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What new forum categories do we need? - Printable Version

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What new forum categories do we need? - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-14-2008

Thanks Andrew, anything else you would like to see moved from its current home the new 'Tutorials and
Support' forum, please let us know.


What new forum categories do we need? - Angelfire - 04-14-2008

haha Jes...

I honestly think we are expecting new guys to be as forum savvy as we are... but anyhoo you da boss ..*bows and steps back respectfully*

What new forum categories do we need? - Xoria - 04-15-2008

Planning events usually requires out of character coordination in order to set it all up, so in order to avoid the necessity of having two separate threads about one event (one for in character, one for out of character), I think the whole sub-forum should be moved to the 24/7 Forum.

Anyone requesting threads to be moved, please PM them to me or another Moderator, and give the Admins a break so they can spend their time pwning cheaters and F1ers (not to mention actually getting to play once in a while) instead of spending time on things that the forum Mods can do. That is what the Forum Moderators are here for, run your forum issues by them first.

What new forum categories do we need? - Igiss - 04-15-2008

Okay, events moved to Discovery 24/7 server discussions,
I've added a description of my own to Watering Holes,
and the "RP announcements" forum was disabled cause I'm not sure what to put there... and since it's still empty, moderators probably not sure as well.

P.S. maybe someone would be so kind to move some of the birthday threads to appropriate forum? General Discussion is a bit overcrowded as of now...