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Is Connecticut needed? - Printable Version

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Is Connecticut needed? - JayDee Kasane - 05-16-2012


I think it has no effect on the RP at all.


Leave conn, its good practice zone. better do something with lags. they tires me

Is Connecticut needed? - Tachyon - 05-16-2012

Although Conn might take up player slots for RPers, with 225 player limit, it isn't a huge problem.
Conn is not a RP area, therefore doesn't affect RP at all, but is a good training zone, especially with the new concept of snub-only areas and easy Sirius-wide access.

I say leave it as it is now.

Is Connecticut needed? - DarkPand0r - 05-16-2012

Okay, Time for my complimentary 2c.

Firstly, Let me be clear that I have only been on this server for roughly a month (I tried it once a few years ago but found it to be highly frustrating.... I wasn't interested in Role Play at that time). The Majority of my Freelancer time has been based on PVP Servers (, Hamburg City, J4F etc....) and its something I've always been good at.

The roleplay here is fantastically enjoyable, Its nice to argue everything in a completely different light and the mod simply Exacerbates this effect, Simply put.... I'm very impressed with this game.

But if I want to train, I can no longer do it in my native Kusari (We've been asked by several people not to) and must do it in Connecticut. And training against Chimaera's everyday dulls the senses for other ships, Leaving me weaker in battle.

The real joy of Connecticut are in the variety of training it can offer, In the past several days (During times when Activity in Kusari is low, And times I cannot possibly wish to trade) I have come against Light Fighters from the Omicrons, Super Heavy Fighters from Rhienland and Battleships from Liberty. Now tell me, If I were to avoid Connecticut entirely and stick within my role of the Kusari Police Force Then how would I ever prepare myself for such engagements? How would I teach others such abilities to fight any coming opponent? Put quite simply, I couldn't.

You may argue that it has no valid place within the server, and that may be true within a core argument of Role Play, But this server also Pushes PVP as part of its core mechanics, and if a Ying must have a Yang, Why should we have Role Play with no PVP? Otherwise, Let us all switch to single player and let this argument drown in its own self pity.

Is Connecticut needed? - Matthews - 05-16-2012

Search button is your friend...

Is Connecticut needed? - Jack_Henderson - 05-16-2012

Pros for Connecticut: pvp whores are not in real Disco universe to slaughter me:D

Cons: people lack for roleplay.

I discovered it for practising my mediocre skills and I enjoy it that you can just lose without bothering for consequences. Trying out something new and risky in real Disco just gets you the 4h hammer. So... yeah... too many people there. Overall, not good for rp. But a useful place, still.

Is Connecticut needed? - AeternusDoleo - 05-16-2012

Poll is lacking another questionset.
Has this question popped up before? (Yes/No)
Did the devs/admins react to it then? (Yes/No)
Will removing Conn just relocate PvP lulziness into the actual roleplaying world? (Yes/Youbetcha)
Is this poll therefor obsolete? (Ahh... yup/Kinda/Definately/Pews?)

Is Connecticut needed? - монолит - 05-16-2012

Leave it as it is. Just allow us to filter out red messages related to conn.

Is Connecticut needed? - Madvillain - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:I'd prefer to have a "test server" where people could play around, build ships with play money, test tactics, etc.


people aren't all PvP gods, many need the practice.
flying around in Sirius spending hours to look for a fight
just because you need practice is useless and unwanted for.

I agree with Igor about it taking up free RP slots,
so when the server count is high , you won't find me in conn.

edit: wan't less people in conn? remove the 4 hour rule (and enjoy the drama that follows)

Is Connecticut needed? - Harmless - 05-16-2012

Conn is not needed


Is Connecticut needed? - dodike - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:<strike>Conn is not needed</strike> I don't need it
