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Gallic Junker Register - Jihadjoe - 12-26-2011

My only statement on the matter has been that this is not a debate for the GRN feedback thread, that is all.

Gallic Junker Register - Skullz - 12-26-2011

GRN| will open fire on you if you do not drop your goods and exit gallia. That is if your character, either with Gallic Junker ID or Junker ID is being used.

Gallic Junker Register - Miaou - 12-26-2011

' Wrote:So...if you don't register and you have normal, acceptable goods, the GRP will probably tax you and the GRN will do nothing but follow your Gallic Junker to its trade destination? If you're caught smuggling or carrying contraband you will be shot on sight?

GRP will "tax" anyone not specifically a Loyalist Gallic.

Gallic Junker Register - SA_Scavenger - 12-26-2011

' Wrote:GRN| will open fire on you if you do not drop your goods and exit gallia. That is if your character, either with Gallic Junker ID or Junker ID is being used.

Ok, therefore, ala Bush, you're either for us or against us?

Gallic Junker Register - Skullz - 12-26-2011

Basically, however I know that you asking these questions are valid, but can you come to making an answer to mine, as in the ones that are in the first post.

Its not that am being hard about it, I would just prefer that you would bring your opinions where asked for to the table. If you mind me saying so.

Bear in mind I have already said myself that GRN| could make a list of those they see performing illegal activities, just like what the other houses who have certian ID'd characters performing illegal actions, whilst there are also some that work for them on those same ID's.

Gallic Junker Register - SA_Scavenger - 12-26-2011

Well, just remember that any door that is shut opens another door somewhere else. You can register your main character and then use other characters or other members of the GSC to do the dirty work against the crown, if that's your RP. You don't have to do everything out in the open. If Dab wants a list, let him have a list, use some random name as your cover and proceed as per usual. It doesn't matter if you're on the list, if you're caught doing something wrong, the penalty is death in either circumstance.

Lists are lists, anyone can make one. When I'm on my Junker, whether my Sirian one or my Gallic one, the idea is to avoid GRN and GRP, unless I have arranged business with them beforehand; and if that's the case then I would do that on the ship and character I have registered with them. Remember, the Gallic Junker is foremost a spy, therefore your RP should reflect that. If the government cracks down on your operations, it's time to step up your activities in other areas. Bait and switch as it were.

That's my thoughts on the matter.

Gallic Junker Register - Dab - 12-26-2011

Any trader carrying goods that isn't a member of the Gallic Corporations is not allowed to trade within Gallia by default. They must buy permits to do so. Gallic Junkers have an exception in that upon registering they get free rights to trade ordinary goods, but are prohibited to trade restricted goods (unless they make a personal deal with the GRN or Royal Family).

In short, the Junkers have to register the same as everyone else. Except when they do, they get trade permits for free. So things are not as bad for the Junkers as you are trying to make them think.

Gallic Junker Register - SA_Scavenger - 12-26-2011

' Wrote:Any trader carrying goods that isn't a member of the Gallic Corporations is not allowed to trade within Gallia by default. They must buy permits to do so. Gallic Junkers have an exception in that upon registering they get free rights to trade ordinary goods, but are prohibited to trade restricted goods (unless they make a personal deal with the GRN or Royal Family).

In short, the Junkers have to register the same as everyone else. Except when they do, they get trade permits for free. So things are not as bad for the Junkers ad you are trying to make them think.

There's your answer Skulls, if you want to trade in Gallia as per normal, register that specific ship that you trade on. If you want to smuggle, spy or cause all out havoc, use another ship and avoid the GRP and GRN like the plague.

It makes the RP very similar to the Junkers in Sirian space, so in that aspect it's a bit of the same old, same old. However, there are ways around it.

Gallic Junker Register - Skullz - 12-26-2011

However Dab has not been able to answer this;
Quote:will find themselves treated no differently than any Sirian we find flying in our space.
Is own post here is not representative of the roleplay he has done in relation to the registry. And secondly he has not shown any reasons as to why it promotes Gallic Junker ID'd characters. And it also goes against what status has been put on Gallic Junkers as a being considered Lawful Faction. A Lawful faction should be having its right to trade automatically. Not being treated as a Sirian which is what Dabs character does do, contrary to the post he has given today.

So Dab, I ask you again the question of why do you think it promotes Gallic Junker roleplay? which is actually the purpose of this thread.

Gallic Junker Register - Skullz - 12-27-2011

I will put my first post up again:

Quote:I am going to try something different here, so please bear with me. Opening this thread shows you have an interest with Gallic Junkers to which we all know is as varied as they come. But there is certain requirements. These are as you of course well know is that the Gallic junker Id is the Junker Guard ID, which might be still the case in 4.86. And that you must register the character with GRN| for that character to be treated as a Gallic Junker. If you arn't on that list, whilst usinga Gallic Junker ID'd character GRN| and any GRN Independent player is allowed to open fire on you, and treat you also as if you were a Sirian Junker not a Gallic Junker.

So, I would like to ask players with in the community how they feel that the register promotes Gallic Junkers, or discourage them. I would also like to ask players with in the community another question, which is do you feel that the ID shows what the characters allegiance is, falsely or not, and why.

Thank you all for your replies.
Please put your thoughts as asked and nothing more.

I have not made this thread with myself in mind. I have made this thread for those interested in Gallic Junkers. And not all players want to go on the forums. A player might want to play a gallic junker once a week for an hour and never go on the forum. So please be open minded when you make your post.