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Recreating the Phantoms? - Printable Version

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Recreating the Phantoms? - Alley - 11-07-2011

Quite sure it won't be public.

Recreating the Phantoms? - Dusty Lens - 11-07-2011

Last time I spoke with Kane and the admins, the other day, I was informed he (Kane) and they (the admins) have their own plans for the Phantom ID, ships and bases which should be making a rather major debut with the arrival of 4.86

I think their ideas are pretty wicked myself.

Recreating the Phantoms? - CzeReptile - 11-07-2011

So yeah, for the few chosen again. Fineh meh.

Recreating the Phantoms? - fencore - 11-07-2011

At this point Dusty's talking out his hind end.

The only plans for the Phantoms at this point - that I know of - are to leave the things in as they are. The faction itself is disbanded, and nothing will create itself right in the void left by 'em. So far as I know, the ships won't be up for public use. The Phantoms, as they were played, will continue to exist as lore in the Disco universe. Cambridge and that one SCRA planet nobody cares about will still have been bombed, et cetera.

That doesn't, however, eliminate the possibility of another faction establishing itself as the new bad guy group and then acquiring the Phantom ID. We're just not gonna go with people picking up Phantom stuff right off the bat just for the sake of having Phantom stuff.

Recreating the Phantoms? - Dusty Lens - 11-07-2011

' Wrote:So yeah, for the few chosen again. Fineh meh.

Seriously. I'm well sick of nonvanilla factions with their own IDs and own techline.

' Wrote:At this point Dusty's talking out his hind end.

The only plans for the Phantoms at this point - that I know of - are to leave the things in as they are. The faction itself is disbanded, and nothing will create itself right in the void left by 'em. So far as I know, the ships won't be up for public use. The Phantom, as they were played, will continue to exist as lore in the Disco universe. Cambridge and that one SCRA planet nobody cares about will still have been bombed, et cetera.

That doesn't, however, eliminate the possibility of another faction establishing itself as the new bad guy group and then acquiring the Phantom ID. We're just not gonna go with people picking up Phantom stuff right off the bat just for the sake of having Phantom stuff.

Technically I was just paraphrasing the conversation ^_^. Party pooper.

Recreating the Phantoms? - Panzer - 11-07-2011

You need Kane, Virus and Fellow Hoodlum.

Excavate them and follow their example, otherwise phantoms will never be anywhere near as scary as they used to be in .82

Recreating the Phantoms? - Blighter - 11-12-2011

I volunteer to lead it to glory.

By that I mean appearing out of nowhere with a Hellbound and generating explosions for fun <strike>and profit</strike>.

Recreating the Phantoms? - Crysis - 11-18-2011

Im up with Tenacity, create a whole new Roleplay on the topic (Willing to throw in some ideas if theyre wanted...) Not a total waste. Many things could be brought into the matter, Roleplay is endless... Plus they have incredible equipment and ships... comes like the terrorist ID or a keeper roleplay tbh...

Recreating the Phantoms? - AeternusDoleo - 11-18-2011

From my standpoint as model lead:
- Phantom weapons are among the most powerful in the mod. Surpassing even that of the nomads. If we're going to make an open faction of them (unproven) those weapons need an adjustment in stats, badly. If only to prevent anyone from being able to say you picked up that faction just to get your hands on powerful toys.
- Phantom ships are imports. Need replacement. The cruiser is a romulan model, and I hear the fighter too is from another game.

Personally, I'd ditch the name "Phantom", but keep the faction handy for something. It's tempting to axe the faction specific tech and make those a couple of freelancer bases - Mandelorian governed in the north and Reaver governed in the south. Those factions at least -HAVE- long standing roleplay.

Recreating the Phantoms? - Crysis - 11-18-2011