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Order| tech chart change request. - Printable Version

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Order| tech chart change request. - Zelot - 10-07-2011

Let's all remember who it was who started the deterioration of relations between the Order and the Corsairs. It was the Order who decided they didnt want to be allies anymore, it was the Order who threatened to stop Corsair artifact transports, it was the Order who gave a recon Cruiser and wing of fighters to the SCRA while stonewalling the Corsairs on a request for a Recon Cruiser. But yea, we should be friends, why not.

Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Let's all remember who it was who started the deterioration of relations between the Order and the Corsairs. It was the Order who decided they didnt want to be allies anymore, it was the Order who threatened to stop Corsair artifact transports, it was the Order who gave a recon Cruiser and wing of fighters to the SCRA while stonewalling the Corsairs on a request for a Recon Cruiser. But yea, we should be friends, why not.


I never got our alliance or its deterioration tbh...

Also, someone needs to stop that damn trend...

Order| tech chart change request. - Vito - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Actually, I RP my only Order character as a pro-corsair. I guess I should be a lolwut too:mellow:

It is in Lore that Order and Corsairs are friendly. Igiss implemented such thing. Much like Order being friendly to Hogosha as well. Not that it makes lots of sense, but I am sure Order and Corsairs can find some common grounds and at least keep neutrality. Making the cell red won't give you anything. Just implement a docking restriction rephack and you are okay.
I should also mention that you cannot force indies to follow non-canon RP. It surprises me the fact that I see an admin signing it too.


A pro-corsair char is one thing but sharing tech and bases is a whole different deal. The red cell is from stopping each faction from using the other faction's tech, it doesn't mean we'll go red to each other in the rep sheet.

Canon RP =/= vanilla RP. A lot of things changed, some for better and a lot more for worst. The Order and the Corsairs are no longer allies for over a year, that is the canon RP now.


You're not making any sense. Read what I wrote for SpaceTime and just go to sleep

Order| tech chart change request. - Hammerstein - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:And Hammerstein, I see no offical ]bd[ ships present, so its not the ]bd[ offical faction's fault. Indies don't respect diplomacy sometimes.
Diplomacy with Dragons. Are you making fun of an old Zoner here?


Oh and a little hint from an old zoner diplomat if you care a bit like Order used to, about the nomad threat:

You should take that tiny little efford it would take to settle you dispute with Corsair at some time preferably soon. Inbetween Corsair have been assisting Order, with impressive supportfleets, against big Nomad invasions every ocasion they noticed without thinking twice a second, nomatter you keep tell eachother not being welcome anymore.

Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2011

Gah, my bad. Imageshack isnt very good on a smartphone.

Anyways, they are stillrevolutionaries (of sorts). And they -did- do alot to take down Tekagi and get us the Proteus Tome.

Order| tech chart change request. - Echo 7-7 - 10-07-2011

Hammerstein, that looks like Chugoku to me in the second pic. It's your own fault for flying through there, really.

On topic: I don't see how there's anything wrong with the requested tech chart changes. What happened in the past cannot be changed, so Corsairs are no longer buddies with the Order. Restricting tech exchange is simple, really.

Order| tech chart change request. - Daedric - 10-07-2011

Looks like they are arguing over if the Order/Corsair IDs should be rephacked hostile to each other. Another person claiming a few attacks on a Zoner barge is reason enough for them not to ally. Funny thing is, said user ignores the fact that the GMG are allied to both the Zoners and the Dragons already, making his point entirely moot.

Anyways, awful lot of these requests being filed. I'm liking that people are trying to progress their respective factions.

Order| tech chart change request. - SMGSterlin - 10-07-2011

Making Corsairs hostile will make Delta even less inviting and fun, making being an Order less inviting and fun...

It will make the amount of Order people diminish even more than it already is, do not want.

Concerns of balance and how fun it will make the game takes priority over RP.

Make it unable for them to dock, but not where the Osiris NPC's will pew pew.

Besides, why would they shoot something that doesn't want to shoot them, when there are plenty of other enemies out there that DO want to shoot them? Why waste energy on shooting a non-threat?

Order| tech chart change request. - Kharon - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Looks like they are arguing over if the Order/Corsair IDs should be rephacked hostile to each other.
This may very likely become a splitup of Order. Tension were already high enough for revolution among allot Veteran Order some time ago JUST because of the bad treatment of our old Corsair brothers in arms.

Oh and btw. the exitement about killing FULL Corsair Guard rep on probably 200-300 Order Players ships will make a likely smal group of Players look for someone to talk to about that maybe.;)

(damn, almost forgot the additional exitement among 200-300 Corsair shipowners with Full Order Guard rep .;))

Order| tech chart change request. - ProwlerPC - 10-07-2011

Hey, I like this idea. Been handing out GMG tech to the Order every now and again I certainly won't argue against Order providing in kind. This request also brings to mind the Kagutsuchi designed and built just after the Nomad War. Disco cannon lore indicates that it was designed by Order engineers, built by BD naval yards, and funded by GMG. So there is precedent.

Myself, I recall over half the Order leaders that have taken the reigns of the faction approaching me about making closer relations between GMG and Order and even on a couple occasions a discussion about fully supplying the Order. I've been ok with going along with improving relations and we do have a relatively decent relationship. I've not been so quick about any idea of fully supplying the Order because they were supplied by Corsairs. I've been seeing posts commenting on the Order/Corsair relationship since I came to Disco and lately I've noticed a growing rift. If Order and Corsairs are keen on going their seperate ways then I'm ok with expanding GMG's client base ($) and provide ourselves as targets of opportunity for the Corsairs.