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Remove Connecticut - farmerman - 01-06-2012

I still say (the fact I can still say it after not being in discussions for more than a year and a half or so really says a lot about this) that the best solution is a command that works for Connecticut.

Even better would be a command that would make a duplicate of your ship on a separate instance of the server and move you there. I don't know if it's possible, but it sounds a lot like the one idea for server population increase, though I don't recall whatever happened with that.

Remove Connecticut - Negatar - 01-06-2012

I vote to remove it (although I believe this attempt wont work) because:

It takes up slots from the server
These types of players can find their fun elsewhere (on another server)
It is confusing seeing Rheinland (or other odd factions) moving thru Liberty to go there
People abuse this notion that they are just travelling to Connecticut and attack from there
It also just makes sense to the rest of us Role Players to have these folks get their kicks elsewhere

Just my two cents! ;)

Remove Connecticut - Korny - 01-06-2012

People don't seem to realize that PvP isn't only silly Battleship pilots holding the right mouse button for 3 minutes so something goes blop.

People who actively chill and fight in Conn are mostly fighter pilots who actually understand the PvP aspect of this game. Besides, there's (when I'm there) never more than about 10 people AT MAX spending their time there, most of them are both excellent roleplayers and pvphoes, the ones I know anyway.

Trust me, I bet they're contributing more to the server RP than you. Just because they like to lay back half an hour in connecticut it won't ruin your, or anybody else's RP.

On another note, it's much more complicated to go for another server and get the friends you want to fight with there and get proper equipment etc, it's also a matter of good connection quality, which most of these "pvp" servers don't have, simple as that.

I do agree in one thing, Conn needs a different system, not as in star system, but it's indeed annoying, atleast on my LN, to see battleships and all kinds of stuff moving to Conn without even poking me.

But there's millions of threads that discuss about exactly this point, so I won't take it here.

Remove Connecticut - Varyag - 01-06-2012

Conn is a great place. Seriously, maybe you should visit there (even though random ships can be fun ruiners by being lulwuts) instead of Q_Qing about it. There has been lots of times that i have had a great fight or interaction in NY and then all parties go to conn for a kind of AAR or to just chill out.

Also it is a good place to test your loadout or fight with people you would not normally get to interact with.

A good example of all of the above would be me meeting HF caps in NY. We chatted a bit then headed there. I got to spend some good time with them trying out load outs and discussing cap tactics. Even got to take a close look at some of the HF stuff.

It is a good place, keep it.

Remove Connecticut - Van - 01-06-2012

' Wrote:I'd rather not remove conneticut. It's a useful thing to have.

I would rather we closed off the jumphole though, to prevent random people wandering their way through liberty yelling "// GOING TO CONN, NO SHOOT PLISS".

Replace the jumphole with an FLhook command "/conn" or something, which just beams you to conneticut, provided you have no cargo in your hold, then a "/home" command, which only works in conn, and takes you to a base which belongs to your faction ID.

That would be the ideal situation. Removing conneticut would not "free up slots". Those same people would just go somewhere else and shoot one another for oorp practice instead. Except by removing conn, you'd force them to do so somewhere in the RP environment.

This sound nice to me. How feasible is this?

First possible exploit I see, though, is using the /conn - /home command for instant travel. A corsair smuggler brings their artifacts to New York, or Gallia (assuming they pay well), sells the artifacts, /conn , /home , repeat.

People could also use it to regroup from anywhere, no matter how spread out. Though if this would be bad or not I am not sure.

Any alternatives to the /home command?

Hm, how about something like the /pimpship command? Can only be done inside a base. So, /conn will take you to Connecticut, and /return will take you back to the base you had used the /conn command at.

...for obvious reasons, the /conn command will not work in Connecticut bases.


(also, <strike>with this proposed /conn - /return method, you do not need to empty your cargo hold....</strike> nevermind, just thought how that could be exploited, too. Player A brings 5000 X to Connecticut, swaps them with Player B for 5000 Y, both do /return, profit, repeat. sigh Hrm.)

(another also, I just discovered what the ??? is in the Profit equation. /return . Yay.)

Remove Connecticut - Tomtomrawr - 01-06-2012

Hold on hold on here. You're suggesting that by removing Connecticut less people will be on the server? Well that's horse crap, because the people who would've been in Conn would just be playing on other characters and nothing will be solved.

We have plenty of players. The part that's important is how we distribute them. Maybe you should stop blaming one system that's a place to lay back and start blaming the hundred+ systems that spread the player base out thinly.

Remove Connecticut - Ursus - 01-06-2012

I've said before, they should put jumphole to conn in a few of the independent systems, so that everybody can come and go as they wish without having to cross through Liberty. Just make it so jumpholes will not allow any cargo in the hold.

Remove Connecticut - dodike - 01-06-2012

' Wrote:Hold on hold on here. You're suggesting that by removing Connecticut less people will be on the server? Well that's horse crap, because the people who would've been in Conn would just be playing on other characters and nothing will be solved.

We have plenty of players. The part that's important is how we distribute them. Maybe you should stop blaming one system that's a place to lay back and start blaming the hundred+ systems that spread the player base out thinly.
We need constant add-ons of new systems to discover. Otherwise what's point of playing "Discovery"?

Remove Connecticut - Korny - 01-06-2012

' Wrote:We need constant add-ons of new systems to discover. Otherwise what's point of playing "Discovery"?

Make already existing Systems more interesting ?

Remove Connecticut - dodike - 01-06-2012

' Wrote:Make already existing Systems more interesting ?
How is that discovery?