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BHG| recruitment - Printable Version

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 03-18-2012

All applications up to this point have been or are being processed

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - Adam.Spencer - 04-03-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Adam.Spencer--
-Ship Details: Orca

Adam Spencer was born between Rheinland and Liberty on Freeport 2, Bering from a poor Zoners family. Constantly living with space, Adam felt early the need for piloting and going somewhere than this piece of rust called Freeport 2. At the age of 21, Adam stole an Eagle from his family and drove to Texas, a place that was supposed to offer easy jobs, easy women and cheap beer.
But the word easy was not the exact word : working as a freelancer bounty hunter, Adam made allies, but also even more enemies. Indeed, when pursuiving a rogue pilot in the North Dallas Debris Field, he was ambushed by a group of former freelancer bounty hunters, willing to stop competition. The fight was long and unequal, but Spencer managed to escape by hiding in the debris field until they leave. Furthermore, the Texan beer revealed to be even worse than synthetic alcool.
Gone back to Houston, Adam Spencer decided to ask Bounty Hunters Guild for joining, by greed, but also by will of security in the world of bounty hunting.


Adam Spencer

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BHG| recruitment - Tyroflion - 04-03-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Ian_Dobesh
-Ship Details: Orca Gunboat (I call her Little Hilde) this thing even on? Hey, can anyone HEAR ME? So right....endschuldigung, my name is Ian Dobesh. I used to fly for Rheinland army, until the Liberty fricking Army shot my co-pilot brüder, my cat, my ship, my parrot and even my damn a** into oblivion. After which I sat with my ranking officer, who had the same rank as me the day before, and told him I'm outa here. I think you can call it a honorable discharge *snickers*

Then I took all the money that I didn't drink already, sold my house, sold my car, sold my mother and bought an Orca with some decent equipment. Then I named it after my girlfriend and completely trashed myslef with cheep Rheinland beer. And this morning when I woke up, I decided I could call you to ask, if you've got someone you want dead and if you'll pay for it. If he's from Liberty I might even do it for free.


Ian Dobesh

-End of Transmission-

(Also, OOC I'd like to say that I will continue to play my character the way I play it even if you decide that you don't want me. Personally I abhor and detest this 24/7 Server practice of "admitting" players into "player factions." I don't see any reason why any player should be allowed to decide who may or may not play his character in a way he likes, as long as he doesn't break server rules and sticks with his roleplay. But since more and more players know my character as a member of Bounty Hunters Guild I decided I should at least give it a shot at official admission. So that's all I wanted to say. Tyr of Lion sighning off)

BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 04-04-2012

All applications up to this point have been or are being processed

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - AshDent - 04-05-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Tawera Rangi--
-Ship Details: Manta

'Sup. My name is Tawera Rangi. I was born on Planet Cambridge 784 AS to decendents of Kiwis who were on the Bretonia. During my childhood I was taught many forms of combat: hand to hand, small arms, long distance arms and fighter craft dogfighting. I used to get into a lot of trouble 'trying' out these skills when I was younger but was directed by family to utilize these in productive manners. Hence I started to escort convoys for a local transport company (Contact Stew Wolfe from Bowex if you wanting more information on the company). Sadly for me a weapons malfunction, in 802 AS, resulted in a hole in the side of a Clydesdale and me getting kicked from the company. Following this un-fortunate occurance I left Bretonian Space for Magelllan where upon entering the system I assisted a hunter in fighting off some hackers. Following this I started working for this guy. However working for a member is not as good as being a member, and now I am requesting to join your guild.



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BHG| recruitment - 335th_GRSpit - 04-17-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: 335th_GRSpit--
--Skype: Spitfire1.2------
-Ship Details: Civilian "Spatial" Super Heavy Fighter (My weapons are class 9, i dont have the funds to purchase prototype weaponry)

I am not a people's person so i wont say much.

I started my career in space as a trader, in the begining it was good, but as my cargo grew larger i was becoming a prey for Pirates. After a while i couldn't take this no more so i sold my ship and bought the biggest
fighter on Sirius, so i can hunt down those scums...

I want to join the BHG to hunt down unlawfulls, and anyone else i am asked to hunt by the Guild.



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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 04-17-2012

Mr Anestis,

That`s a story we hear very often. I'd like to know a bit more than that if you please.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - 335th_GRSpit - 04-17-2012

I see.....

I was born in Plannet Crete in Omega Gamma, but me and my family were exiled from our homeword because we were against the Corsair tactics....So we seeked for a better future in Plannet Koeln.
I never wanted to be a trader. I always imagined my self as a fighter pilot in the Reihnland navy, but when i applied in the flight academy they rejected me because of my nationality, "You are not capable in serving Reihnland" they said. After that i knew that there was nothing left for me to do in Koeln, so with the help of my family i bought a small ship and moved to New York for a better life.
When i got there i became a gun for hire, seeking for easy money doing missions here and there. Well....It wasn't as easy as i thought it would be...I always fought alone, wanted to prove that i was invincible....But i was proved wrong. In my last mission i was surronded by rogue fighters and had no way out. I was thinking that "this is it....the end.......". I managed to eject at the last minute and was resqued by a Transport ship a few hours later. I told my self "What if i died back there? Nobody would care.....They don't even give me enough money to take risks like that". I reallized what a fool i was...
With the money I earned from my missions I bought a Liberty "Rhino" Freighter, and started moving cargo from New Tokyo to Erie, while the years passed i started expanding my bussines, buying bigger ships, having more cargo, making more money.....Until a time came that i became noticable to other ships. Specificaly Pirates....
The first time a Pirate aproached me i gave him the ransom he asked, i said "Ok, it had to happen sometime".But after a while it happened more and more, sometimes i even fought back but with no result.
It comes a point when enough is enough, and i reached that point.....I started seeking ways to fight back pirates and so I found the bounty hunters.
I became one, i sold my cargo ship and as I previeusly mentioned bought a "Spatial". While traveling with the ID of a hunter i realized that People respected me, Navy Pilots saluted me, even sometimes Pirates tried to explane themselves to me so i won't attack them(even if they had the advantage).

I am refrazing my previus statement i want to join the BMG Core because i think i can sufficiently aid the fight against piracy!

BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 04-23-2012

All applications up to this point have been or are being processed

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - generic - 05-03-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Jericho Hammer--
-Ship Details: Bottlenose

Greetings, gentlemen.
Simply, I would like to join you. To explain why, uhh - it's simple as well. I was born three decades ago on Cambridge. I suffered a decent education, but office jobs were not meant for me. I became a space pilot. First, I did some trading in a freighter between Bretonia and Rheinland. I got robbed many times by pirates, my ship was destroyed eventually, I barely saved my life and money from insurance. I grew tired of this.
So I became a mercenary. Eye for an eye, you know. No more running or hiding from pirates. A taste of their own medicine. But world is not that simple. I found mercs roaming Omegas to be too shady for my taste. In fact, only a little more than murderers and pirates themselves. Call me naive, but I grew tired of this as well. I still consider myself to be the good kinda guy.
And meeting the arrogance and ignorance of police and army officers, I grew tired of them even before I could join them, heh. So I became and independent bounty hunter. I like this job. I have been a warrior for most of my life. Hunting is my air, my water, my blood. Yet I don't want to fly always alone, looking behind in fear of backstab.

My good friend Pepe, you probably know him, always talks about okay dudes in BHG. He's something like my elder brother and I trust him. I want to meet you and join you. Cover your back if you need it. And rely on you if I need a trustworthy wingman. I like your way of finding balance between freedom and organization, between professionality and passion.
I can offer my combat skills. You can count on me, I have quite thorough experience with bottlenose, and I love that ship. Ask Pepe, if you want some references. When guns are silent and I am needed to, I can talk decently as well. And I believe I am not stupid, either, heh.

If you decide to let me in, you can catch me via this comm channel, or you can use that neuralnet Skype thingy - my account is GENERIC HAPPINESS there.
Oh yeah, and I am GMT+1, if that means something for ya.

I really look forward to working with you.
Until then,


Jericho Hammer

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