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The worst. - Printable Version

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The worst. - Taffic - 04-17-2011

Worst Light Fighter: Starflier
Worst Heavy Fighter: Defender
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Anubis
Worst Bomber: Thor Mark II
Worst Freighter: Rhino
Worst Transport: Hercules Heavy Lifter
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat

Worst Cruiser:
Worst Battlecruiser:
Worst Battleship:

The worst. - Jihadjoe - 04-17-2011

Worst Light Fighter: All of them. Way too fast. Make me want to puke.
Worst Heavy Fighter: Executioner. Outclassed by all it's opponents.
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Shadow - Have to be drunk to fly it normally. Nomad assassin - feels horrible.
Worst Bomber: Upholder, Blood dragon bomber, KNF bomber.
Worst Freighter: Couldn't say.
Worst Transport: Mammoth - needs more cargospace
Worst Gunboat: Most gunboats are passable. From my experience I'd say the LH GS needs 100 more bots, but you can still get a lot out of it.
Worst Cruiser: Blood dragon cruiser
Worst Battlecruiser: LABC
Worst Battleship: Sarissa or Lib carrier. Maybe the zoner light (medium?) battleship as well, on the grounds it firing arcs suck. I forget what it's called though.

The worst. - sadtranslation - 04-17-2011

Worst Light Fighter: Basalt; it's ugly as sin, but it's not the only ship ugly as sin, so I won't mention all of them here or later.
Worst Heavy Fighter: Falcon; not an Ealge yet, but alredy not a Starflier.
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Charon; another poor subclass.
Worst Bomber: Havok Mk II; it has the less comfortable hardpoints ever.
Worst Freighter: Camara; it's an ugly cigar.
Worst Transport: Border Worlds Transport; it has nothing to do with Border Worlds shipline; in other words, lacks natural beauties.
Worst Gunboat: Hathor; it's slow as brick - so its useless against bigger ships and can be outmaneuvered by almost any other gunboat.
Worst Cruiser: Scylla; big brick and relatively weak.
Worst Battlecruiser: Argus; for obvious reasons.
Worst Battleship: Osiris; because it's overrated.

The worst. - Toothpick - 04-17-2011

' Wrote:Worst Light Fighter: Liberator

Pah...I love my Libby :P

The worst. - Varyag - 04-20-2011

Worst Light Fighter: basalt
Worst Heavy Fighter: bulldog
Worst Very Heavy fighter: avengerlolol
Worst Freighter: x-shuttle
Worst Transport: heavy lifter
Worst Gunboat: scorpion
Worst Cruiser: corvo
Worst Battlecruiser: IMG one because it is hideous (labc would be pwn with a thruster so not that bad)
Worst Battleship: carrier (easy to kill in an LABC or anything you can keep at 2.5k and strafe while shooting backwards)

The worst. - Dashiell - 04-21-2011

Worst Light Fighter: Arrow. useless. just... useless.
Worst Heavy Fighter: hmm... good one. I'd say hammerhead. It's just a lame manta
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Charon or Virage. Both fighters with identity crisises which suck at combat.
Worst Freighter: Rhino
Worst Transport: Barge. Guess why?
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat. worst cruiser in the game. or Orca. useless main gun, lame firepower and easy as hell to hit. And ugly to boot.
Worst Cruiser: Corvo or Fearless. Pointless and weak.
Worst Battlecruiser: LABC or Argus. Both -epically- crap. and I do mean EPICALLY
Worst Battleship: Zephyr. Lame hull, easy to hit and just general poop. Model is cool though.

I'm not counting the Liberty 'Assault' Carrier as a bs here. It's more of a flying pain dungeon for masochistic people who love to lose and have no sense of self preservation whatsoever.

The worst. - Wellingtons - 04-21-2011

In my opinion the

Worst Light Fighter: Banshee
Worst Heavy Fighter: Crusader
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Hammerhead
Worst Freighter: Garanchou
Worst Transport: Barge
Worst Gunboat: Bretonian Gunboat
Worst Cruiser: Corvo
Worst Battlecruiser: LABC
Worst Battleship: Liberty Carrier

The worst. - Kontrazec (Somni) - 04-24-2011

Worst LF: Griffin (oh god oh god oh the horror)
Worst HF: Kingfisher (see above)
Worst VHF: BD (waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too overpowered, yet I use it (sun))
Worst Freighter: Garanchou (looks like a retard tripod)
Worst Transport: Shire (STOP SHAKING ALREADY Q_Q)
Worst Gunboat: Bret GB (you need an explanation?)
Worst Cruiser: Corvo (only useful versus morons like me that joust it in a gunboat)
Worst Battlecruiser: Only flew a Bullhead so far, but I'd say Argus. (Damn those arcs suck.)
Worst Battleship: Sarissa. HUGE, low armor, HUGE, mediocre firepower, HUGE, slow, HUGE. Did I mention huge?

The worst. - Sebastian Wolfe - 04-25-2011

I'm going to base this pretty much entirely on looks.

Worst Light Fighter: The Bretonian one
Worst Heavy Fighter: The Bretonian one
Worst Very Heavy fighter: The Bretonian one
Worst Freighter: The Bretonian one
Worst Transport: The Bretonian one
Worst Gunboat: The Bretonian one
Worst Cruiser: The Bretonian one
Worst Battleship: The Bretonian one

Stupid flying fish people.

The worst. - Denelo - 04-25-2011

Mmkay, I'll play. You forgot bombers in your list, FYI.

Worst Light Fighter: Griffin (OLOL Eagle-sized LF)
Worst Heavy Fighter: Falcon (OLOL Eagle-sized HF with LF-ish guns)
Worst Very Heavy fighter: Virage (... Just terrible)
Worst Bomber: Broadsword (Big, slow, and... light bomber armor and core?)
Worst Freighter: CSV (100% pure abject fail)
Worst Transport: Assuming it counts, Prison Liner (3300 cargo, used to haul prisoners - possibly the least-profitable cargo around - and... almost no one can use it? Also, talk about battlecruiser-sized/speed transports). If not, Firefly (due to the terrible turret arcs and low hold size).
Worst Gunboat: Bretonia Gunboat (seriously, it's the size of a cruiser... literally. It has a bigger forward profile than most cruisers, and doesn't have anything to make up for it but a little bit of extra armor)
Worst Cruiser: Umbrage (formerly the Corsair Huntress, and based on long-standing dev policy on imports, I seriously doubt the arcs have changed. Blind spot? What blind spot?)
Worst Battlecruiser: Argus. Don't even have to explain this one.
Worst Battleship: Liberty Carrier (Lemme see... Twice the size of an RM BS? Check. Horrid textures? Check. The same forward firepower as an Osiris, and almost half the rear firepower? Check. Anything at all to make up for these things? Not really.)