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Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Printable Version

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Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Zynth - 06-11-2012

' Wrote:Now, to the point. I haven't decided yet which one will I pick. The Hussie has a stronger hull, sleeker profile from straight-front, and I have some minor experience with it. The Griffin on the other hand, has a larger power core, but 1k lower hull strength (combine that with a UAU7, you get those 2.4k hullz which is not a small thing in matter of survival). Also, I'm interested in the weapon hard points of the Griffin, are they across the wings like the case with Roc, or has something changed? IMO, this significantly matters due to the fighter's accuracy, and I know where the Hussar's weap points are.

Griffin's hardpoints are at the wing arch and front nose of the ship. The Hussar has better firing arcs and a smaller profile.

I suggest the Hussar. BUT you can fly the Griffin as a lancer'. The Hussar is BPA/BAF only.

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - ProwlerPC - 06-11-2012

' Wrote:don't know what you've been smoking señor Felix, but most HF's are bad.

Me, I smoke a lot of weed on a daily basis. Been running GMG| for yrs too and we've had tremendous success with the Karasu HF. I find little argument against the Agama as well. Apparently there is a third HF out there that is extremely effective. I forget the name of it though as I never tried it.

To date, Sina and Corps has been the only group able to consistantly hand GMG| it's own hind end on a silver platter be it through events or happenstance encounters and even then they took losses against us, including Sina himself (albeit through Kamikaze Torp techinque that destroyed both Sina and the GMG that did it). That group is gone and GMG| is still around waiting for a challenge.

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Cond0r - 06-11-2012

' Wrote:Been running GMG| for yrs too and we've had tremendous success with the Karasu HF. I find little argument against the Agama as well. Apparently there is a third HF out there that is extremely effective.
thats because the GMG| don't use them to shoot people.

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - ProwlerPC - 06-11-2012

' Wrote:thats because the GMG| don't use them to shoot people.

Dude, your losing credibility fast for making unrealistic exagerated statements that anyone can easily check up and find false.

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Cond0r - 06-11-2012

' Wrote:Dude, your losing credibility fast for making unrealistic exagerated statements that anyone can easily check up and find false.
I never had any credibility to begin with, I just say random things <strike>sometimes</strike> most of times.

the Karasu is bad in pvp, and that is not a random thing. you saying that the GMG| used it for I don't know how long to shoot I don't know what, wont change the fact that the Karasu is a bad ship.

BUT, to counter any flaming going in my general direction, I'm going to add a little "IMO" there.

so ye, IMO.

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Ursus - 06-11-2012

HFs are great in group, but so is everything

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Wafellini - 06-11-2012

' Wrote:HFs are great in group, but so is everything


on srs note - HF are good as any other ships you just need to adjust your tactic to the ship performence ...It seems funny for me that people whine about THAT SHIP being better then THIS one...they all have good and bad sides...learn to accept them and have fun.

My final suggestion would be of course Hussar for you since I use it and I enjoy a lot flying it. I believe Liberator is a little better but then again the diffrence is small.

As for HF....I personaly dislike them - they are exacly between LF and VHF and that's their problem - they are slower and bigger then LF and at the same time they don't have the firepower of VHF... what makes them useless IMO. In Poland we have a saying : " Jeśli coś jest do wszystkiego to jest do niczego " what simply means something like this: " if something is meant for everything then it is probably worthless ".

Go with the Hussar.

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Backo - 06-11-2012

When pushed against each other from all ship types the VHF comes out victorious most of the times. (considering skill level was equal)

Why? Because it has better armor, better firepower, better powercore. Sure it has worst turning, but it also has the better shield that can tank a few extra shots as well. So if something is faster, just get it in your sights and brute force it.

It's why the VHF is kinda the universal ship and also the most used type of fighter.

I'm not saying LFs and HFs are useless, but unless in their specific situation they'll underperform to their bigger brother.

P.S. On topic - Liberator.

Recommendation for a finest light fighter? - Tachyon - 06-11-2012

Liberator is probably the best out here (omg onoz +1 gtfo ffs ...), though I had some good moments in the Scimi, too. It's 5 weapons give it some extra punch, though you'll need to make every shot count.

I like the Wyrm, too and also looks nice in my opinion.