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Experiment Successful - arvg - 12-31-2010

It's a general observation.

Experiment Successful - Jihadjoe - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:That said, if that is the major issue, then most of the suggestions in this thread are largely irrelevant and just a blame-game.

I'll agree with this, and I'll tell you what I see as the real issue with discovery.

The truth of disco is the fact that not only does everyone expect the worst possible intentions or reasoning behind an action, but they actively look for negative intention in something. Semi-inventing it if they need to.

Not conciously of course, but still there.

It's like people think, "well, I've got nothing better to do, so I'll go do something I enjoy. I know. Playing a computer game with some random folks, and roleplaying it to create fiction."

And then a few weeks later, they think "Man, I wonder if I can make this less enjoyable for myself. Oh I know, I'll find the worst in every situation I possibly can. If I can't find it, then I'll invent one. That'll be about as much fun as punching myself in the eye! Yeh. I'll totally do that! AWESOME!"

Good work Boss. (bow)

Experiment Successful - arvg - 12-31-2010

And that just about sums it up.

I mean, why not simply do something new?

Disco has always been about making your own fun.

Experiment Successful - Divine - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:...
I mean, why not simply do something new?

Disco has always been about making your own fun.

Man, and here I wanted to stay out. Goshfreakingcrapdamnit you made me post.... Q_Q

But yea. Go make your own fun, and shrug off the rest. The rest of the people just does the same, and for that reason trying for a change is an useless effort. People bitch, whine and complain, yet like it as it is. Want always the others to change, but not changing themselves.

So, uh... go make your own stuff. Get called an import. Shrug it off. Find people to play with. Get what you like and enjoy yourself (not the way it sounded just now).


Some earbleeding.

Edit: I mean, who cares anyways these days? We're a generation of ignorants. Lets live with it.

Experiment Successful - Boss - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:What you need now, mr. "barghest king who kills 2896538273654 ships in 5 mins and then writes on wiki to bring up his already giant ego" is a sig like cam, but in your sig you should put "fix fun".

But hey, you already have an avatar so thats good!

Why does everyone bring up that wiki? I wrote that ages ago, and I rarely fly my Barghest anymore.

' Wrote:I have to disagree with you.

The admin team, and the Moderator team work hard. Yes *some* new blood will be good, but you don't want Admins and Moderators campaigning for their position... if you think there are politics at work now... imagine the "Vote XX for Admin: The Honest Choice"

No I will pass on that option, and place faith in the fair administration I have seen and met with.

Thank you for disagreeing with me. Far better than having everyone /signing.

' Wrote:Ignore the Q_Q, insults, and trolling....

Problem solved.

I do as best I can.

' Wrote:Perhaps Boss is just growing bored with the game and does not realize this.

I am, a little. The problem is that I find it very hard to let go of my characters. I've got a lot that I haven't played. I've tried selling some, but people haven't bought them. I'll probably just start turning them into starfliers and deleting them.

' Wrote:I'll agree with this, and I'll tell you what I see as the real issue with discovery.

The truth of disco is the fact that not only does everyone expect the worst possible intentions or reasoning behind an action, but they actively look for negative intention in something. Semi-inventing it if they need to.

Not conciously of course, but still there.

It's like people think, "well, I've got nothing better to do, so I'll go do something I enjoy. I know. Playing a computer game with some random folks, and roleplaying it to create fiction."

And then a few weeks later, they think "Man, I wonder if I can make this less enjoyable for myself. Oh I know, I'll find the worst in every situation I possibly can. If I can't find it, then I'll invent one. That'll be about as much fun as punching myself in the eye! Yeh. I'll totally do that! AWESOME!"
Good work Boss. (bow)

Correct me if my interpretation of your post is wrong.
I'm not trying to say that everyone's out to get me. I'm saying that things have happened the same way for too long.

Experiment Successful - Tommeh - 12-31-2010

Folks know where problem is, no one is bothered to start something to change it though, why? Cause those who have power to change it, actually like current situation as it suits their own use.

But meh, I way passed the time when I thought something could be changed.
Ohh, and I don't think rotating admin teams would work, we would run out of candidates sooner or later, and then repeating would start, so meh, again same people would be returning to their spots, hell, best thing is to just

[Image: 2rzw5zt.jpg]

Experiment Successful - Dieter Schprokets - 12-31-2010

What Joe said.

People who expect a perfect experience out of a videogame are setting themselves up for disappointment.

That phrase I just said is the root cause of all ills on Disco. Remember that this day you heard it first. 30 Calibre insight, that.

Problem solved.

Oh, and lighten up.

Experiment Successful - Primitive - 12-31-2010

I'm going to refer to your first post, cause it's your thread and I've read it. Without any further reading of what have been written from others.

I agree.

I'm here now for a year and couple of months, everything you've seen I've seen it too. Eventually trough this time I came to one conclusion. There is no point in arguing with people, when you try to tell something to people and you know you're right, if they are more "famous (have more skype friends" they will be backed up no matter how ignorant or such their statements are.

So I did only thing that people in my/our position can. I stopped caring, for last couple of months I play just for RP out of it. I enjoy in that RP and I don't care who the other person in game or on forums is if he RP's with me. I don't care what's his story , where does he comes from, what posts does he make or similar, all I care is having fun in the game when I log on, and playing my characters.

Alot of people came to dislike me (at least I think) because of my " I don't need you cool kiddo" way of playing. I've met some people who did become my well..friends. I did it trough the game, not with blatantly insulting others on forum and waving with my skype name around.

I hope you'll read my statement as I did your. Enjoy Boss.

Experiment Successful - Not Espi - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:Changing the admin team won't fix the players.

that. in the end, it's how you act as a member of a community. not the admins, or devs, or anyone with 'power'.

discovery is not a server. it's a group of people that play it. when there are many people in a room, some will start backstabbing each other. its natural. besides, this is the internet. people act accordingly to the fact.

question is - how will you react to that? you can rage all day but it wont change a darn thing. or you can just ignore it and play the game and enjoy it.

or leave... your call.

Experiment Successful - Jihadjoe - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:Correct me if my interpretation of your post is wrong.
I'm not trying to say that everyone's out to get me. I'm saying that things have happened the same way for too long.

I didn't suggest that. I was more saying it seems like you're seeking (perhaps without realising it) the negative aspects in things around you. That's rather different from outright paranioa.