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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - Jamestim - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:TLDR

I say remove the jumpholes, and use it as a place to sell admin given ships, like Bastille.

Oh also, it's really hard for ships that are not from Liberty to get there. I remember an incident between Kusari and Liberty in rp that started because someone was trying to get their ship to conn.

New-York looks as a bog. Dirty mixture of RP and OORP. I hate New York cause that.

Needed to clean Conn from New York and prescribe a command as restart /Conn

posible limit in Conn - Arashi - 12-08-2010

I haven't voted because I disagree with a static # system...

You would have been better off using a % based system, as the server population fluctuates from around 40's to 190's.....

putting a static # on Connecticut limit is just the wrong approach.

That being said.... I think part of the problem is that when people go to Conn and say "I'm practicing" yet they are all clustered around the central station... there are other stations people can break off and goto to practice...

Everyone concentrated in one spot is more an indicator of lolly-gagging around not RP'ing... ((again this is an indicator, doesn't mean you weren't actually practicing combat))...

posible limit in Conn - FraserTE - 12-08-2010

Personally the system should not exist at all. It can easily be disabled with Fl hook its an oorp system on an rp server. It should be used for nothing more then training and thats it.

posible limit in Conn - darthbeck - 12-08-2010

Biased poll is biased.

posible limit in Conn - Total.Absolution - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:OoRP system, RP mod.
Yeah that about covers it for now.

Are you stuck in replay? You've said that quite a few times.

One reason why conn should exist? I don't think you can magically summon your exact setup on the 24/7 server on DoD. Although there is a serious problem about it being in NY, since Liberty is almost always the most active. Not only that, DoD isn't reliable. It crashes often, sometimes it isn't even on. So what do you get when you remove something thats been around for a while? Crying on the forums, and a lot more then the complaining about conn. And Ryoken, quit saying " Omg he's only been here a month he must be a lolwut" He has been around for as long as I've been around, and probably longer. Just because you've been on this server for years doesn't mean your better then someone who has been here, say six months. What your doing is just being a proud "I've been here longer so i'm better then all of you and what I say go's"

posible limit in Conn - schlurbi - 12-08-2010

1. Choose a random unpopulated System that has a Base (Alberta, Edinburgh, etc) or a Guard System
2. Gather your Friends
3. Have PvP Practice
4. ??????
5. Profit

And you wont even have a Limit.

posible limit in Conn - Garrett Jax - 12-08-2010

You know, isn't it possible that if you need to train, you can go to your respective Guard system. For those who don't have a Guard system to go to, then Conn is always there. If you just want to shoot the breeze with your buddies OORP, than that's what SKYPE is for, right?

I would think that should keep the population down in Conneticut to a reasonable level.

posible limit in Conn - Total.Absolution - 12-08-2010

You both make valid points, but so what if your good against your own kind of ship? What happens when you can't fight say, an agile wraith cause your used to a totally different kind of PvP style? That isn't very fun for either party. Example, there isn't really a place for a Wraith and a Guardian to meet and practice other then conn. And thats is my guess as to why it's still here, is because of what I mentioned before.
I'll just leave this here [Image: 10rs7t3.png]

posible limit in Conn - kramer - 12-08-2010

Someone is working on a limiter.
Penn got massively filled up with [Admin]AI## ships and then the whole bunch got kicked by a Cheating message.

posible limit in Conn - SeaFalcon - 12-08-2010

No limit.

When I want to practise I ain't going to disco to disco and setup my ship there.

Oh and what schlurbi said,
People will make practise fests near pitts ^^