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Mandatory public roster? - Echo 7-7 - 06-23-2011

' Wrote:

We already have that.

' Wrote: ....verify if a tag is being used without permission.

Then again, the only person who would really care about that is a faction leader anyway.

Mandatory public roster? - n00bl3t - 06-24-2011

' Wrote:What the title says.

My vote:
Yes. It would add transparancy as well as players should feel more responsible for their action. It would be protection from fake members. It could be also be used to contact personally a player whom deserves some feedback.

The only two disadvantages I can think of is: your characters could be metagamed for ooRP reasons and some players would not be able to keep his/her anonimity (for whatever reasons).

There is a difference between transparency of actions of those in power, and those who bow down before that power.

Believe me, if I am saying there is no need for transparency in a situation, then there really is no need for it.

' Wrote:Imagine if N00bl3t posts his characters in the forum, just as an example of many. He would get a lot of OORP originated interactions, not to say troubles, headaches, etc.

Funnily enough, it has happened in the past. My traders get hit hard. As in, all cargo please. So, I rename them often. Most of my characters get renamed after being found out.

I rename often, except for some, after my identity gets found out.

Mandatory public roster? - Zelot - 06-24-2011

' Wrote:There is a difference between transparency of actions of those in power, and those who bow down before that power.

Believe me, if I am saying there is no need for transparency in a situation, then there really is no need for it.

Funnily enough, it has happened in the past. My traders get hit hard. As in, all cargo please. So, I rename them often. Most of my characters get renamed after being found out.

I rename often, except for some, after my identity gets found out.

Noted. N00bl3t should be the one to determine when transparency is needed and when it is not.

Mandatory public roster? - chopper - 06-24-2011

No to the transparency thing. It'll just make more oorp forum hatred.
For all I care every character can be secret. People love to brag though, so it's their own fault.

Mandatory public roster? - Ceoran - 06-24-2011

You may voice your concerns in the faction feedback or by adressing the faction leader, but you don't go flaming my members via PM.

Mandatory public roster? - lousal - 06-28-2011


Mandatory public roster? - stardust47 - 06-28-2011

I think that it should be a faction's decision.
A faction that uses a public roster (i.e TAZ) does so having spent long enough here to know the risks of metagaming. I personally don't think factions should keep public rosters because of metagaming; forum rivalries can go in-game. If Player X knows what factions Player Y is in, X can target those factions personally.

Mandatory public roster? - Grumblesaur - 06-28-2011

This community has a great need to focus less on whom they're playing with and more on how they're playing.

Or if they're even playing at all.

Mandatory public roster? - Riebezagel - 06-28-2011

' Wrote:... I personally don't think factions should keep public rosters because of metagaming; forum rivalries can go in-game...
what about the message dumps, avoid posting there because the people will know who is in what faction then?

Mandatory public roster? - dodike - 06-28-2011

I can't think of anything good this would bring. People would only assume that the player is the is the same as the character (like they do already) which is completely untrue on a RP server where character =/= player.