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Xenos, Weapons - Capt. Henry Morgan - 04-29-2008

I personally use the 2 imp debs, 2 suntigers, 2 bwidow arrangement. Sure the eagle lacks a good powerplant, but with proper energy management, I do just fine. The widow does not need a change.

Xenos, Weapons - Dusty Lens - 04-29-2008

' Wrote:The black widow partical cannons are second only to the outcasts kraken type 2 partical cannons.

If the outcasts can use 6x plus a turret without complaining then the xenos can use 6x on a VHF thats more agile then the sabre can ever hope to be.

A lone starblazer with 4x xeno guns can scare an armoured transport pilot anyday, so a eagle should be able to seriously smash up the paint work on any transport/train.

I just spotted this comment and, for matter of public record, wish to state the following: lolwut

Xenos, Weapons - Doom - 04-30-2008

i say...go try...i volunteer my trader...

Xenos, Weapons - pipsqueak - 04-30-2008

Well...where is the *%*% "colorado blazer" guys??????
may be we can have a slightly bigger power source on that.

Xenos, Weapons - Jihadjoe - 05-05-2008

' Wrote:Black Widow:

Gun/missile Class : 9
Hull damage per shot : 580
Shield damage per shot: 290
Range : 549
Project speed : 699 m/s
Refire rate : 4.00
Energie useage : 175

===New Improved ===

Gun/missile Class : 9
Hull damage per shot : 450 *
Shield damage per shot: 250 *
Range : 750 *
Project speed : 750 m/s *
Refire rate : 5.33 *
Energie useage : 98*
let me know

*EDIT With Zoners Help or IMG*

NOOOOOOOO!!!! dont change it, widows rock HARD!

Edit: My xeno uses 3 widows, 2 suntiger and a paraliser missile on an eagle. I LOVE that loadout, especialy with my torpwhoring skillz.

Xenos, Weapons - kindred - 05-05-2008

Changing the refire rate on the Black Widow is going to be problematic indeed.
It will no longer sync with deb's that refire at 4.00. Bad ! :angry:

Xenos, Weapons - Zavier - 05-07-2008

' Wrote:Well...where is the *%*% "colorado blazer" guys??????
may be we can have a slightly bigger power source on that.

Colorado Blazers....kind' absorbed by Serpentis...

Xenos, Weapons - Jihadjoe - 05-11-2008

' Wrote:It is? Then what is the first? Or is this not including codes.

And if you (Tranquillity) are talking in terms of powerplant then why have you increased its' power useage?

Kraken 2 and I get to use krakens on my outcast and widows on ma ZnO... YAY!!!!!

Xenos, Weapons - Spear - 05-11-2008

For anyone that cares my current load on my Xeno eagle..

[Image: f_loadm_1bce6d4.png]