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How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Printable Version

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How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Canadianguy - 03-21-2011

' Wrote:Utter bull crap if you ask me. I don't see how knowing a second language will hurt the local culture.

That law doesn't keep us from learning english. We have, like I said in a previous post, mandatory english classes from 3rd to 11th grade and you need to pass your 11th grade english classes to have your high-school diplom.

These english classes on their own, while pretty much useless if you want to be able to perfectly converse in english on any topic whatsoever, are still enough if you want to be able to go on vacation in a place where english is the main language without having the need to bring a translator with you.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - r3vange - 03-21-2011

I wasn't aware of this. And to be fair to me it seems a bit silly. Preserving a culture is one thing, denying a person the right of choice and the desire to improve upon themselves however is borderline despotism. I am not a native English speaker myself, but I was able to attend an English school. That by no means destroyed my national identity even considering the fact that we had to study 99% of the subjects in English including for example Bulgarian history.
True the language is one of the main things that define the term culture, but knowing more than one doesn'€™t mean you will stop using your native one, and the reason for this is quite simple. Every culture tailors its language or dialect specifically for itself. No one from England for example can express what they '€œfeel'€ better in German than in English, same goes for every other country. If you take out the nationality factor from every language you will find out that structurally all of the different forms of communication are fundamentally the same because they express things that are inherently human