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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Printable Version

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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Zapp - 03-25-2008

Baconsoda, ye be under arrest fer obstruction o' justice. Hands where I can see 'em. I SAID HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE 'EM! I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL PULL THE TRIGGER! Oi, wha? Da gun has to be outta the holster first. Oh. OK. Darn, I think I super-glued my gun in there. Oh well. As you were, citizen. I be watchin' ya with one... beady... eye.


Seriously, I'm not the one to talk about. There was more LPI on just now than any other time since the first day when we all came in gun-ho. A bunch of new guys in Patriots. All we do is fly around and crack jokes off-handed. We ain't harm no one no how.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - sovereign - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:I don't know if the topic is still on SA/LSF/LPI, but, they're sitting in New York, all the time....

For gods sake, there are twelve of them (yes, I counted) sitting outside Manhattan, and when I asked them why none of them were policing the 5 people in California, or the 6 people in Colorado, or the 4 people in Texas, I received no reply. Honestly, now, I can't even keep a steady connection in New York due to the stuff that goes on there (there are 44 people in New York as of 4:44pm ET)....

Please, SA/LSF/LPI, diversify your forces. Instead of all twelve of you blowing up one person with a Nomad Weapon outside Manhattan, go elsewhere as well. SA doesn't even have to stay in Liberty, they can patrol the trade lanes in the independent worlds too....

Edit: My mistake, there are 14 Liberty Police Officers in New York....

I had actually just gotten back from patrol in Cali, more accurately, had just ran from a gunboat and 2 VHFs. We didn't all gang the poor nomad guy, only LSF/SA did, we sat there trying to make them stop. I'd also like to point out that the vast majority of us weren't set up yet, with a whopping... 3? not in patriots. And, like zapp said, it's our job to be incompetent. We just fly around and have fun, eat donuts, hit on LPI-Diana, the works.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Reverend Del - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:Wut? Kiss This Then was a Hyena LF.. I know, 'cause he attacked my Armoured Transport and I killed him.:(
Thank you Eta, I have all the proof I need anyway, my fellow has broken no rules of our faction, when he met the LNS Birmingham, he was indeed flying a Werewolf, as is right and proper. If either of you feel the need to see what an actual Rogue Gunboat looks like feel free to look up the Gunboat.Diplomat when it's online.

As to the LPI fest, a lot of new members in recent days, all feeling the need to strut their stuff tonight. But I could request that the next time I ask for three volunteers to go patrol Colorado with me, I get them.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Vape - 03-25-2008 scans showed it was a rogue gunboat....and i know what a werewolf looks like....i was once in LR...before it became defunct and was remade....
but im not going to press the issue.
i know what i saw....but thats aside the point...

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - BaconSoda - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:I had actually just gotten back from patrol in Cali, more accurately, had just ran from a gunboat and 2 VHFs. We didn't all gang the poor nomad guy, only LSF/SA did, we sat there trying to make them stop. I'd also like to point out that the vast majority of us weren't set up yet, with a whopping... 3? not in patriots. And, like zapp said, it's our job to be incompetent. We just fly around and have fun, eat donuts, hit on LPI-Diana, the works.

' Wrote:As to the LPI fest, a lot of new members in recent days, all feeling the need to strut their stuff tonight. But I could request that the next time I ask for three volunteers to go patrol Colorado with me, I get them.

I don't know about you guys, but I think that the BPA is also portrayed as being incompetent (Tea and Biscuits anyone?), and we get things done, in fact, on my first day I even got things done. Personally all I saw was a whole lot of Liberty Lawfuls shooting someone who "Didn't have a license to carry nomad weapons," and then more chatting. Why aren't you guys outfitting yourselves? I'd like to thing that the American stereotypes are a bit more efficient than the brits (being an American and all), even if we are portrayed as being fat and stupid in European TV, I mean, come on, on the ground the BPA can't even carry guns! What are we going to do against Molly terrorists with our slingshots?

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Boss - 03-26-2008

Not 14, only 8. Dean, Jim, Colin, Matt, Bloated Pheasant or something, Joe, Jeff, and Diana. Larry and Harry were on later.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - BaconSoda - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:Not 14, only 8. Dean, Jim, Colin, Matt, Bloated Pheasant or something, Joe, Jeff, and Diana. Larry and Harry were on later.

I was talking about all SA/LSF/LPI members.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Malinka - 03-26-2008

EUH yeah!
Good question!!

Ask the LSF!!


Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - MB52 - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:I don't know about you guys, but I think that the BPA is also portrayed as being incompetent (Tea and Biscuits anyone?), and we get things done, in fact, on my first day I even got things done. Personally all I saw was a whole lot of Liberty Lawfuls shooting someone who "Didn't have a license to carry nomad weapons," and then more chatting. Why aren't you guys outfitting yourselves? I'd like to thing that the American stereotypes are a bit more efficient than the brits (being an American and all), even if we are portrayed as being fat and stupid in European TV, I mean, come on, on the ground the BPA can't even carry guns! What are we going to do against Molly terrorists with our slingshots?

I fought 4 lanehacker ships in California today and survived for about an hour (then escaped back to newyork since no backup came)

Inefficient? nah, while they were all trying to kill me they weren't pirating traders and I did do alot of damage. The LPI peashooters are quite handy...

and you guys forgot me on the list of LPI on today....

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - BaconSoda - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:I fought 4 lanehacker ships in California today and survived for about an hour (then escaped back to newyork since no backup came)

Inefficient? nah, while they were all trying to kill me they weren't pirating traders and I did do alot of damage. The LPI peashooters are quite handy...
and you guys forgot me on the list of LPI on today....

Now THAT is efficiency. I never said you guys were inefficient, in fact, your guys said they were inefficient. I said that I like to think you guys are efficient...