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BNG - Zahas - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:So, in RP are you directly under LN command? or a rogue group?
We're not a rogue group.

@Jeremy_Hunter. Stop complaining everyday about us and start do some order job.
Seeing this is turning into a flame chat i will eject myself from this thread.

BNG - Ivan - 03-30-2011

Well, I suppose BNG| is another branch of the Liberty Navy, under supervision of whoever runs the Alaska and is responsible for Omicron operations. Since noone RP's that, they answer only to Hale and his 2ic.

BNG - Jeremy Hunter - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:We're not a rogue group.

@Jeremy_Hunter. Stop complaining everyday about us and start do some order job.

Then get the hell out of the Omicrons,and let me.

I am on four days out of 14.

I do it, but tell me.

How can I do my job, when I have no help, and get ganked, by you?

I will stop bitching when you actually show real RP and not invade us, because I seriously am ready to invade New,York, and I know a good number of people eho would follow me.

Now gtfo Minor, do somethong about Alstair, and let me do my job without having to deal with your damn dreads every damn time I get time to go online, because I cant move my damn Osiris from mimor because we need something there to counter you.

I will bitch until you start RP'n and not pewpewing every damn tging in Minor.

You guys got tired of Order lolcaps in Alaska?

We've been pissed longer.

Usuallu I woukd deal with it, but when Jack Aubrey wants to gank you, its gone to far.

And not everyday.

Only the days I see BNG.

Which is now, and four days out of fourteen.

As ryoken said.

All you want is that feeling of getting a blue message.

Bring your three dreads.

I'll gladly bring ten bombers.

Bring the Core.

Four more.


The feelings mutual.


Hale is not wasting Navy resources in the Oms, LSF is.

BNG - bot2 - 03-30-2011

The BNG| Have livened up Minor. Whats the problem.
Barnes and Riggs finished off 2 Dreads on their own
yesterday so why all the moaning.

BNG - Jeremy Hunter - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:The BNG| Have livened up Minor. Whats the problem.
Barnes and Riggs finished off 2 Dreads on their own
yesterday so why all the moaning.

TCG is our version of the BNG, except-

TCG has an RP
TCG actually RPs
TCG is not around to JUST PEWPEW.

And they practice way too much in thier ossies.

TCG isnt always around.

Any other questions Conrad?

BNG - bot2 - 03-30-2011

' Wrote:TCG is our version of the BNG, except-

TCG has an RP
TCG actually RPs
TCG is not around to JUST PEWPEW.

And they practice way too much in thier ossies.

TCG isnt always around.

Any other questions Conrad?

So infact they are nothing like the BNG then.
And you say they practice to much, whats wrong with that,
they defend Minor better than the Order|

BNG - Daedric - 03-30-2011

If they aren't role playing report them. They don't have to tell you their life story before they kill you.

I mean, you say let you do your job. Exactly what are you wanting to do?

BNG - n00bl3t - 03-30-2011

Jeremy, calm down before you get forum banned.

Move into a light fighter if they bring capitals, fly rings around them and do your job in other ways.

They bring a ganksquad? Log out and join them as an LNS. Or go trade.

Evade. Outlive. Resist. Conquer. Base-line Order training. Use it.

BNG - DodgeOld24 - 03-30-2011

Jeremy, I don't even know what your problem is with us. You say we gank the Order unrighteously, therefore I present this.

(Note: these screenshots aren't made by me. If the maker of the screenshots wants to be renowned for them, he will do it himself. I will not use any names here but my own.)

Now, I'm not saying we gank you because you gank us. What I'm proofing here is that you always have an immense fleet available to kick our ass. This is why we (in your words) gank lone ships.

The correct wording is guerrilla warfare. We disable weak joints in a system in order to bring down the whole system. That's lone Ossies for you. And even if you still are peed off by our 'ganks', ganking is a valid tactic. If we use it, work your way around it or deal with it.

Our reason of 'low RP' is because we can't talk more than 1 minute in Minor before being attacked. If you tell us to get smaller ships, we could, but Dreadnoughts are heavily armored and therefore present a better survival chance in case we get attacked. You know that yesterday, a fleet of 3 Corsair Osirisses, a Legate and a Titan flew over from Minor just to shoot us for frak knows what reason?

I tell you what. Today we won't engage anyone, only in self defense, that way you can have your wanted RP, unless it is disrupted by your side. If you -truly- can interact with us without any firing guns, proof it. Happy?

And about the |EA - BNG| thing, I am the leader of the |EA where Ebonhawk is the co-leader. Zahas is the leader of BNG|, I am the co-leader.

BNG - Athenian - 03-30-2011

The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. By all means, share tales of colossal battles and black op assassinations. Less of the flames, please.

If someone is breaking rules, report them.

War is hell. Thread appears salvageable.