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What is a pvpwhore? - Printable Version

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What is a pvpwhore? - ChillerMiller - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:

' Wrote:See? I told you, Danny.

: D

For me a pvp-whore is just a person who enjoys shooting stuff very often and it doesn't mean that he is automatically good in it, I just say that, because a lot of people think that pvp-whore = pvp-ace and we all know that this is a lie.

What is a pvpwhore? - Charo - 05-13-2011

Wait, so I'm a PvPwhore now?:dry:

Nah, I suck to badly to count. Besides, my defiition of PvPwhore is someone who doesn't care at all for your RP, they're still going to look for an excuse to shoot you.

"Stop heathen! Put up thy defenses and preparith to get shot!"
"But....I'm in a gunless Spatial, I'm a pacifist...."
"I hate Spatials! *PEWPEWPEW*"

What is a pvpwhore? - RmJ - 05-13-2011

NPCs.....enough said.

What is a pvpwhore? - NewHealthRock - 05-13-2011

I'm a scummy PvP-whore. [Image: emoticon-0126-nerd.gif]

What is a pvpwhore? - Cond0r - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:Wait, so I'm a PvPwhore now?:dry:

Nah, I suck to badly to count. Besides, my defiition of PvPwhore is someone who doesn't care at all for your RP, they're still going to look for an excuse to shoot you.

"Stop heathen! Put up thy defenses and preparith to get shot!"
"But....I'm in a gunless Spatial, I'm a pacifist...."
"I hate Spatials! *PEWPEWPEW*"
Its people like you that are the real "cancers". Your definition is also funny, because I recall you spamming preset messages and trying to afk double-nova ram people on your "last day of playing disco" because you "wanted to have some fun".

What is a pvpwhore? - valen - 05-13-2011

If we were on Jeopardy, my answer would be "What is a Smokey?" :P

What is a pvpwhore? - Pancakes - 05-13-2011

I didn't bother to go over pages of replies, with that have no idea what you are talking about and will say what I think, PvPwhore, is osmeone that will look for a fight, and will have it no matter what RP the other side will show, it might take longer, and it might take shorter time, but in the end, the PvPwhore will attack, no matter what the other side said or did. That said of course if the PvPwhore have RP excuse to attack, personaly I have "pvpwhore(ish)" mood sometimes, and I find acceptable this game is based on the fighting element.

What is a pvpwhore? - Cond0r - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:If we were on Jeopardy, my answer would be "What is a Smokey?" :P
You fat Croat you [Image: emoticon-0126-nerd.gif]

What is a pvpwhore? - Dashiell - 05-13-2011

pvp whore = someone who likes pvp. Doesn't mean he's A: a bad rp-er and B: good at pvp. Altough people tend relate the term to that.

just as

capwhore = someone who likes to fly caps. Doesn't mean he A: uses his caps on snubs or where it's not wanted and B: is a bad rp-er

the term whore translates loosely in 'lover' or 'enthousiast' in this case. man, I'm getting all frisky here typing this. Whores and lovers, white beams from battlerazors, Ainu base....


anyway, my 2 cents

What is a pvpwhore? - stewcool - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:A lot of you use the term 'pvpwhore' as a method of describing undesirables who play the game in a manner you dislike. For example:
This quote was used in conjunction with a thread about a gank.

Now personally, I think the term pvpwhore needn't be applied in a negative manner.

My definition of a pvpwhore would be as follows
  • A player who'd main focus in the game is combat.
  • Someone who appreciates a good fight, in which the sides are evenly balanced. A true pvpwhore would endeavor not to gank, as that is not an adaquate test of his or her skills.
  • One who's roleplay characters are largely geared towards combative roles.
I'd describe myself as a pvpwhore to a certain extent. I love fighting. It's fun, and is the activity towards which the game we play is geared.

I'd rather not get lumped with the people described in the quote above. A pvpwhore will want their combat in some roleplay context, but will regard the combat as the main attraction. The people described in that post I quoted, are just inconsiderate morons. Not a pvpwhore, by my definition.

You should submit that to google. I got bored and tried to find the definition of PvPwhore and this thread was the first thing on the list...

Google search: define Pvpwhore = First thing on list
Google search: define: Pvpwhore = Some WoW thing then this thread, then something by Dusty (I miss Dusty)
Google search: define PvP Whore = Some thread by dusty.

Conclusion: Discovery invented PvP Whore.

Dusty formula for PvP Whore.