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(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Printable Version

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(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - SA_Scavenger - 07-05-2011

****Incoming Transmission****

I.D. Junker
Sender: Tycus Dekker
To : Dankien Moebus

Ahoy Moebus

Was speaking to some Omicroner lads around Trafalgar today and they said that you needed some scrap. Well, that's what we do matey! I see Mr Owen has already taken up the offer and put the Congress on your list. If you don't mind placing my Ship on your roster, I will gladly get some of that scrap through to you.

Ship's name: .:j:.Dredger

I am sure you and Mr Owens can discuss a price and I will get started on the deliveries.


Tycus Dekker

****Transmission Closed****

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - oshimon - 07-05-2011


Oh for the love of Eris!!

This is what 'appens when ya spend the first twelve hours after docking in a drunken stupor at a Zoner bar instead of doin' all that paper work crappollah first with the dock master..................

' Wrote:++enter search field(s)++
>optical chips
+TIME FRAME (from - to)+
>last 24 hrs
+SHIP NAME (optional)+
>New Lusitania

=RESULTS FOUND (show all results)=

3600 units received @ 2011-07-04 16:35:38 SMT
3600 units received @ 2011-07-04 19:37:49 SMT


Regardless, better late than never and I recons they is good for ages without goin' bad so do with 'em what ya will.

At least I made a profit on 'em which should help pay off most of the bar tab.
And it is an impressive bar tab.................

[Image: th_run2opti-chipsA.jpg]

[Image: th_run2opti-chipsB.jpg]

As for the scrap, I'm on it. Probably send .:j:.Scrap.Monkey-NL to do it if he's sober enough and he hasn't wrecked his Salvager again.

Was thinkin' along the lines of 12 million credits for the lot. Flat rate.
That's half price of what could be got at other places paying top dollar which are closer an all.
An a bit more than the Britonian Feds are payin' for the stuff over in Manchester which is like 3 minutes from the field all safe an cosy flyin' an all that............

An it's either us or them A.L.G. guys who can get ya' the good stuff.............

An that's cuttin' me own throat that is. Lucky I'm the boss of the family 'cos if one o' ma son's offered this deal I'd smack him about his stupid head.


I'm a goin' to start shipping it any roads just so I don't get pipped t' the post again by some young whipper-snapper just out of dippers with a shiny new ship daddy bought him.

On behalf of all the Owen Clan.


(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - AeternusDoleo - 07-05-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Dankien Mobius
Subject: Raw materials requirement
Encryption: Mild

Mr Mobius,

That's quite the shopping list in your initial request. I'm afraid that in all the turmoil of the recent weeks, this fell through the cracks. The Independent Miners Guild, of course, has access to a wide variety of refined metals, which we can provide you with. I was unable to determine if there were still requirements of that nature.

Incidentally, I know your message said not to inquire to the nature of this project, but judging from the requested materials it is something involving a space-based ship or structure utilising low-temperature superconductors, which suggest a new engine design or some kind of gate prototype. If the latter, I urge caution - given what happened in the Texas system.

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - SA_Scavenger - 07-05-2011

****Incoming Transmission****

I.D. Junker
Sender: Tycus Dekker
To: Dankien Moebus

Ahoy Moebus

Myself and Owens decided to get those orders of scrap through today. He will send in the proof a little later. This is just to confirm that 9550 units of scrap have been delivered to Freeport 15. A little mishap with Mr Owens and his ship lead to the last few units not arriving. I will be sure to deliver these personally.

Thank you for your time.

Tycus Dekker

****Transmission Closed****

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - moebus - 07-05-2011

[Image: Omicroners_Sig_01.png]
[font=Impact]<div align="center]Commodities update 7
Label 3.2: +ISpZPUy/FmdBBZtgD0MXjJMsK4+NxfbPdrTWGX8bL8=
  • Helium................7 139 {1590 credits/unit}

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]
------------Public message to all traders------------


Thanks to your efficiency, Helium is now the only required commodity at the moment. Payments for optical ships will be sent soon.

Best Regards
Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior

------------Encrypted message to Mr Owen and Junkers Congress------------

Hi there,

Thank you for the deliveries of copper and optical ships, payments will be sent soon. Also thanks for oxygen, I will add a little supplement in the payments for that.

It is ok for the scrap metal, I will buy it at 12M for the 10 000 units. Should the payments be sent to .:j:.Owen-Head.Office ?

Note that all .:j:. ships are now allowed to enter omicron-74 to deliver goods. Docking rights are given for Freeport XV only. Omicron-Kappa jumphole may be use if required. Of course violence is prohibited in omicron-74 and it is not allowed to explore the system.

Best Regards
Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
------------Encrypted message to Mr Johnathan Sanders/Aeternus Doleo------------

Greetings Mr Sanders,

Since we have now all the copper we need, the future requirements will be in cobalt, beryllium, platinum, boron. Also some helium is still currently needed.
Regarding the nature of the project itself, I can assure you everything is under control. Security is an important matter here we won't try to play gods with unstable technologies.

Best Regards
Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - oshimon - 07-05-2011


Many thanks Mr. Moebus.

Here's the proofs of the scrap drop off's - if you could give the wonger for the scrap to .:j:.Dredger then that would be great.
We dumped more than asked for into ya' stores just to be on the safe side. No extra cost.

[Image: th_scrap3dredger.jpg] [Image: th_scrap1meA.jpg] [Image: th_scrap1meB.jpg]
[Image: th_scrap2meA.jpg] [Image: th_scrap2meB.jpg] [Image: th_scrap3dredger-1.jpg]

The times are a bit screwed up as my idiot son .:j:.Scrap.Monkey-NB lost a load after he entered Omicron-74 with out checking he had the correct permit and died in a fiery ball of death fire soon after poppin' outta the hole.
The keys have been taken away from him an' he's now gettin a crash course in ship building and toilet cleaning. I swear he is a chromosome short some where.

If this new-fangled thingie-ma-jig yous is building all goes pear shaped an blows up can we 'ave dibs on the salvage operation?

Cheers very much.

On behalf of all the Owen Clan.


(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Lusitano - 07-07-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

Greetings Mr Moebus

I comed to confirm the payment for the optical chips. After 18 deliveres of 3600 cargo units, making a total of 64800 cargo units, we end this deal. We can't get the helium that you need, is too far for us. Even so it was a magnifcent work, made on just one BWT class transport. One ship, one crew delivered more than half of the amount of what you need.

Best regards


(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - moebus - 07-07-2011

[Image: Omicroners_Sig_01.png]
Commodities update 7
Project Phase 3 Completed
no more commodity needed

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]
------------Public message to all traders------------


Thank you again for your participation to this project. Check if you have well received the payments for your duty. Our technicians will now work with the commodities you have shipped to omicron 74. We expect the project phase 4 will begin in a few weeks from now.

Best Regards
Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior

------------Encrypted message to Viriato/Lusitano------------

Hi again,

yes you did an amazing work here. If you participate to the next phase I will increase your rate to compute rewards. Be assured that your effort won't be forgotten. If one day you are in need of something, we'll do our best to give you satisfaction.

Best Regards
Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Lusitano - 07-07-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*


Good jobs and helping real Zoners is what we want. So next time you need, just call.

Best regards


(]o[) Announcement: new commodities required - Laowai - 07-11-2011

Incoming Transmission: .......

Comm ID: Ren_Shifu Enterprises, Reg:Planet Houston, Texas System.
Managing Director: Isabel Ren-Laowai.
Signal to: Dankien Moebus.

Message reads:

Dear Sir.

This is a reminder to you as we have not received payment for our previous shipment. I trust this is simply an oversight and so we look forward to hearing from you soon. However, as we are a small operation we cannot devote additional time for contracts that are outstanding, that said upon receivement of payment we will be happy to continue with further shipments.

Message Ends.
Comm ID Sign off: Isabel Ren-Laowai, Ren_Shifu Enterprises, Planet Houston, Texas System, Liberty.