforms would probably be snipered waay before the fight, but everything has it's weak spot.

random idea - Crusader4 - 12-04-2010

Nomads have them, why shouldn't guard factions have them too?!