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Nomads will EAT us all! - Printable Version

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Nomads will EAT us all! - Treewyrm - 10-18-2011

I think this thread has long served its purpose. There is no point in this discussion anymore. To sum up a few things in the end. If a human character will want to ally with aliens (be it nomads or whoever else) and find a way of doing so then so it will be, whether on a short-term situation-specific or a long-term overarching storyline. It's just that. There many choices and decisions can be made in a role, some may choose to play 'knights', some the opposite, some are varying shades of gray and much more, and many will simply decide on their own what path to take or simply take none and not get involved at all. The choice is always for players to do, not yours to decide for them. Roles may very greatly from one individual to another, and within that freedom of choice also lies choices like cashing and profiteering from the situation, it's a completely legitimate choice, just like a choice of attempting to rally other characters to fight against nomads together. But like the first choice so the second too is done in-game and within roleplay, neither enforced by server rules but both being conscious choices made by players for their characters.

Also, fact is - that reaver has also attacked wilde/nomads afterwards and was attacked by wilde/nomads as well, I was there all the time. You know, it really seem just about you being killed by a beaver and now trying to put in inane restrictions on bounty hunting. That's quite silly, Pepe. Of course no whole-board restriction of that kind would be put in (unless a person putting a bounty would have it contain such limitation), end of story.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Pingu! - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:You forgeet lad. This is the Discovery "GANK" server. The player will join in and fight with who ever he thinks will win. No one here gives a crap about RP when they think they can be on the winning side of gank squad. Plain, and simple.

Hey Ryoken. You're back? .. because I've missed you :yahoo:

Nomads will EAT us all! - komet - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:I'm affraid Nomads will win if we continue like this. We must fight, but must we continue when Nomads arrive?

This happened yesterday:

It was a nice day in Leeds. One Reaver was kicking my ass (as always), no matter I had Bretonian BS behind me (Reaver convinced him it was PvP, heh-heh). Than 2 Wilds arrived, so Reaver helped them to finish me. In the same moment Molly BS arrived too, just to demolish Bretonian BS together with Wilds!

That's bad... shouldn't we Humans be more united? How could ANYBODY claim for a bounty reward if Wilds or Nomads are on sensor screen? Because it is not FORBIDEN by The Rules. If it's not FORBIDEN, than it's ALLOWED!

What do you people think? Should rewards be claimed for Humans, if Wilds or Nomads or Keepers are arround?

Just to give you an idea of what it is like on the other side of the fence, 99% of the time people will just gang up on Nomad / Wild, Terrorist, or Minority-group players whenever they see an opportunity - regardless of their RP affiliations. I have been in several PvP battles where groups that are completely hostile with one another will suddenly decide it's OK to temporarily suspend their blood-feuds for the sole purpose of killing two Wilde players. It sucks, but that is how Discovery rolls.

In sum, you were very unlucky. Please don't feel bad and grief over it because it happens to pretty much everyone at some point.

Nomads will EAT us all! - BaconSoda - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:So, silly me... I wanted to unite Humanity. Really bad RP. Sorry for wasting your time.

It's not necessarily bad RP, but it's an RP choice that each person should make for himself. If my character does not gain anything physically, emotionally, or mentally from fighting this thing, I'm probably going to run away because it is scary. That's just kind of the end of it. That's how people generally work. People are simple and they have simple motivations. Generally "Don't die" is among these motivations. If your character is motivated to protect others and he gains emotionally from doing this, then fighting Nomads is a good choice for you. It's just that you can't really make the choice for everyone.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Stabby Dave - 10-19-2011

' Wrote:My answer is Yes.
The nomads will eat us all, it's obvious due to their superior logic.

We in The Order would attack Nomads without hesitation.

It's what we do. We keep Sirius safe for all.

Nomads will EAT us all! - jakub963 - 10-19-2011

' Wrote:We in The Order would attack Nomads without hesitation.

It's what we do. We keep Sirius safe for all.
... and without RP, or anything resembling it (most of the time even "engagebug")...
But to be brutally honest, you do the same thing to human characters as well so... I guess its fine. At least there is no discrimination... :P

Nomads will EAT us all! - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-19-2011

' Wrote:Actually, i'm pretty sure any human pilot can engage any nomad/wilde ship at will.

And while I certainly don't have a problem with that, at least make some comment other than "Nomad - engage". (That was the sum of the RP I got AFTER the human ships opened fire on me.)

Nomads will EAT us all! - Decerebrated.Individual - 10-19-2011

If the 2 human chars were already trying to kill each other before the nomad arrived, I dont think they would necessarily unite against it, to then go back to killing each other once its dead.

Its the same thing as if 2 human enemies fight and then a human enemy of both of them pops in.

Everyone of them will fight for his own survival, thats their highest priority. They wont put themselves at higher risk just because they may hate one of the other two more than the other, when both of them want to them.

Everyone involved will hope the 3rd enemy shoots the other guy instead of themselves.

So if a 3rd human or nomad comes in, its a 50 50 decision who you will shoot.. the nomad who wants to kill you or the human who wants to kill you. Neither choice has an advantage over the other.

So I wouldnt complain about this situation.

What REALLY irks me is when people who should be ALLIED or are in the SAME FACTION dont help each other against nomads, or a common human enemy. Instead they say they accept the loss of ships to "save resources", when their "saving resources" apparently consists of only going into battles where they are at risk of losing those "resources".

Its really hard for me to RP as those people not being infected, or as just being really, really, really, stupid.

If you dont wanna help someone, say you're busy and unable to assist and move away, but dont sit there gloating at chars of your own faction getting destroyed by your oorp friends.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Sava - 10-20-2011

I think it's already needed to add a line to 95% IDs "Can't ally with nomads"
Alliance/neutrality with blue dildos has become an ordinary occasion when it shouldn't.

P.S. DI, you're my hero

Nomads will EAT us all! - Dane Summers - 10-20-2011

' Wrote:Elitist player reporting in.

So, mister le Pepe,... what you propose is, that with the moment any Wilden/Nomad ship appears on scanners, any- and everybody should unite to kick the hell out of it?

Neat, I'll remember that should we've ever the questionable pleasure of meeting ingame.
And thanks for the heads-up that we should quickly take you down before you can in any way gather people to try rampaging over us.

Gank's fine, and a two-way business.

And this is why I dislike the Keepers as a faction, and there player base. You guys take things too personally, and too an OORP level.

I once witnessed a nomad gb and three fighters sitting in O3 killing every ship that passed by, with little to no "rp" (or whatever you call it) - when I questioned the only keeper player i knew at the time, all I got was a stupid "we get ganked everywhere we go, so...." like its some justification to pvp abuse, and wrap it in your own little rp. Its bull.