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Maltese Shipping - Silver.2 - 02-26-2011

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]That it does but it kills the RP of all the small smuglers running around with cardamine

I must disagree. From what I can tell, the MSI would act more as just really big competition, for the smaller smugglers. I dont see how that will "kill" smaller smuggler's RP. If anything, it should make for some interesting interaction.

Maltese Shipping - r3vange - 02-26-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]Imagine you are the station manager of Rochester and you get massive amounts of cardamine from a company with a lot of transport ships, why would you pay the same price for a single independent transport or freighter. In your defense I would say that doesn't make sense as it is since discovery does not include dynamic economy. On the other hand though I disagree with their viewpoint I wish them luck, this server needs the initiative

Maltese Shipping - Silver.2 - 02-26-2011


Did you just invalidate your own argument? Until we get to the point where Discovery can not only make use of a dynamic economy, but can also enable that system to recognize and manipulate prices BETWEEN GROUPS OF THE SAME NPC FACTION, smaller smugglers and smaller smuggling groups literally have NOTHING to worry about.

Also, I dont understand your comment on "wishing me luck", however polite it may be. I am not part of this MSI idea, merely one who supports it.

Maltese Shipping - r3vange - 02-26-2011

' Wrote:@r3vange

Did you just not invalidate your own argument? Until we get to the point where Discovery can not only make use of a dynamic economy, but can also enable that system to recognize and manipulate prices BETWEEN GROUPS OF THE SAME NPC FACTION, smaller smugglers and smaller smuggling groups literally have NOTHING to worry about.

Also, I dont understand your comment on "wishing me luck", however polite it may be. I am not part of this MSI idea, merely one who supports it.

Yeah sorry I about the luck part I got a bit of carried away "I wish them" luck is the correct phrase. What I am trying to say is that some things are just not right even if the game engine allows them. Sure the game won't make a difference between them and any other transport ship but it also won't make a difference if in the middle a battle you decide to dock and switch from bomber to fighter. I undermined my own argument because maybe I am the only person who thinks of the RP universe as something more than just what the game allows you to do.

Maltese Shipping - Silver.2 - 02-26-2011


Look, when I hear "killing" RP, I visualize someone literally being cut off from an avenue of RP interaction by a contradicting and solidified bit of lore. This is simply not the case.

Also, your comments on the RP universe being wider than the game mechanics is absolutely true. However, the way you seem to be interpreting it makes little to no sense. The RP of this community is PLAYER DRIVEN. That is, to say, if none of the appropriate people want to RP the consequences that you claim would result from the MSI's possible actions, then it doesn't happen. As such, even if the action would happen in a real-life setting, neither the people nor the game can (or care, in the case of the former) to actualize it.

Maltese Shipping - r3vange - 02-26-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]What you say is true to some extent I stand corrected

Maltese Shipping - maximus995 - 02-27-2011

you cant believe how much joy such a initiative brings to me, the De Castillo family salutes you senor

I'm Maximus De Castillo, fairly known as a sair/hogosha, and whatever scum is allied to them, in dublin and surrounding systems

You have my full support in this as it is yet another great idea to make our nation greater. ill use all my influence and contacts to ensure safety for you and your men. I'd even go as far as to offer my life and my ship (a tridente) to protect you and your transports senor.

The De Castillo family would be honoured if you accepted this offer...

Maltese Shipping - Shryke - 02-27-2011

' Wrote:If it's not your call to make, then perhaps I should pull the Alvin and tell you to hold your tongue in the future.

At any rate, the name of this faction is fine. I pretty much share Twisp's opinion on it so, yeah. Biasbiasbias.

Untwist your panties Jameson. That was as called for as me pointing out that you're a depressed faction recluse that handles criticism as well as a 6 year old. I'm not even quite sure why you brought up the SCRA, considering that is only one faction out of 5 that I'm in. Maybe we should get Dieter, vlko, jihadjoe and all my other faction bosses to tell me hold my tongue as well?

If you think the name of Maltese Shipping for a faction that revolves around exporting a substance illegal in all the houses, by taking jump holes and other underhanded routes is fine, then do it. I never said you can't do it. However, I'll state my opinion if I want, your grudge with a certain faction notwithstanding.

Maltese Shipping - Dennis Jameson - 02-27-2011

From somebody who claims that my "panties" are in a twist, it would appear that your own underwear are in one heck of a twist...

1. I never mentioned the SCRA, don't be paranoid.

2. You're not giving this faction the benefit of doubt, I'm quite sure they'd be willing to ship things other than Cardamine on the way back.

3. And last but not least: I jump on you because you're the unique breed of ignorant individuals who believes that vanilla lore applies to a story which has advanced well beyond the years when vanilla took place... so... yeah. That and you're part of the faction, which means you don't get to comment in it, which is the patent-pending "Alvin argument" in a nutshell.

I'm quite sure that the leader of this faction would appreciate any feedback you have which doesn't involve something as insubstantial as the name, and I'm positive that he'd want you to post that feedback whenever you have time to spare.

Have a nice day.

Maltese Shipping - Shryke - 02-27-2011

I don't have a problem with anything else. Do I need to explicitly state as much when I offer a small criticism? If this faction wants to call itself the Outcast version of FedEx be my guest.

As to the Outcasts expanding from vanilla lore, sure go ahead. Doesn't bother me one bit whatever direction any faction takes in Disco. However, the foundation of Outcast society revolves around Cardamine. If you think an economy based around the export of an illegal substance in the rest of Sirius is enough to warrant creation of a legitimate government then go ahead and do it. I don't have to like it, but I'm not going to stop you from doing it.

And that's what you need to need to understand. Not everyone will like the direction the Outcasts are going in, nor do they have to like it. And that isn't a reason for you to lash out should they disagree.

Oh, and I'll comment on whatever I want.