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A meeting on Matsue base - Printable Version

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A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-04-2012

She absent mindedly walked in the corridor after her meeting with Takahashi, thinking about what she should do now.

She hated to admit it, but she certainly owed apologies to him for all this.
However, doing so would be to acknowledge the reasons of her behaviour. Such a thing was in her eyes a confession of weakness and she certainly wasn't ready to give any man a hold over her.

She sighed quite sound fully and stopped for a short while.
Why did the old wounds never heal?

She eventually started to walk again. The Admiral asked him to ensure that criminal would eat something.
They were certainly in one of the mess of the station.

Reluctantly, she started to head towards one of them. She -really- didn't want to cross the path of that Dragon again.


"You're done?"
Ishikawa turned around and saw her standing right behind him.
"Hm. Almost." he replied, turning back to face his tray meal.

Without saying anything, she walked to the other side of the table and sat in front of him.
"I hope you're happy. Because of you, i was told off by Takahashi-san."

Ishikawa didn't raise his head, concentrating on his plate. He however mumbled.
"Hardly see how it is my fault, though."

She didn't reply and leaned forward to pick some food from his plate.
"You can order something if you're hungry. We're not in hurry, are we?"
"No. I'm watching my figure", replied the woman between two mouthful.

He let her raid her plate.
Gazing quickly at her skinny body, he would assume she was once again hiding behind some irony mask. But one could never be sure with her.
He however refrained to make any remark regarding how much she needed or didn't need to be that careful.

Finally, he leaned back, and watching her finishing the plate, asked.
"So... Junko. Do you believe me now when i say nothing happened between the Dragon and i?"

She raised her head and considered him during a short while.
Finally, she replied.

"Oh don't worry. I'm sure you didn't enjoy to peek at her almost naked body."
The woman quickly stood up, seemingly ignoring his sigh. He had the feeling it would be the only 'excuses' he would ever get from her for all this.

"Come on, let's go. We need to visit the armoury before leaving that boring place, in order to get you one of those guns you will feel so manly with." said Junko, reaching out and offering him her hand.

A meeting on Matsue base - Stuffz - 07-04-2012

Well. It was a start.
He knew her well enough to know that he wouldn't get a real apology from her, so he was only disappointed a little.

As far as she was concerned, he probably should happy that this all didn't end up as his fault somehow.
At least he could talk normally with her again.

In the end everything went better than he would have expected anyway.

"Right. The armoury. Nearly forgot about that already."

A bit surprised he noticed Junko extending her hand. He looked up to her with a slight smile and took it, getting up from the table. That was something he didn't expect.

As they walked out of the mess and towards the armoury he already felt a bit more optimistic.

It certainly was a start.

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-04-2012

Meanwhile in cell block H...
After listening to the prisoners protestations that she did not know certain information, when the denials exceeded the new information, the Monk placed the bottle back in the base and banged three times on the door '€œI am done here Marine.'€
The door opened, admitting diffuse light from the corridor as the cell light extinguished. Monk walked out between the silhouettes of four men. The door closed again, echoing as it took away the last of the light.
Time became harder to keep track of without some sign of its passing. In isolation, hours stretch impossibly, hours sometimes seems like days. Time becomes an elusive tease.
Eventually a hatch opened in the door, admitting a small pool of light. A small tray was placed near the hatch, the aromas of food carried through on the cooler air. Again the monks voice sounded '€œWhere is Kyoto base? Where is Teraku Oshiro? How many wings does Oshiro command? What was his target preference?...'€ the questions went on and on, when Yuki answered satisfactorily the tray was pushed into the cell and the hatch slammed close once more.

A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-04-2012

[font=Tahoma]Hours, minutes, days, years, millenium. Ayaka did not know. She curved up in the corner. She will endure this. She must. Her mind was returning to a points and places long gone. Her childhood, her estate, her reign of Dragons. They say your life will flash between your eyes before you die. Is she dying? Finally a light appeared again and with it's her tormentor and a smell of food. She wasn't actually hungry, she felt sick.

[color=#FF0000]'€œWhere is Kyoto base?

Where is Teraku Oshiro?
"I do not know,
How many wings does Oshiro command?
"None, he left the Dragons"
What was his target preference?
"He did not prefer target, he just slew it"

Teraku. Ayaka smiled a bit. She reminded herself her first meeting with him face to face. She was so vicious that days. Maybe I have gone too soft she thought.

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-05-2012

The cell light flicked on '€“ the brightness was almost too much in contrast. Bleaching the world for a few moments. '€œGet up: you are being moved.'€ a mean looking man who was not the monk waited in the doorway.
'€œScrew you'€ the woman groggily replied.
With an annoyed grunt the man hauled Yuki to her feet by her clothing, and shoved her out into the welcome coolness of the corridor.
Another shove gave her the direction to move, the marines marched in formation around her. Sentry turrets swivelled and tracked the group as they trudged from manned bulkhead to bulkhead, halting at each for security verifications.
The group stopped at ablutions, two female marines peeled off and escorted Yuki inside. Allowing her no privacy, but welcome relief. Once clean, they handed her a generic looking grey track-suit and white vest, watched her re-dress, and escorted her back outside. The process was dull, but gave Yuki a chance to stretch her legs. Eventually the group entered the mess hall.
At the far end, the galley had a skeleton crew of only two cooks. The rest of the austere hall was deserted, save for the admirals table, surrounded by a squad of marines, stark black against the pale walls. The table was laden with plates and bowls containing steaming rice, fish, and cooked meat dishes - As well as desserts, pitchers and piping decanters.
'€œPlease, take a seat, help yourself.'€ the admiral said around a mouthful as she gestured at the table with a spoon.

A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-06-2012

[font=Tahoma]Yuki twitched as the marines grabbed her but she did not have enough of power to really oppose them. She was tired both mentally and physically. Through her march through the coridors Ayaka almost fell down a few times but one of the marines always caught her. At least some mercy in this place. When they arrived to the ablutions, she almost expected the whole squad to march there with her even the males. To be honest, the urge for a bath was so strong that she wouldn't almost care. It was too short for her like but she at least did not feel so tainted anymore. They continued to the mess hall.

[color=#FF0000]“Please, take a seat, help yourself.

Ayaka fell on the char. She looked at the admiral with dark rings under the eyes..

"Thank you admiral, I am not hungry."she said through her tooth and pushed the bowls away.

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-06-2012

'€œPlease yourself, it might be a while before you get such a good meal again.'€ she recriminated and she raised a cup. "This tea is imported, very refreshing" the scarred woman suggested as she signalled to a decanter.
'€œYou are quite the celebrity now you know? Hai, word of this got around a few officers, and now it seems everyone has their input or advice for me.'€

A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-06-2012

As they were walking, she gave him a side look.
Oddly, she was annoyed by his satisfied expression.

She took it upon herself to leave him with his thoughts, merely allowing herself a silent sigh.

They arrived to one of the armories of the station and she stood before the counter, in front of a harbinger, apparently busy skimming through a manifest.
As he didn't seem to be hurried to notice them, she addressed him offhandedly.
"Hey you. We need a playtoy for that man."

The warehouseman raised his head in a perplexed way at this strange sort of greeting.
"Ah.. And you are?"

The woman took a pose, standing up straight.
"Isn't that obvious? The most skilled and beautiful woman of the Naval Forces of course."

The man considered her, not seeming to be quite amused.

A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-06-2012

[font=Tahoma]Ayaka wasn't waiting to be asked for a third time and she poured that tea in her cup spilling a little with her shaking hands. She ignored that and put some food in her bowl. Whole her body was urging her to eat it all and at once preferably with her hands, why should she need a chopsticks but she managed to control herself and started to eat slowly.

"That is great to hear admiral." she sipped from her cup.

"Maybe they will come to look at me like in a zoo too. After your monk's turn of course." her voice was full of sarcasm and she stabbed the admiral with her look.

After few minutes she placed the empty bowl back on the table.

[color=#FF99FF]"Condemners last food?"
she looked at admiral again.

She was tired but she was now also very very angry.

A meeting on Matsue base - Stuffz - 07-06-2012

"Hai hai. You are.."

A bit amused he gave Junko a short look before turning to the man.

"Excuse her, please. I'm here to request a new sidearm for myself, as I .. lost the one I had."

Still a bit confused the man turned his head to look at Ishikawa, gazing at Junko sometimes though.
The quartermaster gave Ishikawa a closer look before finally asking.

"Alright, your name?"

"Ishikawa, Hideaki."

He quickly answered, wanting to get this over with quickly.

"I see. And why is that woman here then?"

The man at the counter said while writing something down.