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illuminati symbol? - Printable Version

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illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:remember to rotate the pic 90 degrees counterclockwise.

i think its a guard with a spear, but ... if you look for something, you will find it.

true :laugh:
i can see the soldier too, but is he aseelp? dead maybe? O_o

"if you look for something, you will find it" - that summarizes the entire thread ^^

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:speaking of which ... how is order funded? :unsure:
merge fail.

see my avatar for futher information on that question (a)

illuminati symbol? - Enoch - 02-05-2011

That is seconded.

illuminati symbol? - Decerebrated.Individual - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:I don't see any reason why a society founded in 1776 should be alive today.

A lot of societies founded way before 1776 are still alive today..

Catholic church, state governements (well US gov is kinda around then), other religions, student associations, universities, etc etc etc

illuminati symbol? - jxie93 - 02-05-2011

Ha, conspiracy theories never get old.

illuminati symbol? - r3vange - 02-05-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]I love conspiracy theories; they show how much the people are paranoid. I mean c'mon something'€™s in the world just are there is no specific plot behind them. Even if there was a plot it's not like anything you can about it which means you can only continue whining about it i.e doing what you are usually doing effectively proving the paranoia, atentionwhoring of the masses and and the need to have something to whine about. Now excuse me while I take a ride in my black helicopter and spread some chemtrails on yo' heads while cleverly pointing out that exposure will not allow the stars to be seen on the moon

P.S You know the Illuminati HQ in Las Vegas right? Those bastards robbed my brother trying to prove that if you get 9 + 11 hand on Blackjack and hit on it you can still win

illuminati symbol? - ProwlerPC - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:remember to rotate the pic 90 degrees counterclockwise.

i think its a guard with a spear, but ... if you look for something, you will find it.

Remember to rotate the whole temple on to it's side to help make the evidence better fit the current created paradigm :P

Edit add: or if rotating the entire temple on it's side doesn't seem suitable one can always just remove the block of stone entirely and say it never existed, that would help more in supporting our current paradigm. ;)

But those pics have nothing to do with anything about illuminati or any conspiracy in our modern world. They are just one of thousands of pieces of evidence that there was more technologically advanced civilizations then what our historians portray. I'm not talking super high tech futuristic civilizations but much more technologically sound then what we currently believe.

illuminati symbol? - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 02-05-2011

One question...

Why would they hide various symbols and such in films?

I can't see any point in doing that, really.

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:One question...

Why would they hide various symbols and such in films?

I can't see any point in doing that, really.

i already pointed that out on my first comment on this thread, yep it does not make sense

illuminati symbol? - r3vange - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:One question...

Why would they hide various symbols and such in films?

I can't see any point in doing that, really.