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The Crossroads - Trim - 09-15-2011

Woodrow smiled, and clapped in accordance with the crowd. He wasn't one for soppy moments, so he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled 2 small boxes out of it, one you would use to carry a piece of jewelery and he then put the two things into Clay's inner pocket.

One was a very old fashioned timepiece, when opened and triggered, it would project a hologram, of the bride and groom's first kiss as a married couple.

The second, a heart shaped locket for Layla which, when opened would also project a hologram of the same moment.

He contently smiled to himself and tapped his chest, so that Clay could feel the two boxes in his pocket. He hadn't noticed due to all the congratulations he was receiving from his friends and family. Clay glared at Woodrow.

"Don't open them 'till you get somewhere quiet, eh?"

Clay nodded and went back to accepting his congratulations, while Woodrow went to converse with the others who had already given theirs.

The Crossroads - Rubber_Duck - 09-16-2011

Ahhh, it's done, they said yes. Finlay smiled, stood up and applaused loudly.

He made his way slowly towards the fresh married couple, waiting patiently for the others also to congratulate. Once he reached the couple, he took both their hands, and warmly congratulated Johnny and Layla.

"I hope, that both of you enjoy your new lifes, stay together in good and bad times, although I hope that the bad times will never come. By the way, where does the honeymoon trip go? Shetland? Hawaii? The Omega rim? Oh, and before I forget, friends. On your table for the gifts... have a look, once you have time. You know, I don't like handing it over when so many are watching."

At the mentioned table, between lots of other beautiful, useful and expensive gifts, a medium sized sculpture was standing. Made of white procelain, portraying two doves with spread wings, connected through a ring of pure platinum in their bills.

The Crossroads - Jam - 09-16-2011

"Thank you, guys." Clay said and hugged both O'Dukes and Woodrow. He then took a short glance at Duke of Norfolk. He always wondered what could he have for newly married couple...

The Crossroads - Toaster - 09-16-2011

Finally, Andrew reached the couple, walked up from behind, squeezed in between them, and put his arms around their shoulders.
"CONGRATULATIONS!" He shouted with a huge smile, and walked away again, in the general direction of someone entirely different.

The Crossroads - arvg - 09-16-2011

The Duke of Norfolk rose, motioning for a servant to bring forth the gift from Her Royal Highness, a long box with a bright blue bow upon it.

He smiled politely to the bride and groom, presenting it.

"Her Majesty wishes me to pass on her many blessings for prosperity and many... many... many children. She seems quite adamant that there should be many... re-population don't you know?" He cleared his throat, and opened the box, producing a royal write, signed with the Queen's seal and the seals of her Chief Steward.

"It is Her Highness's wish that you be named Count and Countess Wessex, with a small estate set aside for you and your many... many... many children, on Planet Harris. Congratulations Wessex, Countess," he inclined his head. "May you find much fortunes in the future's bountiful horizon."

The Crossroads - Jam - 09-17-2011

Clay was shocked a bit. "We thank you, Sir!" He bowed politely and tapped Duke's shoulder.

Once they recieved all the congratulations and presents, it was finally time to walk out of the building. He grabbed Layla's hand, and led her out. Once they left the building, the garden in front of them was full of tables with cakes, drink, and other food. Music started to play.

The party was about to begin...

The Crossroads - Juzt156 - 09-17-2011

Ensign Kian Williams entered the room where the clebrations were taking place. Tall and rangy, he shuffled akwardlly into the room. He knew he was late, but he did not realise just how much. He desperatly fumbled in the pockets of his uniform, producing a grubby piece of paper. He stared at the numbers on it. He now deeply regretted Attempting to write down the date tand time whilst traveling through a jump Gate. Kian's hand writing was barely ledgeable at the best of times. Looking around at the assorted officers, Kian nervously edged to the back of the rooom, away from everyone else. Maybe no one will notice or care, he hoped. He felt a prang of jealousy at the sight of the happy, couple but he admonished himself. He grabbed an abandoned glass at of a table behind him, and raised his glass in a silent toast to the couple. Absientmindly taking a sip of what drink was in the glass, he had to resist the urge to gag, he had no idea what it was but it tasted remarkably like Templar fuel.

The Crossroads - Junes - 09-17-2011

It was done. So quick and swift, and it stirred up mixed feelings in Layla's mind. She was certainly happy, she felt her bond with John had become remarkably stronger in the moment when the ring had been shoved onto her finger. Not to mention her title, it was totally unexpected, she never presumed to be Countess, or even owning an estate. Now she held John's hand, walking down on a carpet, with applauding happy faces around her. Sunlight, the view of diverse plants and fresh air touched Layla's percipience. A great variety of cakes, drinks and miscellaneous appetizers were outlaid on tables. Layla felt hungry, she wanted to talk to all the people, of those she didn't even know the half...

The Crossroads - Rubber_Duck - 09-19-2011

O'Dukes followed Johnny and Layla out to the garden.

It was really nice decorated, and the tables were arranged pretty well, so that no one would miss anything of the upcoming party. Finlay went to check the bar, Taking the last sip of water. When he stood at the bar, he glanced over the barkeepers shoulders... and saw: Irish Whisky.

"Barkeeper, three finge's o' dhat 12 yeor ol' oirish 'ne, please!" And he soon relized, his old accent broke through. Smirking, and taking his new glass of whisky, he headed back to Johnny and Layla.

The Crossroads - Renoktu_Ree - 09-21-2011

John saw how O'Dukes comes back to them with a glass of whisky and a big smile in hims face.
At this moment John noticed a noise on hims communicator.

There was a messages...

.:**Incomming Transmission**:.
::**_____Video Uplink_____**::

[Image: ill2.jpg]

Hello John and Layla,congratulations you both.
Im so sorry that i miss your wedding and that i cant talk to you personelly,im stil at the hospital yet.
I got a ...Acident at the taus.

But dont worry im soon ok again,get one drink for me too.
Ow,and before i forget,i had transfer 2 tickets for you both for a holiday trip with the Luxury Liner,
its a wellness week.

Thats my present for you both.
I wish you luck and happynes on all your ways.

Renoktu-Ree out.
.:**Transmission End**:.