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Modular bases registry - Printable Version

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RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 12-19-2012

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Carl Becker
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Krupp Munition

Sehr geehrte Frau Sprew,

According to Rheinland law article 8 §2.3.2. You've to name two other Rheinland corporations. I suggest the other one, beside RepEx| is DHC-?!

Besides that, your registration sheet seems to be fine.
The fee amounts to 50.000.000 sc and has to be sent to [RM-ARM]-Behemoth-001(25.000.000) as well as the RFP|Arsenal (25.000.000)

Mit freundlichen Grueߟen

Inspekteur Carl Becker
Rheinland Bundespolizei


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Daumann Heavy Construction - 12-19-2012

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: 8YStl.png]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Ericka Sprew, Legal department.

Given that the station belongs to DHC, yes it's pretty obvious that DHC- has docking access.

[Image: HFnIx.png]

The transfer was succesful and confirmed by the Bank of Rheinland.

Thank you

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 12-19-2012

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Carl Becker
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Krupp Munition

Sehr geehrte Frau Sprew,

then you should name it next time, if you're asked for your docking permissions.

However, your station is now registered and will be included in the patrol waypoints.

Mit freundlichen Grueߟen

Inspekteur Carl Becker
Rheinland Bundespolizei


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - Am-Sher - 12-25-2012

*****Incoming transmission*****
*****Encryption: Veyr high*****
*****To Rheinland Military*****
I would like to register base
Base name : Othala Research Business Center
Base administrator: Am-Sher
Affilation: No affilation yet. Base need to be done first. Expected affilation: DHC
Purpose of the Station: Home base for (ORBC) Traders
Existing agreements: No
Location: 2/3 - A/B

We are ready pay to Rheinland Imperium for base registration 200M

Your sincerely,

*****Transmision terminated*****

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - SMI-Great.Fox - 12-27-2012

[Image: repextbtop.png]

Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Director of Intra-House shipping
Message Details: Station Construction
Message Secutiy Level: Low

Guten Tag and Good Day,

I believe this is the necessary requirements?
Quote:§1.1.1. Name of the base : Duisburg Trade Center

§1.1.2. Name of the station administrator : The Artura Family

§1.1.3. Affiliation : Republican Express

§ The affiliation of the station administrator has to be at least neutral to the law-enforcement authorities. RepEx already enjoys its good ties with both the Rheinwher and Federal Polizei

§ The affiliation of the station administrator has to be hostile to the Rheinland unlawful groups. Naturally.

§ The in § and § mentioned points have to be proofed.
RepEx Database File - 001

§1.1.4. Purpose for the station : Trade Center, Friendly Econonic Support for the benifit of Rheinland and its People.

§1.1.5. Existing trade agreements : Rheinland, Bretonia, Kusari, Gallia as well

§1.1.6. Location of the base : Adjacent to Bonn Station

With regards,

Daniel Artura
RepEx Director of Intra-House Shipping

[Image: repextbbtm.png]

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - rwx - 12-28-2012

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Carl Becker
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Home base for (ORBC) Traders

Sehr geehrte/r Herr/Frau Am-Sher,

I regret to tell you, that your base didn't get approved before you get the permission to build it.
Your station is removed from Rheinland space. Your request is declined.

IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Carl Becker
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Duisburg Trade Center

Sehr geehrter Herr (Kommissar) Artura,

congratulations, you're plan to build a station near Bonn as been approved.
I'll hope RepEx will do the best as we are accustomed from them. As soon as you pay the fine for building a station within Rheinland space, you get the permission from the Rheinland Bundespolizei.

Mit freundlichen Grueߟen

Inspekteur Carl Becker
Rheinland Bundespolizei


RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - flimp - 01-05-2013

Greeting, this is freelaner flimp. i would like to build a base near the silver mines of 07. (actuly 2 a 07buyer station and 07seller station working as one station) these station will probly never need to go above lvl 3. there sole perpose is to give the miners a place to sell when there is no buyer pressent and to give the trains a place to buy from when no miner are there, aslo it will give the miners and the trains protections in the field. i would only take 5 persent of the amount the ore sells at tau 31 leaving the miner to make 15% and the train to make 80% off his load. i will also be willing to give rheinland 10% of my monthly profits (of corse there will b no profit till base is fully done dew to the profit going on upgrading). this base is a win win for everybody, bringing busness to rheinland and boasting its economy. it will be suplyed by freelancer and anyone who wishes to make some money (will buy suplys for 1k over nearst base that sells price). will have sevral cargobays and a few defence platforms. nothin else. this base will be built and suplyed by a joint between freelancers and republican shipping people
name of base: 07buyer station/07seller station
station administrator: late_runner
affliction: freelancer/republican shiping
perpose of station: to boost rheinlands econimy and make a good place for the miners of 07
location: 07 around f2

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - flimp - 01-09-2013

Transmissions LOST. i know i got a reply on the com yesterday but got on to day to read it and its gone!

Outpost registry (iRP) for Bergbau Depot - Benoit - 01-10-2013

Guten Abend.

We, hereby, would like to register our depot. This depot will be our operational center and will be accessible to all rheinlanders for shelter.

Name : |CMB|-Bergbau Depot
Administrator : the |CMB|-
Affiliation : Daumann Heavy Construction
Purpose : Mining Depot
Trade Agreement : None
Location : Koeln

Though I must add that we unfortunately already have begun. We were told by the Rheinland Federal Police to register as quick as possible. We therefor complied as quick as we could.

We look forward to hear from you.

Benedictus von Hageland.

RE: Outpost registry (iRP) - hades durin - 01-14-2013

Incoming Transmission

Sender: Volker Berger, Kapitän of RMT-Siegburg
Location: Battleship Westphalia, Bremen

To: Rheinland Federal Polizei

Subject: Outpost Registation

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

i decide to take my registation back.

Volker Berger

Transmission Closed