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Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Printable Version

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Your favourite character from the Wiki? - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 03-27-2011

2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)
2 Members: Jack Aubrey, Anonymous User

Found ya. Where were you lurking? :)

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Loken - 03-27-2011

I need to make some for my characters but I can't be bothered learning all that wiki code stuff right now.

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Veygaar - 03-27-2011

' Wrote:I rather use this list:

and my favorite is Norman O'Connor
Elder Adam.

Cause the Corsair would never allow such a thing anymore....

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Jeremy Hunter - 03-27-2011

' Wrote:Elder Adam.

Cause the Corsair would never allow such a thing anymore....


I agree.

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Wolfs Ghost - 03-27-2011

' Wrote:Favorite person on the wiki? Simple.

Austin Goodman.

Has an awesome personality in-game, as well as being quite interesting to talk with. My mercenary, Ozei, seems to be the only Kusarian that Austin hasn't up and shot in the face. Yay?


I'm actually surprised someone picked Austin. Heh, that wiki page of him needs to be updated..a lot.

Anywho, I'd have to go with the following:

1.) Sir Stanley Nelson
2.) John Clay
3.) Deneth Aleski
4.) Austin Goodman

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Catbert - 03-27-2011

Having seen all the pages mentioned, I think I'll have to update my own Wiki... and the update should be radical. So many good ideas to implement, and not so much time.

As for the favourite character: too hard to choose for me, honestly speaking. All are good in their own way.

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Sand_Spider - 03-27-2011

' Wrote:Adam Greerson

Ack! I forgot about him!

Oh how I miss my old days back in the XA...

Two Xeno gunboats raiding NY at once supported by Taiidans. Now THAT was a blast!

Edit: As for Austin: Yeah, I really love that guy on Ozei! Been a while since we've seen each other in-game though, should change that perhaps.

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Death.RunningVerminator - 03-27-2011

W00t i added Smeagle without screwing up the person below me or above me.


(Now watch me get no votez)

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Rodent - 03-27-2011

Reminds me to update my own wiki.

As for this, I like Aubrey's.

Your favourite character from the Wiki? - Dashiell - 03-27-2011

Udo Ackerman, I miss that dude.

back in my RFP| days I had so much lulz with him. Completely retarded, good natured fun.