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141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-14-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]Yesterday, the AI Cruiser, Ecclesiarch.Alpha, entered Omicron Minor again. We had disabled it a couple of days ago for intruding Omicron Mu. Yesterday, we got reports of it being back again. The 141 Task Force quickly responded to the call for backup, and we quickly closed the exits out of the system. Then began a tedious combing of the system. As many as 15 Order pilots were present. None from primary fleet however. The AI seemed very talkative, but refused to reveal it's location. During our sweeps, we had only occasional contacts with it, but it managed to slip away from our grip every time.

We came up with the idea to send a powerful virus through it's commlink, thus forcing it to reveal it's location. An independent pilot named Forlorn d'Autoine had vast knowledge in this area, and he was chosen to create the virus. He was assisted by one of our own Ensigns, Achenar Kado, who also seemed educated in this subject. The two of them tried several times, but the AI had powerful protection against this. Unfortunately, we didn't have one of our Reseph cruisers with us. It would have made the task simple with it's powerful systems. After several attempts to breach the AI's integrity, we had to give up.

From where I was sitting, this was a textbook example of how to perform a search. Captain Corzelli coordinated the operation, and a systematic sweep was performed. The vastness of Minor, and the radiation emitted from Toledo, makes it easier to evade our regular scan, and it's my belief it was the reason we weren't successful. If a Reseph somehow could be accquired, I'm sure the outcome will be different.

Our newest recruits, Ensigns Kado and Johnson deserves recognition for their untiring efforts sweeping through the system. Independent pilot Forlorn d'Autoine also deserves recognition. I think he would be an excellent addition to the 141 Task Force. He also seemed to have caught Captain Corzelli's attention. A good man to have alongside, I'd say.

[color=#990000]Submitted by Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***

141| Internal Channel - Johnathan Nox Carter - 02-14-2012

[Image: openchanneltyrael141.png][Image: 14ahaap.jpg]

Greetings, agents.
This is Ensign Tyrael Johnson speaking.

It seems Special Operative Masa was faster than me and already reported the incident regarding the AI cruiser. I can only confirm his data as being accurate and... regarding another matter: I would like to take this latest opportunity, although i am yet "young" in this Task Force, to ask if Forlorn d'Autoine could join our ranks. I've known him for a long time... he's experienced as i am and i think he could be a good asset to us.

Also, one more thing. It seems there has been a suspicious increased Corsair activity these last days around Omicron Mu. Just yesterday morning i've encountered another one and along with Alexander Salmin we've directed him out of the system. * *
Should this interest us?

Tyrael, out.

[Image: closechanneltyrael141.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 02-14-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Colonel Davids hier.

I want to remind all agents of taskforce 141 zhat attention has to be payed when encountering any AI vessel.
Zhey are not to be underestimated. Zhat zhe same AI cruiser was able to get into Omicron Minor and hide
in our former home is quite disturbing. We need more information about zheir true intentions.
Regarding obtaining ein Respheph cruiser, 141 Command is discussing zhis matter,
but due to our limited ressources at zhe moment, it might become difficult.

Ensign Johnson, if you encounter more Corsairs in Omicrons Mu or in Zeta near zhe jumphole to Mu, ask
for zheir intentions within our controlled space, and POLITELY direct zhem to zheir space again. Zhe usage
of weapons is only permitted when your own life is at risk! We don't need any tensions between zhe Order
and zhe Corsair Empire.

Besides... I should perhaps remind you zhat Masa, Corzelli and Rivas are of Corsair origin, so don't mess it up with zhem!

Colonel Davids out

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-15-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]At approximately 16:00 today, I answered Agent Longstrides request for back up in Omicron 92. Two Zoners, [Deep.Space.Dweller] a Corvo cruiser and [DSD]-09-Lima an Osprey, that he had rejected a while ago had decided to go back. Since some firepower was required, I went there with the Osiris-class battleship Cobra. When i entered Omicron 92, I stumbled upon them immediately. They were preparing to jump in to Omicron Mu. I informed Agent Longstride, and made the jump back myself. The two intruders quickly engaged their cruise engines, and set course for Zeta jumphole. Agent Longstride, in his Onuris, began decreasing the distance to them. Both of us repeatedly ordered them to stop, but without any response.

The chase finally came to a halt, when they encountered the minefield around Zeta jumphole. We demanded to know why they had ignored our hails, but they couldn't give a sufficient explanation. I informed them of my intention to destroy their ships, and take the crew in to custody. Also this was ignored. I therefore opened fire, and destroyed both ships. We scanned the area for escape pods, but couldn't find any. We can only assume that the crews were killed along with the ships.

Communications log

[color=#990000]Submitted by Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***

141| Internal Channel - Johnathan Nox Carter - 02-15-2012

[Image: openchanneltyrael141.png][Image: 14ahaap.jpg]

Greetings, agents.
This is Ensign Tyrael Johnson speaking.

Today, me along with many other agents have met a trading vessel near the Delta Jump hole in Omicron Zeta. It was using Freelancer credentials, BH IFF transmitter and it was tagged as 77th. The vessel's name was T-Hunter. Agent Forlorn and I were chosen to continue the discussion and interrogation of the vessel's pilot.

At first, it seemed to be a bit difficult as it didn't know what precisely what to say. But, in short time, we made him talk by friendly methods. He stated that his name was Xra'i and that he is from an alien species with humanoid form and that all 77th members are aswell as this, not all with the same origins, but all of them are not Sirians.
We also found out that the 77th is a group with many divisions and they are some sort of a military group to defend "their kind".
We tried to get information about the 77th's last attack in Mu, but it seems he didn't have information about this.
Though... We did enter an interesting "discussion", if may say. It seems that we stumbled into talking about an agent of theirs which they call "the unknown" (Which always communicates to us and them as ??? and we know him to be the pilot of a ship named Ice.). Xra'i first referred to this agent as "crystalline thingy", but then as "unknown". He said that it's a being different from the rest, always using a cloak to hide it's true form, but it's rumored that it is some form of energy (of which i might know more, i will elaborate at the end). More importantly, it seems that this "unknown" is conducting it's own experiments and research... most possibly on nomads, but none of the 77th know exactly what about is this research of his. Xra'i says that this agent tried once to communicate with a nomad Labraid (i suspect it was a nomad very far from it's Mind node, otherwise it would have attacked... and didn't stay to "chat".), but other Bounty Hunters came in and attacked the nomad.

Also, another interesting thing he said is (apparently he told us many things by mistake as we were "chatting" about this "unknown".) that the 77th do not use Bounty hunter technology, but it's very similar and that is what drove us into error. Also we were told they all have personal body shieldings.

Back to the "unknown" topic... i am thinking that this being is actually an energy life form which uses that cloak of his to keep the energy from dissipating. Although Xra'i said he does have a physical form, i believe that's not actually possible, otherwise one of the might have seen him in the end. I can vouch for the fact that it is possible for energy life forms to exist, as i was once such a life form... i know it might sound hard to explain, but you can find more information on my personal journal.
In any case, i speculate, with emphasis on "speculate", that if we may create diplomatic relations with this unknown character we might come into more information about the nomads... or at least we could give our scientists, possibly, a very skilled ally.

I know of our engagements with the 77th and i agree that they are still to be untrusted. But, today, i find myself in the position of thinking that diplomacy can still be achieved. If maybe, i repeat maybe, me or another person with diplomatic skills could keep an open discussion between our factions we might end up in gaining some allies and i do not see the harm in that. I know it sounds bold, but should we not give it a try?

Unfortunately i was unable to bring any images from the scene or to record any of the conversation due to some damages to my ship from a prior duel. Though, i believe Forlorn was able to record the conversation so he might give me or agent Masa the recording so the command may see it.

Tyrael, out.

[Image: closechanneltyrael141.png]

141| Internal Channel - Data Minion - 02-16-2012


***Incoming Transmission***

***Encryption Level: Very High***

***Subject: CLASSIFIED***

***Opening Communication Links***

***Balancing Frequency***


***Transmission active. Proceed.***


Good day fellow agents, and friends, this is ensign Kado speaking.

I am sorry I didn't write a report earlier, there were some technical errors in my broadcast unit.

Yesterday, when my shift began, I stumbled upon a Zoner Juggernaut just outside Meskhenet station. He seemed to be curious about Omicron Mu, and asked me for coordinates, which I refused to give. The vessel's name is Lost_Pioneer if I remember correctly. He didn't make any incidents because of my denial, and continued his journey.

Oh, just now I seem to find a Corsarian gunboat in Zeta! He is interested in joining the Order, to serve it's cause... It seems that we are slowly growing stronger, I'm very pleased to see that!

I am sorry that my lousy technician didn't install the guncam yet, so I don't have any photographic evidence of it.

Never the less, I'm continuing my shift now. See you in space!

Ensign Kado signing out.

***Transmission Finished***


***Transmission Delivered***

***Disabling Frequency***


141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 02-19-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Colonel Davids hier.

I am sure that our taskforce had to witness some strange encounters in Omicrons Minor and Zeta yesterday.
As Nicolo Masa and the other agents will surely set up reports about all these incidents, I am will concentrate
about one, that has attracted mein attention, due to the fact that zhis report has been retrieved
from the wreckage of one of our Interceptor-fighters.

Near zhe jumphole to Mu, Interceptor-5 faced ein Rheinland gunboat zhat seemed to be under control of zhe
Büro der Marineintelligenz. As zhe BDM received permission to roam the Omicrons only up to Delta, it was
rather strange zhat they somehow violated zhis agreement with Order High Command by traveling to Zeta
and almost entering Omicron Mu. Our agent intercepted zhe gunboat and hailed it to stop.
* * *

During zhe ongoing conversation between Interceptor-5 and zhe BDM gunboat, it was revealed zhat zhe
BDM was investigating about zhe current status of zhe Order.
Interceptor-5 did not reveal too much information about our current status, and also gave zhe Rheinlander
zhe hint, zhat any information about us should not go public. Due to the fact that Interceptor-5 was
destroyed in a fight against ein nomad later on, we could only retrieve parts of the comm logs for it:
* * * * * *

As zhe agent #5 is in medical treatment we cannot start any interrogation about zhis situation right now.

Nontheless I am getting zhe impression zhat more and more people around Sirius start to believe zhat zhe rumor about
our demise might be a bit exaggerated.

Keep a clear mind and do not reveal too much information about our current status!

Colonel Davids out

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-19-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***
***Classified information***
***141|HC Eyes Only***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]At 22:26 SMT, I picked up an unknown signal from within Omicron Zeta. At the time, I didn'€™t give it much attention, since me and Agent Marley had been dispatched to investigate a possible breach in to Omicron Minor. This rapidly changed when the call that said it was two capital ships, one Thresher and one Bullhead, from the mysterious group who called themselves the 77th. They had once again decided to pay us a visit, and had been sighted near planet Murilo, in Omicron Zeta. We started communicating with them, and even though there were some tension at first, no hostile actions were taken.

The two visitors, called Might and Guardian, were in orbit of planet Murilo, and were conducting a survey of the planet. They sent down drones for a closer investigation. We told them that the planet was ice only, but they said that there were different sorts of ice. This woke the attention of Forlorn d'€™Autoigne. He started questioning them about it, but they were very secretive about the subject. Avoiding the questions. The whole time trying to lead us away from the subject. Since they didn'€™t volunteer the information, we tried to hack the drones on the surface. Might was a bit upset about this, and at one point said that he had used special crystalline for them. This '€œcrystalline'€ might also be something we should look in to. The two visitors started an internal discussion at this point, in a langage that we couldn'€™t understand. This is how it sounded:

*replays part of the conversation* '€œ[77th]Might: ???: [to guardian] Hra'iu. Ordaj zillekil. Hahhh. Findirk Funiar'k. [77th]Might: [To guardian] Here'ai startez... So zillekil. Hah.'€

At this point, Forlorn was prepared to send his signal to the drones. He had planned to schock them with a powerful EMP. When learning this, the two visitors seemed to relax, and accidently let slip that it would be absorbed. When Forlorn sent his pulse, there was a screech in the comms. We also heard robotic chatter over the comms. Forlorn reported that he was recieving data, and the drones were being retrieved by the visitors. They said the drones contained starbased dark antimatter, which concerned us all. They said that our intellect wasn'€™t evolved enough to understand it, but were at the same time amazed that we actually managed to breach in to the drones, which they called Scorian drones.

An anomaly was registered on the planet at this point, and the planets rotation was slowing down. The visitors seemed surprised by this as well. Forlorn admitted that he had destroyed some drones, and that he also might have done other things to them. The visitors now rushed with the retrieving of the drones. The planet later went back to normal rotation. I have no idea how the cahnge in rotation speed was even possible, and to see it happen twice... Well... something sure happened down there. Since some of the drones were destroyed, it might be a good idea to send a science team down there to investigate.

A Rheinland gunboat arrived at the scene here. Somehow attracted by recent events. It didn'€™t have any interaction with the visitors, so a separate report has been filed on that.

The visitors had now finished what they came here for, and were getting ready to leave. Forlorn and myself kept questioning them. We tried to gather basic information on them. We found out that they came from something called Scoria. Being a scientist, Forlorn got a little too eager here, and was willing to share our cultural ways with them. I had to put a stop to this. Quite harshly, I'€™m afraid, since Forlorn was totally absorbed with the fact that we could learn more. It'€™s every scientists wet dream, and I can certainly understand him. I decided that it was time to be on guard again. After all... We didn'€™t know what their intentions really were. Since I'€™d acted like I had no scientifical knowledge at all, it was now time to get back in line. I demanded that they'€™d start sharing information with us, or this little meeting would be over.

Ice! They started talking about Ice. Not the kind we refer to as ice, but something rudimentary in their society. Some kind of material, that seemed to be used in a lot of their tech. I asked about which areas it was used in. Weapons and shields, for instance. I remembered them saying that the drones would absorb the EMP, and drew the conclusion that this might be the next generation of shielding material. I kept asking about this material, and I got some interesting info on it. I quote: '€œ[77th]Might: ???: The ice, it is more perferred as base creation materials, due to its nature of absorbing some elements...'€ I immediately started to figure out a way for us to get hold of this '€œIce'€, and began negotiating. He then said, and I quote again: '€œ[77th]Might: ???: Even if we gave a panel or so'€; '€œ[77th]Might: ???: you wouldn't to be able to do much.'€; '€œ[77th]Might: ???: You don't have the right equipment for handling this stuff.'€œ I then suggested that they could assist us. I didn'€™t get an approval of this, but neither did I get a denial.

At this point, the area around us were gathering a crowd. Apart from Order, there were ships from BDM and RoS there. A nomad also came very close, and performed some kind of scan. Might now offered us his help against these ships. This makes me think that we shouldn'€™t treat them as hostile, although a large measure of caution is valid. These events are treated in a separate report.

After things settled down again, I went back to negotiating. Using the exchange tactics. I said that since they keep coming back here, there must be something that they want. Maybe we could trade. Quote: '€œ[77th]Might: ???: And you want the equipment for the Dra'kariou ice... don't you..'€

I think this deserves some serious thought! There could be unimaginable benefits here for rebuilding our forces. Let'€™s not sweep this issue under the rug. The 77th have at least shown that they'€™re not an immediate threat to us, and my recommendation is that we treat them with cautiousness, but don'€™t open fire unless fired upon.

[color=#990000]Submitted by Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***

141| Internal Channel - Wafellini - 02-19-2012

[Image: Davian%20Thule%20Animated%20Avatar.gif]

:::Incomming transmission:::
:::Comm link established:::
Thule here

I am reporting for duty. I've got my bastet ready and waiting whenever you need me. I will start my shift with a little navigation maping... this ship has some really outdated Navmap systems. I will get it fixed ASAP. If you want me to patrol any particular area - aim me at it.

Davian out.

:::Tranmission ceased:::

141| Internal Channel - Wafellini - 02-20-2012

[Image: Davian%20Thule%20Animated%20Avatar.gif]

:::Incomming transmission:::
:::Comm link established:::
Thule here

I have some distrubing news. I was a target of nomad atack today. It was trying to get me to Iota system...where according to visions..I was to save a woman...being tortured by the guild. I am too old for those tricks and I stayed in Zeta outside the blasted hole. When I was trying to show the nomad who he is trying to break a bounty hunter destroyer jumped from the Iota. The [77th]Orah and commanding it Xra'i was another nomad seems nomads wanted to bring us into trap and make us fight each other - He failed..I made the hunter to see reason and he left the Iota hole nebula. We both did. Nomad followed us into the system and was continuing his atacks against Xra'i. Said captain decided to go in stasis and use their super-healer to fight the atacks. I used my own ... way to fight the nomad visions... But the Xra'i failed into the Nomad hands. On board AI reported me that the ship is leaving into Delta I followed him and found him in nearby space. He was in stasis and AI reported K'Hara energy pressent in his body. I started to order the AI. With it's help we managed to weaken the brain activity and build up the healing process of the body. We managed to fight the infection. I believe this event will make us a friend within the [77th] I ve saved the boy and he was thankful.

Apart of that disturbing event - I fixed my navmap. I have my ship now fully operational. Awaiting futher orders.

Davian out.

:::Tranmission ceased:::