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which console should i get? - Printable Version

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which console should i get? - Jamez - 02-05-2008

Buy an 8800GTS 512MB and a 3GHz Core 2 Duo (Crysis, CoD4, you name it, it'll play it.)

...or a PS3.

Hmm. Tough choice.

EDIT: Oh yah, i'm a PC nerd.

which console should i get? - xxrockstar992xx - 02-06-2008

' Wrote:i have just recently moved into my new house.

my living room is set up with a 42" plasma 1080p HDTV, the front of my couch is 6 foot from the wall the TV hangs on, and i have a surround sound system that will literally rattle pictures of the walls.

i say all this to show what i have to work with.

i'll not say which system i'm leaning toward to avoid swaying anyone's advice. i'm also not sure when i'll be buying the new console. i just found out this past weekend that the wife is apparently ok with me getting one.

i would love to have a Wii but right now i'm wanting an HD console and don't really have the room to play a Wii.....and deep down inside i'm afraid i'll be throwing the controller through my TV.

so whatcha think?

dude get a ps3 if u want blue ray now.. or wait a while till xbox 360 comes out with blue ray... idk ide prefer ps3 for better graphics or xbox 360 with no lagg

ps EA skate is an amazing game (get it no matter wat!!)

which console should i get? - me_b_kevin - 09-10-2008

alright....i still have yet to purchase a new console AND i am still uncertain.

any updates on opinions?

i'm still not even sure when i'll get one, things keep jumping in front of it on the priority, electricity, babies, etc etc....

which console should i get? - Exile - 09-10-2008

Got a '360 for a while now. Damned pleased. Excellent looking machine, easy to handle. Does about everything a normal PC does too.

which console should i get? - Linkus - 09-10-2008

Plus it has pretty much dominated the market games wise.

which console should i get? - Srkad - 09-11-2008

Gamers = PS3

12 year old kids who like to play halo and yell "omg your such a noobzor, your so gay, omg you suck so much, omg omg omg" = 360

Cute little fluffy pink bunny rabbits = Wii

which console should i get? - Qunitinius~Verginix - 09-11-2008

The post above me is true.

Get a PS3, it has the seriousness of the Xbox, but a better reliablity rate and better internals. The Xbox is almost at its limit, but the best PS3 game uses about 25% of the PS3's power.

Its the way to go.


which console should i get? - Exile - 09-11-2008

' Wrote:12 year old kids who like to play halo and yell "omg your such a noobzor, your so gay, omg you suck so much, omg omg omg" = 360
The above has offended me.
Your name does you honor, and i would now like to request you to Shut up .

It's not the console, its people like you who choose to play on it. You have idiots like that on the PS3 too.

Thank you.

which console should i get? - Culebra - 09-11-2008

I know 5 people with 360s including myself all of them have died. I had a service plan with Best Buy so I got an elite out of it.

PS3 is better hardware but I really don't see any killer games. For me the 360 has better games atm but that can change.

Hmm I would say if you have friends with a 360 get that if not get a PS3.

which console should i get? - Silent_M - 09-11-2008

well from what i gather the PS3 is really the way to go.

from hardware compatibility (get the smallest HDD then upgrade it yourself) to the option to run Linux on it (i mean that is sweet, you have an OS on it, completely functional ect ect) to the fact that it won't die on you when you treat it right (keep it dustfree) the hardware is still far from being maxed out...

i mean if i had the cash i would def get me a 1080p beamer and a ps3. anything below that is just wasting money:)