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Rule 4.1 - Printable Version

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Rule 4.1 - Korrd - 03-21-2008

' Wrote:Yeah, same as AC here.. Scrap the 'one person can only be in 2 system-owning factions at once' but leave the character one. I remember when a guy had characters from two different factions once.. He was SDF (old SF) and something else at the same time (forgot what it was, the faction is gone now) and all it did was cause problems..
Before that rule came into being, I used to have a "[AW][FF][<something else>]Korrd" character.

I voted leave it. The rule is there so a ship does not belongs to more than one faction. IT was a mess before, as two opposing factions shared members, and those members had a single ship belonging to both factions. What side will that ship side with during a battle?

Rule 4.1 - Unseelie - 03-21-2008

Yes, we are all against that, but thats not what the rule describes...The rule needs a rewrite if thats what it means.

Rule 4.1 - ScornStar - 03-21-2008

I voted leave it. I voted this way because I am concerned that a handful of people who do know how to make multiple accounts could make enough characters in enough major factions to cause metagameing, or possibly gain to much digital power in have access to every guard/owned systems finest items. I'm just a firm believer in you cant have it all.

I mean if you have a Outcast character, a Corsairs character, a asgaurdian warriors character, a TAZ character, a CR character, a BAF character, a Liberty Navy character, and a Keepers character well heck you nearly have it all and know whats going on every where. To me I like to know only what my characters know and, I designed them so they have shared intelligence. Those connection would also put each specific ship in your grasp and weapons too. If one of these people has a personal problem with you can literally be anywhere you have the right to be to make your life harder while throwing up just enough RP to keep it legal. This makes me paraniod:unsure: I already hide my psudo faction members idenities from each other so they dont give any favortism to their other characters.:secret:

I'm not saying everyone does it but I see potential for abuse. I know I'm in the minority so I just cast my vote and thats that. If anyone has any remarks that may put my concerns to rest please post them other wise I see it as a means to access everything and no one should have it all.

Rule 4.1 - mwerte - 03-21-2008

I chatted with an old friend from around here and he said:

Quote:we enforced the rule of "if you're in a system owning clan, you cannot be in another system owning faction, at all" for the simple reason it allows for better role play, no "faction hopping" or cross-faction issues.
Essentially he's saying that someone having both Corsair and OC chars might be a problem, but say a RM and a RoS char? shouldn't be an issue. Also, I think that Unseelie has addressed this point better then I have, I just wanted to shed some light on the beginnings of the rule.

Edit: Scorn, that's a very real concern, that someone might have the "best of the best" weapons/ships ect but there is already a rule for that. And while I admire your ability to just stick to one RP story, I need to have multipule, if Rheinland is being crazy I switch to Malta, get killed by the CR -crap- I switch to my Liberty guy, or my camera guy. It fits my mood and I try very hard to not metagame, does it still happen, yeah, especially looking at the comm list "aw crap, that guy's a corsair GB in Alpha, gotta go help the OCs" but I don't think I abuse it.

Rule 4.1 - Unseelie - 03-21-2008

' Wrote:I voted leave it. I voted this way because I am concerned that a handful of people who do know how to make multiple accounts could make enough characters in enough major factions to cause metagameing, or possibly gain to much digital power in have access to every guard/owned systems finest items. I'm just a firm believer in you cant have it all.

I mean if you have a Outcast character, a Corsairs character, a asgaurdian warriors character, a TAZ character, a CR character, a BAF character, a Liberty Navy character, and a Keepers character well heck you nearly have it all and know whats going on every where. To me I like to know only what my characters know and, I designed them so they have shared intelligence. Those connection would also put each specific ship in your grasp and weapons too. If one of these people has a personal problem with you can literally be anywhere you have the right to be to make your life harder while throwing up just enough RP to keep it legal. This makes me paraniod:unsure: I already hide my psudo faction members idenities from each other so they dont give any favortism to their other characters.:secret:

I'm not saying everyone does it but I see potential for abuse. I know I'm in the minority so I just cast my vote and thats that. If anyone has any remarks that may put my concerns to rest please post them other wise I see it as a means to access everything and no one should have it all.

Zav has a char everywhere.
So does Lancer.
And, to be honest, me. Ive a BD, a GC, a slew of traders, a corsair, 4 brets, a rogue, a SCRA, etc...
Everyone can do that. The point is, its allowed, and the rule isn't should get removed simply for that reason, because it muddles up the rules. The community is already stronger than that, in the most part, because of the way the factions are woven together...Even with the enemy factions, we've friends. It keeps the huge abuses from happening, it really does. Because we're in both groups, and we know both groups, and we aren't for one group over the other, in general. The interleaving of the factions, to the extent that is already woven, Is a much better defense mechanism than such a rule, because it means we know and respect the people on the other side of the fight. The fact that Disco is a community rather than a group of warring factions makes it what it is, and prohibiting that interleaving is both impossible, and destructive.

Rule 4.1 - mwerte - 03-21-2008

also, because of said (ooRP) friendships I can say, "Hey, I think this guy's metagaming deliberately in your clan and mine, lets have a chat with him" even to the leader of the Benitez or TBH or something like that.

TBH, the forums is a type of metagaming, I know who Mjolihar's chars are and I know to avoid them...ect.

Rule 4.1 - old.steel - 03-27-2008

Please leave it.

Rule 4.1 - Asymptotic - 03-27-2008

The question was posed poorly, the two option should obviously be "Rewrite it to remove the clause about more than two factions on an account" or "Leave as is and enforce"

Rule 4.1 - Xing - 03-27-2008

I, personally would have said only 1 system owning faction... but anyway. Leave it of course.

Rule 4.1 - Unseelie - 03-27-2008

Tonight, I participated in a battle.
The first battle I've been able to participate in for 4 months.
Because of multifactioning, we were able to set it up as fair and balanced as possible. Get rid of the rule. No one obeys it, no one enforces it, and if they did, the random battle we just had would not have been nearly as fun. Anyone arguing against that, needs to join another faction.