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Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Printable Version

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Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 09-28-2008

Case Number: RFP0013

Incident: Wilde invades New Berlin

Reporting: Offizier Christian Reinboth

At about 22:00 hours on 28 September 2008, I had stopped at Alster Shipyard to refuel the Phantom LF and have a nagging coolant leak fixed. While waiting, I accessed the remote radar array in Sigma 13 and noticed a Wilde ship approaching the New Berlin jumphole.

I immediately sent a flash message to Elbe Station requesting backup and to notify the Rheinland Military of a possible Wilde incursion. Moments later, New Berlin control sent a system-wide warning that a Wilde ship of unknown type had entered New Berlin space. I made an emergency launch from Alster Shipyard and headed to New Berlin.

As I approached the Sigma 13 jumphole from the Brandenburg tradelane, ships scanner detected the vile Wilde.Abschnitt in a Scorpion gunboat. I along with two other unknown vessels engaged the Wilde ship. It was a furious battle but the combined efforts of our three ships forced the Wilde to flee. The alien vessel escaped back through the Sigma 13 jumphole and was not seen again.

Though sustaining moderate damage, I made a quick sweep of the area looking for any vessels that might have been damaged or possibly infected by the Wilde presence. I then returned to Elbe Station to file this report and enjoy a frosty ale and apple strudel in the bar before heading home.

For the Gottkanzler.

Christian Reinboth
Rheinland Federal Police


Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 10-01-2008

Case Number: RFP0014-R

Incident: Robbery at Alster Shipyard

Reporting: Offizier Christian Reinboth

At about 20:00 hours on 29 September 2008, I responded to a call from Elbe Station Dispatch to investigate a robbery at Alster Shipyard. After speaking with the general manager, Herr Becker, a recent break-in resulted in the loss of over 300 engine components specific to the Rheinland gunboat.

Apparently, a small hole measuring 6x8 meters had been cut into the side of the station to gain access. The breach alarm system had been disengaged at the time.

During my initial inspection using micron spectroscopy, I discovered trace amounts of gamma radiation along the hull cut lines. This is a common energy signature of lasers used by the Unioners and the Red Hessian Army.

I interviewed the captain of the ship “RANGER_Paladin” who was in the vicinity of the station. But he had no information to offer. I will monitor his activities going forward.

I will continue my investigation and report in when I have more information. I'm forwarding this report to Admiral Krieger so he can follow up a possible connection to the Red Hessian Army.

For the Gottkanzler.

Christian Reinboth
Rheinland Federal Police
Church of the Green Eagle


Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 10-02-2008


Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 10-03-2008

Case Number: RFP0014-R

Incident: Ongoing robbery investigation: Alster Shipyard

Reporting: Detective Christian Reinboth

At about 19:30 hours on 03 October 2008, I was flying to Freeport 2 in hopes of meeting Dave Gamble, a paid informant who also happened to be assigned to station security. Earlier in the day he sent me the following text message to my personal comm unit:

Christian, I have something you might find interesting. Meet the usual place.

Flying my personal ship so I wouldnt attract attention, I landed at Freeport 2. Hopping down from the cockpit to the flight deck, I walked across the launch bay. The familiar smell of ship fuel and coolant filled the air. Mech robots scurried about carrying parts to a number of ships being repaired. I approached a door in a far corner marked Security. I opened the door and walked in.

Dave Gamble sat at a desk watching a holo-vid. He nodded as I entered the room.

Take a look at this, he said.

The video on the screen showed the outside of Freeport 2. Time stamp showed it was 10 minutes before the time of the robbery at the shipyard. It showed a Junker in a CSV leave the station and enter the tradelane to Texas. Two minutes later, a large transport ship passed the station without docking. It had come from the direction of Hamburg.

Freeze the video, I said. Can you enlarge the image of that transport to show the ship ID on the hull?

The image zoomed. The transport ship filled the screen.

Can you make out the ID? said Gamble.

Looks like R Ex 868, I said. Looks like a RepEx ship, number 868 to be exact.

Will this help you? said Gamble.

It will, I said. The pilot of that ship would have seen who was at Alster Shipyard right before the time of the robbery. Im willing to bet he saw something.

Time to pay up, said Gamble. A greedy smile plastered on his face.

I paid Gamble and undocked from Freeport 2 heading back to New Berlin. The trail was getting warm. All I needed now was to find RepEx 868.

Ill report in after Ive finished speaking with the captain of that ship.

For the Gottkanzler.

Christian Reinboth
Rheinland Federal Police
Church of the Green Eagle


Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 10-04-2008

--opening comm-link to Elbe Station Dispatch


Dispatch this is Dete Reinbo *static*

Corsair gun bo Yellow

Send backup

RM please respon

--connection lost--

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Monk - 10-04-2008

Message Incoming...
Comm ID: Inspekteur Hans Dominik
Subject: Promotion

Patrolman Christian Reinboth, your service to the force has been exemplary as is your dedication. With the reitirement of Direktor Colonel Helmfried I am in need of a new officer in High Command. Therfore I am promoting you to the position of Leitender Direktor witht the rank Lieutenant Colonel.

Congratulations Leiutenant Colonel Christian Reinboth.

-Inspekteur Hans Dominik

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 10-11-2008

Case Number: RFP0014-R

Incident: Ongoing robbery investigation: Alster Shipyard

Reporting: Detective Christian Reinboth

At about 10:30 hours on 10 October 2008, I was on a stakeout at the Bank of New Berlin. The RFP had received a tip of a possible robbery attempt. We pay 10,000 credits for crime-stopper tips. Some pan out, others don’t. As I sat there watching the bank and eating a cheese strudel, my comm link buzzed.

“Albe Station Dispatch to Detective Reinboth, come in please.”

“This is Reinboth, go ahead,” I said.

“Sir, long-range scanner has found RepEx-858, shall I patch you through?” she said.

“Yes, initiate connection,” I said.

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The Freeport 2 external system camera ...

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This is it! The break I have been looking for. I could feel the old excitement as the hunt was nearing its quarry. All the evidence has pointed to the Unioners, and after analyzing his ship's data log, the ship the RepEx pilot spotted belonged to the Unioner Frantz Taschke. I opened a channel to Albe Station Dispatch.

“Dispatch, this is Reinboth, send out an all points bulletin to arrest the Unioner Frantz Taschke. He’s wanted in connection with the Alster Shipyard robbery.”

“Affirmative Detective, the arrest warrant has been broadcasted,” she said.

My next report should see the close of this case. Frantz Taschke is in my sights, and Vierlande Prison will be his next residence.

For the Gottkanzler.

Christian Reinboth
Rheinland Federal Police
Church of the Green Eagle


//big thanks to mwerte for this little bit of RP fun.

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - The Pirate - 12-06-2008

---Incoming Transmission---

Sender ID: Nikolai Deinhardt
Patrol Number: 5-6-4
Subject: New Berlin-Stuttgart Tradelane Patrol

Patrol Sweep in the Stuttgart-New Berlin Tradelanes have been completed.

I had a Few minor incidents with Traders from Liberty Trying to Sneak some Engine Components past
the Security Checkpoints. But nothing to serious They were Ordered to Drop their cargo and then Proceed to the Hamburg Jumpgate.

As a Fine the Cargo Was Destroyed.

There was also a Moderate hessian presence near Bonn which were Quickly eliminated by the Battleship Strausberg defenders.

And as Usual the hessians have been attacking Dortmund Station again.

Hessian Casualties: 56
Friendly Casualties: 5

Patrolman Gerda Hitz - Police
Cadet Stefan Kessler - Police
Lieutenant Otto Lessing - Military
Escort Helga Strauser - Daumann
Escort Karl von Heslling - Daumann

They Served Rheinland and Der Gottkanzler Well

May they Rest in Piece.

---Report Transmission Terminated by user---

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - The Pirate - 12-08-2008

---Incoming Transmission---

Sender ID: Nikolai Deinhardt
Patrol Number: 5-6-4
Subject: Harvester Attack

At aproximately 5:30-7:30 PM yesterday Police dispatch recieved a distress call from traders that encountered a Harvester Cruiser class vessel along the New Berlin-Brandeburg Station Trade Lane.

There is being reported a few civilians missing, it is assumed that the harvester ''harvested'' them before we were able to drive it out of Rheinland space.

Colonial Remnant Ships were the first on the scene and assisted in driving the Harvester out and i personally recommend them for citations and further Trade Benefits from the Rheinland state.

=CR= Reaper were their Wing commander i encourage the Inspekteur to forward the citations to his squadron.

Patrol 5-6-4 Nikolai Deinhardt Signing out.

---Transmission Terminated by User---

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - The Pirate - 12-09-2008

---Incoming Transmission---

Sender ID: Nikolai Deinhardt
Patrol Number: 5-6-4
Subject: Liberty Incursion

It is with great anger and sorrow that i file this report.

About three days ago a Liberty Navy Cruiser Class vessel violated Rheinland space and openly attacked
Federal Police ships.

The ship carried the Identification signature: HerculeS

After attempting to hail it 4 times i was shot down by it i only survived because a Daumann freighter picked me up and transported me to New Berlin.

I tracked it as Far as Dresden before i was Shot down.

Casuelties: Unknown as this point.

---Transmission Terminated by User---