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Possible Trader "Event" - looqas - 04-17-2008

' Wrote:I think your ideas are very workable looqas (notice the spelling, btw) - we're flexible re: whatever requirements you need to attach to it. We'll just make sure everybody's on the same page before we get going.

Also, would it be possible to put it off a week? I think you had mentioned May 2-8 (or fewer days in that range) - could it be the next weekend or so?

Sure we can put it off a week easily. I'm now more inclined to have it lasting 4 days. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The 11th will be a Mother's Day here in Finland and if it's the same in other countries I think we owe it to our families to not to have the event on that day but instead celebrate with them.

So that leaves
1.5. - 4.5. or
15.5. - 18.5.
22.5. - 25.5

I'll write up the story and draft the mission parameters for you. You can make your own RP based on that. I sent gauliez, Unselie and BaconSoda a PM (sorry I kinda "forgot" you, but get a carbon copy from them).

I'm really going to need an answer from Bretonian officials. Without them this thing will be a stump.

Possible Trader "Event" - beander2 - 04-17-2008

Very good. For myself, I'd prefer May 15-18, but we'll see what others say.

Thanks for doing this, looqas.

Possible Trader "Event" - BaconSoda - 04-18-2008

' Wrote:Sure we can put it off a week easily. I'm now more inclined to have it lasting 4 days. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The 11th will be a Mother's Day here in Finland (and if it's the same in other countries I think we owe it to our families to not to have the event on that day but instead celebrate with them.

So that leaves
1.5. - 4.5. or
15.5. - 18.5.
22.5. - 25.5

I'll write up the story and draft the mission parameters for you. You can make your own RP based on that. I sent gauliez, Unselie and BaconSoda a PM (sorry I kinda "forgot" you, but get a carbon copy from them).

I'm really going to need an answer from Bretonian officials. Without them this thing will be a stump.

Hehe, not a problem, Carbon Copies are great.

' Wrote:Very good. For myself, I'd prefer May 15-18, but we'll see what others say.

Thanks for doing this, looqas.

I hate to say it, but that is the only weekend I won't be available, as I'll be out of town everyday besides the 15th. I'd prefer it pushed back to the 22nd-25th, if that is good with you Trev. Otherwise its fine, don't want to ruin anyone else's fun...

Possible Trader "Event" - beander2 - 04-18-2008

' Wrote:Hehe, not a problem, Carbon Copies are great.
I hate to say it, but that is the only weekend I won't be available, as I'll be out of town everyday besides the 15th. I'd prefer it pushed back to the 22nd-25th, if that is good with you Trev. Otherwise its fine, don't want to ruin anyone else's fun...

Oh, I think that would work. Gives us a little extra time to prepare, too.

Possible Trader "Event" - looqas - 04-18-2008

Sadly most likely I can't really take part in this event personally. I might write myself a small side role as the representative of Bowex overseeing the shipments, but I can't really make any promises. :(

And that's why I really would like HGL to cut their own deals in their own good RP way with indies and such.

Last night I was raising money (read: power-trading) to finance this. Come on Bretonian authorities. It's a zero risk enterprise financially for you, plus might net you some good money because of this fixed fee idea.

BaconSoda suggested in PM an interesting idea of indies fetching certain items as side quest. I've got an idea (and a very good one which will fit the story how to handle it with minimum effort and least organizing). I won't spoil the surprise just yet.

I'll try to make a good draft in the Events during the weekend so we get this as official and see how it goes.

OK. The premilinary price list and places where to get them for example and what will be the maximum price limit per article. All the info is taken from my account char in-game so it's not complete, so pitch in if you can get it lawfully somewhere closer AND cheaper. I want to leave HGL freedom to use their own RP (i.e. MAXIMUM PROFITS) where to get the items. If you can get it cheaper from somewhere else than suggested price then go for it. Also notice that 5mio per fully delivered item category with suggested price still leaves you some profits. It sure does not pay the same as selling them planetside, but that's the price to pay to get some fun. The lowest price is the price I have data on in my char, so I know for sure that for example Diamonds are sold cheaper.

item / amount / place of lowest price / price limit (and suggested place where to get them)

Engine Components, 20.000 pcs, Honshu 150, 225 (New Berlin, net 500.000)
Diamonds, 14.000 pcs, Bautzen 330, 330 (Bautzen, net 380.000)
Light Arms, 31.000 pcs, Detroit 140, 140 (Detroit, net 660.000)
Plutonium, 8.500 pcs, Helgoland 540, 540 (Helgoland, net 410.000)
High Temp Alloys, 100.000 pcs, Leipzig 40, 100 (Leipzig, net 1.000.000)
Optronics 5.100 pcs, Honshu 160, 160 (Must be obtained from Kusari, so the amount has to be sane)
Superconductors, ???
Ship Hull Panels, , Stokes 80

I had no time to check the data on superconductors, so could someone pitch me some numbers like lowest price in some lawful place not in Kusari? And second lowest prices and places also.

The Hull panels are a problem. They are obtainable in Bretonia. Unless we come up with a good reason still to have them in the list I'd rather go for boron (or what ever other metal that is used to make the ship hull panels in Stokes)

There's been questions about the fee and stuff. I thought that I made it pretty clear, but I'll give you an example. If HGL has delivered say 19.999 Engine Components at the end of the event they WILL NOT BE PAID that 5mio for that commodity. The 5mio per commodity is paid only for the FULLY delivered commodity.

When I look at the list it's pretty imposing. Alone the 100.000 pieces of High Temp Alloy is a major logistical feat. I takes from 5 x Percherons (2600 cargo), the ships HGL informed they have at their disposal, 7.7 runs to complete. So if I were HGL I'd start looking for help.

Ok. Comments and critique on the shopping list is welcome. I want the amounts to be doable, yet sensible in scale of a Goverment' sized order. How you feel about the net profits? I went with roughly 2xPercherons for the Optronics, but over not deliverable with one adv. train by the third party. I feel that there should be something like 3xPercherons, but we'll see.

Also when I look at the quantities I think it's pretty much impossible for the receiving party to receive them all. So we need a very clever way to "deliver" the goods that is not just plain selling it on planet side. The best way clearly would be to have the receiving party. Massive profits available from someone else's work. Any volunteers?

*With modest voice* I could do it. And my evil pyramid-sales masterplan comes to fruition. BWUAHAHAHAHAAA!

Just kidding guys. That would be very evil RP. Hostile company take-over. Bleeding the competitor dry.

Really seriously speaking the cargo delivery will be a problem we need to figure out a solution for that is keeping with the event RP and is not lame. I want HGL to have a real stake and risk in this event. Otherwise it will be just meaningless trading really.

And I'd suggest HGL does good RP by not running empty to fetch a new shipment.

For the preleaked Saturday? special side-event I was thinking of the all dangerous Plutonium run. It's the longest and is a free for all pirates/terrorists along the way to participate. No signing up needed. Just be there to get your share.

Of course the pirates are more than welcome to participate in this event according to their RP. I'm not going to write any part to you besides you being yourselves, so burn, loot and terrorize as much as you can.

And a second little side show with the Optronics like BaconSoda suggested could be leaked to the right parties.

I think we'll seriously need to look at the quantities and think about them. There are unknowns in play like shipments not making it, all the pirates of Sirius showing up etc. This could be the doom of HGL. A Gateway company. A rival of Bowex. Hmm... *In false sympathy* I'm so sorry to hear that your company went under.

So, what do you think?

Possible Trader "Event" - gauliez - 04-18-2008

Ok, I got some price info on the interesting goods :

Hull Pannel is indeed a problem (sold at Stokes), so if we change it for Boron :

Boron, 28.000 pcs, Holstein 161, 180 (Holstein, net 492.000)
Superconductors, 28.000 pcs, Denver 165, 180 (Denver, net 380.000)

So, looks like ok. I also gave some thought to how to manage the receiving party, I will share them by PM.
Otherwise, sounds really good, and we will definitely need some indies to help us.
For the rest, well we will see how it turns out, given it is a first, and maybe make the next ones better if needed.

EDIT: I am available almost all Week-Ends as far as I can tell, though I will probably be more busy around the 8.5, so would be better on another week.

Possible Trader "Event" - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-19-2008

Either of those dates would suit me I think. The specific time of the event is what'll hurt me... My timezone is +9:30, so that's very restrictive.

Possible Trader "Event" - DarkSaber - 04-19-2008

Date isn't a problem for me, I am in GMT though, which may cause a little problem, but I'm sure we can work round it.

Possible Trader "Event" - looqas - 04-19-2008

A rewrite is needed.