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Is Sirius too big? - Ursus - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:Yes! I would love to see them active in regards to the hostilities between Cryer and Outcasts relating to [...]
Do you want to use 2-3 of the limited number of players on this? That's 2-3 who won't be spending time on something else. There aren't enough players to fill out the fiction.

Is Sirius too big? - The Joker - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:(...)
Honestly, I think the game needs two or three more houses like Gallia so I can trade more without having to worry about seeing anyone, ever.
By what you just said, you don't want any challenge while you trade. You don't want any fun for those who play characters who pirate. You just want to accumulate credits to finance other characters. I bet you gotta several capital ships, if not more. You'd prefer houses with 15 systems so no one could ever run into you to pirate you. So what will you with your Dreadnaught or whatever later, a ship which you bought with that boring trading routine, if there are no pirates around? Since clearly, in your scenario, they'd stop to exists since no one is insane enough to fly 1 hour in order to catch 1 trading vessel. Every couple of hours.

Back when I use to trade in 4.84, I'd mount CAU 8 on my liner called Ship-of-Fools (in early 4.85 aka Out-of-Business.Co.,), and I'd trade the most dangerous routes and I'd beg for pirates to RP with me, to chase me and even to take me down after a long, well deserved victory. Captain of that vessel, Dwight McCluskey, a former prison warden, was a hard-headed man, who use to curse and taunt and challenge pirates who'd try to rob him. He'd even try to defend other traders sometimes when odds were good. That use to make trading so much fun. Very, very fun. I'd like to think that the opposite side had some fun as well. As a matter of fact, I'm sure that majority did.

You missed the whole point of this game, at least when the concept of trading/pirating is concerned. That's like... 50% of the game.

Quote:Is Sirius too big?
Cut down the number of systems in half. That would solve everyone's problem. Well, almost everyone's. Activity would sky-rocket because people would have more fun. People would have more fun because they would run into each other more frequently.

Is Sirius too big? - Mímir - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:Do you want to use 2-3 of the limited number of players on this? That's 2-3 who won't be spending time on something else. There aren't enough players to fill out the fiction.

Well I would be happy if they were on their Cryer characters when I am on my OC character - moreso than if they were on their RM characters when I am on my OC character. Sadly it rarely turns out like that, but I use the player list to check for factions relevant to my character and then try to intercept them to have an encounter. I would rather have 2-3 Cryer players active 5-6 times a month than not at all.

Is Sirius too big? - Gamerofthegame - 03-07-2012

Way I see things, lots of people just kind of want to drift around and shoot at things lazily. That's why there are so many freelancer/bounty hunters/pirates just sitting around Liberty.

That's why people don't want to join up with factions; it's effort. There are players that don't want to join the official factions because of restrictions, too, though I would like to say that's not to much of a excuse either. Lot's of factions are more of a "Stop it from being all caps", I've been told you usually can get the required rank if you really want to do a capital ship in a short time.

I genuinely think the server would thrive if it was Factionlancer and not just HangaroundLibertylancer. Why wouldn't it? Fairly organized PvP, ability to roleplay with friendlies and hostiles pretty much all the time and your actions have a effect on things, instead of just making someone lose a millions worth of cargo.

Another problem I think people have is that they think they have to drop everything to join a faction. Can't have any other character, gotta be in that tag ship all the time. Save that's not true. You can have one LN character, sit in the relevant skype chat and when something goes down go switch over do things. You could have many different faction characters, even ones who are at war with each other.

Only thing limiting things is you. Go play in factions, have fun times with other people. You're not going to be doing much else then wander and pew if you are a freelancer/pirate/bunter or a Indie.

Is Sirius too big? - Mímir - 03-07-2012

As much as I can agree with the general sentiment behind your post, you make it sound like joining a faction is a chore - and many of us are just here for casual play.

If you want to recruit this is most definitely not the right way to go about it. Make it looser, more open, and let players themselves decide their level of commitment without getting frowned upon.

Is Sirius too big? - Luksiboj - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:The NPC factions and story can exist without sucking up 2-3 people each. Do we really need a Cryer player faction? REALLY?

Yes we need it.It's not all in pew-pew,we need RP factions the most...I'm thinking of joining the Cryer lately,as well as Spa And Cruise,make explorer/scientist char.and so on...I want to RP a little bit more and i think faction like Cryer and such give special flavour to Disco.Heck,there are number of occasions where i enjoyed more in RPing non-combat factions then combat ones...

But still,i think the Sirius is too big as it is now.So for the past two years i suggested reducing the number of systems and increasing the number of server slots for players.
Gallia should be smaller,i have never played or RPed in Gallia and i find it totally uninteresting,but i understand some ppl like it,so it should remain,but significantly smaller.

Is Sirius too big? - ryoken - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:To be honest I wouldn't just say its official factions. The amount of LN secondary fleet ships has dropped though the floor. Theres never more than 3 caps and I seem to be the only snub flying the LN- banner these days.

' Wrote:Way I see things, lots of people just kind of want to drift around and shoot at things lazily. That's why there are so many freelancer/bounty hunters/pirates just sitting around Liberty.

The devs/admins made a huge mistake bringing in Freelancer/Pirate IDs. Everyone go's to them now so they can use any ship/any weapon follow no RP at all except PvP/Pirate anything they want. There is no RP behind these IDs so players have no RP to follow.
This is why no one is going faction Indie or Official. It is to easy to get freelancer/pirate ID and just do what ever the hell you want with no penalties. Seriously look around. I bet more then 50% of all ships you see have these 2 IDs. So they have no ZOI, and will just all flock to where ever they see numbers, then more see these, and they flock to that location. Then so on and so on until every one is in a few systems only.
Take away the freelancer/Pirate IDs that way people have to pick a group be it lawful/unlawful/trader what ever. So atleast you have more groups spread out over the main systems.
Now i know many think i am anti faction because i dislike 50% of them in Disco, and speak my mind on it. But i do not. I am in a few that i will not mention. I may not like some, but atleast they get people to play together and work together in the main systems.
What do truely hate is the freelancers, and Pirates that change IFF/ideas/alignment/ships/ whatever on a daily basis without supporting any 1 group or cause. These 2 IDs are just to open, and too easy to abuse. They imply working alone, and that is killing the server.

Is Sirius too big? - Ursus - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:So what will you with your Dreadnaught or whatever later, a ship which you bought with that boring trading routine, if there are no pirates around?
I assume he'd engage in fleet warfare. It's not all about you

Is Sirius too big? - Hielor - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:Hielor you are just lolwut and spammer. I would ask you nicely to leave this topic if you have nothing to say- go to flood. If you like to play alone- single player is just perfect suited to you- you could trade all the time in the world without being scared of interaction or god's forbid pirate.

' Wrote:It'll be end of this mod. Maybe, instead of powertrading/powergaming/powerpirating (lolwuts) let's start powerroleplaying?

' Wrote:By what you just said, you don't want any challenge while you trade. You don't want any fun for those who play characters who pirate. You just want to accumulate credits to finance other characters. I bet you gotta several capital ships, if not more. You'd prefer houses with 15 systems so no one could ever run into you to pirate you. So what will you with your Dreadnaught or whatever later, a ship which you bought with that boring trading routine, if there are no pirates around? Since clearly, in your scenario, they'd stop to exists since no one is insane enough to fly 1 hour in order to catch 1 trading vessel. Every couple of hours.

Back when I use to trade in 4.84, I'd mount CAU 8 on my liner called Ship-of-Fools (in early 4.85 aka Out-of-Business.Co.,), and I'd trade the most dangerous routes and I'd beg for pirates to RP with me, to chase me and even to take me down after a long, well deserved victory. Captain of that vessel, Dwight McCluskey, a former prison warden, was a hard-headed man, who use to curse and taunt and challenge pirates who'd try to rob him. He'd even try to defend other traders sometimes when odds were good. That use to make trading so much fun. Very, very fun. I'd like to think that the opposite side had some fun as well. As a matter of fact, I'm sure that majority did.

You missed the whole point of this game, at least when the concept of trading/pirating is concerned. That's like... 50% of the game.
I've gone back and added "</sarcasm>" to the post in the hopes that more people will understand what I'm trying to say there.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Yes, I agree that Sirius+Gallia is far, far too large for the number of players the server can support.

Is Sirius too big? - Mímir - 03-07-2012

' Wrote:There is no RP behind these IDs so players have no RP to follow.

RP =/= Lore.

There's plenty of RP to be had on Freelancer/Pirate ID's - some of the finest examples on this server, in fact.