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Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - Stefz - 02-22-2012

' Wrote:If I hated the Outcasts then I wouldnt give a ****e what ship they got whether old or new, I like the outcasts coz they use the Sabre its what defines them and the Hessians.

When I first saw the Odin and was told this is their new shipline I Laughed so hard coz looking at them I had no idea it was a hessian ship something more from the Klingon Shipline came to mind when I saw the Odin.

The new sair ships are in keeping with the Sair style these ships dont look BWish so why would they be outcast ships they look more coalition than anything else, in fact the RoS Shipline is about as close to a Shipline upgrade the Outcasts could have as they look BWish. This line here dont even brush that surface so please lets not make the same mistake that was made withe the hessians line.

P.S. Please dont suggest that I have no right to post here I am posting CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on the design of these Ships in relation to the Outcast / BW style. I am not Trolling so shut your mouth on that front
Pfft, from where to start.

Having MORE pimped Sabres would be stupid as we already have enough of them.

Nobody forces you to fly these ships when they get in.

What new Corsair ships do you have in mind?

I don't see a reason for someone adding some stuff to a currently used ship just to make it heavier and less efficient in combat. It does not matter what the most used ship looked like, engineers should focus on ship's shape efficiency in combat, not to just add more engines and make a ship heavier.

No, you are not posting constructive criticism about the ships. You are posting how and why you like/dislike a faction. Namely, Hessians and Outcasts.

Can't remember when I wrote that you're trolling.

I'm currently not talking, so I cannot shut up.

Chill out and come back when you're back into normal, non-raging state instead of shutting people up, even if they don't talk.

Wanted to write something for the end but on a second thought, I'll keep it for myself.

P.S. For Christ's sake, how many times should I repeat that Sabre ISN'T Outcast shipline? -.-

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - massdriver - 02-22-2012

' Wrote:Whatever you say man, I have stated m,y points they are valid. At the end of the day Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 is the last vestige of hope for the freelancer game. When disco dies freelancer dies thats it !!!

It is because of that reponsibility, Discovery owes it to freelancer to keep the Core ship lines unchanged. Or it wont be freelancer anymore, you want to upgrade the Outcasts ships make some ships that are in keeping with the Border Worlds style. Instead of trying to get every ship line under the sun ingame just cos it looks good.

I have had my say, have you vote do whatever Im out

"When disco dies freelancer dies thats it !!!" - cool games cant die.
"Or it wont be freelancer anymore" - disco is not original freelancer already.
"Discovery owes it to freelancer to keep the Core ship lines unchanged." - ye fly old sabres it's not restricted.
"Im out" - means you're not against that snub line.

it's just a game.

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - Luis - 02-22-2012

Can't say much, but nice.

Still dislike the outcast insignia being in the rear wings, but whatever though:P

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - Linkus - 02-22-2012

Change can be good or bad.

I can't see why these ships couldn't be added in, not entirely replacing the OC ships though.
I imagine that the OC would be a bit iffy about giving up all their BW ships instantly, so a nice phase in period would be good. NPC patrols with both new and BW ships etc.

If the borderworld line was so fantastic, I doubt the Corsairs would've built their own ships.

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - VoluptaBox - 02-22-2012

Widow, check this out.

Also, drill this into your head: these models will -not- replace the BW line. Will simply be an addition, same as the Hessians got their custom ships, yet can still fly Sabres. No one will force you to fly the new ships. You like Sabres so much, go fly those.

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - Rafaelo - 02-22-2012

Damn they are good models. I can't seem to find the difference between the VHF and the bomber, except for the nose, is the size any different?
Either way, I would definitely but them. Great work.

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - Serpentis - 02-22-2012

' Wrote:Adding an OC-only line would not be good in my opinion, nor welcome.

It is far more useful for this to be made into a generic civilian/freelancer shipline, to give greater diversity for non-faction characters.

Erh... It's welcome by Outcast players:P

This has been something we've wanted along time ^^

And btw, about the models:


Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - massdriver - 02-22-2012

' Wrote:Damn they are good models. I can't seem to find the difference between the VHF and the bomber, except for the nose, is the size any different?
Either way, I would definitely but them. Great work.

the bomber has bigger components: engines, undercarriage, hull.

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - Altaris - 02-22-2012

Widow. "I dont like, outcast has saburs" posts arent really constructive. I agree with you, when i see Outcasts i see saber. But time goes on. New ships can be right for the sake of dying faction to respawn and shine one more time. People are getting sick of vanilla ships, (thats my personal opinion,) its not enough motivation to play mentioned faction.

@MassD.: I like these bugs very much, textures are kinda white though. You should reconsider retexturing either them into GB style, or retexturing GB in these style.

Outcast Snubline Models, HF, VHF, Bomber - Altaris - 02-22-2012

Double post sry.