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Order of Roaring Piratz - Printable Version

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Order of Roaring Piratz - AdamantineFist - 04-05-2008

' Wrote:...Am I too late to apply??

Only if you are capable of fielding a capital ship, my good man!

Order of Roaring Piratz - Dieter Schprokets - 06-12-2008

We should make this for real.

Then we have a competition in Connecticut where the most OORP ship gets a prize.

I'm gonna mount guns from ALL the factions...

Coladas AND Infernos, baby!!

Order of Roaring Piratz - Drifter84 - 06-12-2008

Ha ha ha...... heh heh ....ahem ....thanks , Fist , needed that ! ( Always wondered about the Leader of OoRP in your sig )

Order of Roaring Piratz - Zapp - 06-12-2008

i iz teh 1337, n i iz want 2 join ur clan lolz. me iz fly sabre w/ tizona cids n krakens n iz ubah pwnzor me want join so i cn pwn stuff moar lol. me want big ship 2 pirte teh noobs.


Couldn't resist.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Boss - 06-13-2008


Dieter....A gravedigger?:shok:

I r teh uberpwnz0rz! I fly teh bonty hnterr batlle cruzer, wif all outcats gunz0rz. Cuz they r teh best. Also lotz ov nomd weps, cuz tey are teh roxx0r haxx0rz.

...I couldn't resist either...

Order of Roaring Piratz - AdamantineFist - 06-13-2008

Oh, my word! Applicants! Very well then, chaps, let's see...

Well, as to Dieter, I like your thinking, my good man! Excellent stuff.

Zapp... it seems you might have what it takes. We'll have to set you up in something big, though... I'm thinking Outcast Dread.

Boss, you seem to be top notch material, welcome aboard! That's the sort of attitude I'm looking for! We are always looking to expand our wing of BH caps.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Dieter Schprokets - 06-13-2008

' Wrote::shok:

Dieter....A gravedigger?:shok:

Not that old..

Order of Roaring Piratz - Boss - 06-13-2008

Two months old, Schprokets, how much older does it get?:lol:

Exulent! I r guna go pwn teh n00bs!

Order of Roaring Piratz - timmychen - 06-13-2008

hi i aply 4 oorp

i play fl 4 2 years now my name is lolwut and i am very good at kiling other ppls... lol i went on server 2day and evry1 was just talking and when i say lol they go omg rp and im liek wateva. i wanna get a bh ship 4 now cuz its hard 2 hit and is like rly manuverabel and i can use order turets on it

plz axept me i am pwnsome

Order of Roaring Piratz - AdamantineFist - 06-13-2008

' Wrote:hi i aply 4 oorp

i play fl 4 2 years now my name is lolwut and i am very good at kiling other ppls... lol i went on server 2day and evry1 was just talking and when i say lol they go omg rp and im liek wateva. i wanna get a bh ship 4 now cuz its hard 2 hit and is like rly manuverabel and i can use order turets on it

plz axept me i am pwnsome

I like your attitude, young man. Application accepted! You'll be set up with a BH BC and a Nomad/Order/Dragonfly missile loadout.