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An illegal fight to death event idea - JovialKnight - 05-12-2008

Quote:Think you're after low profile characters, right?

I take offence to that!:P

Quote:And since I noticed that OC were interested why not take an extra sick twist and let them bring on their team of two cops (possibly Kusari & Liberty) while the Corsairs bring their team (Bretonia & Rheinland). This would give them really something to cheer for.

Have to say I like the sound of that, adds a bit more flavour to it.
Adds some intrigue to the 1st round.

Just one question... What happens to the losers? Left adrift in space?

An illegal fight to death event idea - Muleo - 05-13-2008

Yeah... I've been thinking about this, and it's probably best if we split up the 2 houses.

1. It doesn't make sure/would be bad for diplomacy if Corsairs went and captured Kusari police, since we're rather friendly..

Also like Jovial asked;

2. Is this fight really to the death? or 'death' like we have people's escape pods floating in space?


3. Are there any RM/KSP pilots in light fighters?

An illegal fight to death event idea - Jihadjoe - 05-13-2008

' Wrote:3. Are there any RM/KSP pilots in light fighters?

I -think- the KSP fly exclusively wyrms. So yeh... ermm all of them.

An illegal fight to death event idea - tfmachad - 05-13-2008

' Wrote:...
3. Are there any RM/KSP pilots in light fighters?
Not many, the RFP though, fly exclusively light fighters.

An illegal fight to death event idea - looqas - 05-13-2008

Why not give them all a same ship and load out? Otherwise every cop will bring his default ship and you'll have to discuss about the loadout etc. Goes a bit hard to balance the thing. Of course cops flying their own ships would bring a lot of RP aspect to this.

Could be nice to make them fly outlaw shipline, but that's harder to get with cops rep.

But it's your show so do what you want.

An illegal fight to death event idea - wrathkin - 05-13-2008

Yes, the KSP flies Wyrm.

I don't have any Doshin char to 'throw away' but I could create one I suppose... not sure how I'd roleplay such a captive though - seppuku? Charge the spectators and die a honorable death? I'd have to play a lousy samurai to make this work.

An illegal fight to death event idea - tfmachad - 05-13-2008

' Wrote:Why not give them all a same ship and load out? Otherwise every cop will bring his default ship and you'll have to discuss about the loadout etc. Goes a bit hard to balance the thing. Of course cops flying their own ships would bring a lot of RP aspect to this.

Could be nice to make them fly outlaw shipline, but that's harder to get with cops rep.

But it's your show so do what you want.
Then just create generic "cop" characters for the event. Give them the same ship and let them fight to the death. True death. Winner gets killed anyway.:P

EDIT: But then again. I don't think the organizers would care much about fairness as they would care about authenticity.

EDIT2: Also... I don't know how you're going to convince lawful pilots to go against each other.

An illegal fight to death event idea - JovialKnight - 05-13-2008

Quote:Why not give them all a same ship and load out? Otherwise every cop will bring his default ship and you'll have to discuss about the loadout etc. Goes a bit hard to balance the thing. Of course cops flying their own ships would bring a lot of RP aspect to this.

If your capturing the cops, I'd assume you'd have destroyed their normal bird. Flying a standard outlaw ship for this might make more sense.
Or are we capturing ship an all?

An illegal fight to death event idea - Muleo - 05-14-2008

heheh so many problems to this idea..

Yea it makes sense that the original ships would be destroyed... but at the same time I think it would be more fun for each cop to be in their respective ship type..

as for getting the cops to fight each other, I think when your life is on the line, you don't have all that much choice. *Points to gladiators*

So who wants in?
List your volunteering characters here.

An illegal fight to death event idea - tfmachad - 05-14-2008

' Wrote:...
as for getting the cops to fight each other, I think when your life is on the line, you don't have all that much choice. *Points to gladiators*
Actually, gladiators didn't have much of a life to begin with. They were either poor men, criminals, slaves, prisoners of war. Fighting was a chance to change their lives somehow.

As you've seen I've marked PoWs. I wonder if law enforcers would subject to barbarism against other men they'd consider equal to themselves, without having been subject to a long term captivity through which their survival instincts and desperation would replace their civility. What I'm trying to say is that a scenario in which these men would be kidnapped and right after put to fight wouldn't sound so realistic as one in which they would be already captive for a long time, subject to bad treatment and then given the opportunity to reclaim their old lives if they agree with fighting each other. You wouldn't even have to tell them who is it they're fighting against. It is both more interesting and less in different senses. If you want to play with the psychological and morals of these men, then letting them know they're fighting "equals" to them is interesting. If you're concerned solely with the fight, not telling them will let them relinquish from the little civility they might still possess.

In a scenario where these men were just recently abducted from their respective spaces (even though I was reluctant in bringing this out clean, since I'd go for this if it was me to participate), I think they'd try and escape and/or fight their captors.

This opens up the possibility of writing (if anyone is interested) about their times as captive. Even if that is just a brief description of their abduction and perhaps their interrogation and torture.

' Wrote:...
So who wants in?
List your volunteering characters here.
If you want to go with this concept of long term PoW guys, I would be willing to make one Rheinlander character if nobody else is interested in promoting this event.