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Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Omi - 06-29-2011

Yes, because by being offline you're killing the server and denying the hordes of people clamouring to replace the Iseijin a chance to make their faction.

Oh wait, no, that's not how it works. Sorry?

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Akura - 06-29-2011

Just to ask, can we continue along like normal, as if this never happened, and then post up a new faction request. If this one is denied, then could we die gracefully?

Because we had a nice plan set up to save ourselves, and it was all hanging on admin vote. Which you either didn't recieve, or ignored.

Also, once we're gone, we're gone. Forever. No Iseijin. At all.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Elven - 06-29-2011

ALG leader, contact me on skype, please.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Jansen - 06-29-2011

' Wrote:If you have six people who each log on for only one hour a week, then you meet the requirements.
The requirement says 30 hours, you are lacking 6 this way.

Its sad to see the Iseijin go, good luck if you want to give it another try Dave!

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Not Espi - 06-29-2011

' Wrote:The activity tracker says otherwise.

I can log a ship, leave and hold a spot all day. This it more than that. This is one of the factions that actually make sense taking the storyline into consideration. Something barely seen these days. But critical portion of the forum wants it dead because they WERE (note the past tense) using OP tech combinations and ARE ABLE (notice the present, meaning they STILL can and will be able to even without that tech ) kick your behinds into oblivion.

I wonder how much forum stories did you write, Hielor. Just look at the Iseijin recruitment thread to start.

THIS all - is just a result of retarded whining. There is a roster of the untagged ships. Can't 4 of the ships from that list and their time be added to the 113th time so that this is sorted?

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Arashi - 06-29-2011

I diagree with many things here.

1) Serpentis being the most recent one with this attitude, I can name others, but I'm mostly just referring to his post:

Quote:Then all houses should have the same criteria, not all RP in the houses after all.
Now, if it's gonna be lowered it should be fair to lower the criteria for ALL factions.

What's the point of everyone being exactly the same. If you want it to be fair like you describe, then you need to make sure that EVERY house also has the EXACT same # of stations, the EXACT same # of planets, the EXACT same # of systems, all their ships have to be EXACTLY the same (you can change the models to they look different but there stats and weapons ahve to be EXACTLY the same). All ID's of the same type have to be exactly the same.

Why not do this, then you wouldn't need a dev team or a balance team.. Oh.. new faction.. sure.. let me copy paste faction A, we'll make new models for their shipline.. walla.. New faction #546, exactly the same as the other 545 factions.

Are you all so lame, and afraid some other faction/group can have somethign you can't, that'll you'll destroy any semblance of uniqueness in this GAME?

I don't know about you, but I enjoy games that have uniqueness, differences. I may get frustrated when it takes me 20 minutes to beat a level because all the enemies are FAR stronger than I am, but I still enjoy it because it was a challenge.

(and for all you skill junkies, games have difficulty levels, the diffculty levels actually alter stats. SET it to easy, and your enemies have weaker shields, guns, etc.. Set it to HARD and they have stronger shields, guns (they are OP)). Most people that are really (truely) skilled play HARD, it's ok cause you're not playing against PEOPLE. Your skill then becomes on memorizing tactics against specific enemy types. But when you play against people, who can change their tactics to counter your tactics, you're like "NO.. you can't have stronger stuff than me, cause then I'll loose even though I'm more skilled than you. Guess what, swallow your pride and PROVE you are more skilled by beating them even with the odds stacked against you.)

Back to the topic of the Aoi.

2) Aoi Iseijin is a covert faction, again this comes back to game mechanics, how can you be covert and tag'd at the same time.

Admins using the "well it's not fair to other factions..." is just BS. The entire premise of Aoi, and Wild for that matter is they are supposed to be covert. Sure they have there OVERT sides, but they are NOT supposed to be easily detectable at LONG range.

If you waited till cloaking was available.. sure.. I could see this, Almost, it still wouldn't help cause I know that several of the AOI have actually defended kusari ships before, as part of their cover. They have to appear to be the good guys...

As it is now.. you're basically making them fly around with a gigantic BILLBOARD: "We're bad guys.. run now cause it's obvious we are going to kill you as soon as we get in range cause we could never pull off that we are friends even for a few moments, oh and heaven forbid that we were actually coming to answer your distress call about he pirates there were attacking you, your loss.

***Let's tell all the REAL WORLD Governments that their spies must wear their national colors (Flag) on their arm while sneaking around, or pretending to be an assistant to someone they are spying on.***

In other words, I understand the idea behind faction activity with "tags" you're trying to make it easy for admins to manage.. but COMMON Sense should NOT be thrown out the window in the process.

ALL the admins are doing by throwing common sense away is telling the rest of the community that "fairplay" and "common sense" can be ignored cause it doesn't mean anything to the admins either.

NOTE: and don't confuse "fairplay" with my above rant about FAIR across the board.. that's not FAIR. that's EQUAL... FAIR isn't about equality, it's about things working for each group in a cooperative fashion. FAIR is like Compromise, you get some, you loose some, you make deals, you loose deals. it's all fair cause it balances out in the long run.

Done with rant, I won't reply to this post again. As I will not continue this flame war of lunacy, lack of common sense or fairplay.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Athenian - 06-29-2011

' Wrote:I'm sorry we don't spend our time looking at activity lists to make sure that the half of our faction that is clearly a failure that we don't care about doesn't titanic.

We can prove that we're active enough, and that we're trying to fix it, and we were waiting on an admin vote so that we can move our faction forward and get more active.
I can prove that our untagged ships make up the time required. We are active enough, more than enough. Just not on the right ships apparently, something we were waiting on the Admins to help us fix.

This hardly matters, considering the faction is in two parts, and you have chosen to neglect one, (the one you yourself chose. You said..."We'll take 113th| then, and lazily pretend like we care, afk to waste space") From the many posts made, it seems you have done so because everyone who isn't in Kusari will attack you.

This faction was approved as a roleplay faction with two distinct sides. If you are going to abandon one, then your faction, in its entirety, goes. By continue your faction, I suppose you mean that your members can continue to fly Wilde ID'd KNF and Blood Dragon ships and just drop the requirement for being tracked, having to roleplay the KNF side of your faction or be in any way accountable. (And from some of the posts here it seems that debate and discussion and rules are a mere hindrance for some of you). Well, no.

And we didn't ignore your request because we haven't seen one. And your victim mentality is, frankly, a little boring. You think your faction was "pounced on" or that there is some malicious intent behind this (we "ignored your proposal".

The rules on activity are there for everyone to see. Whether or not your proposal goes into 4.86 is not our concern. Factions get a lot of benefits; to keep them you must meet the laughably small demands made. And as much as you may try to ridicule our attempts to ensure the fair running of this server by denouncing every action taken which affects you negatively as the reflex of a mindless automaton, you were party to every discussion wherein these rules were presented. You had plenty of warning and chose to ignore it.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - HuggieSunrise - 06-29-2011

a poor player is that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.

dave.. you took off man wrapped up everything.. and came back. you should know this admin team is going to take you at your actions alone.

The aoi is a good concept I dont think this matters at all.

why Athenian is bothering to reply at all? what to make this or that look wrong?

no damn point in arguing or attacking over this crap man the decisions made.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Akura - 06-29-2011

' Wrote:And we didn't ignore your request because we haven't seen one. And your victim mentality is, frankly, a little boring. You think your faction was "pounced on" or that there is some malicious intent behind this (we "ignored your proposal".

I'll get on that right away. My bad.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - arvg - 06-29-2011

QCP revoked it's Official Status about a year ago.

We were folded into the BAF.