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The next time i see a '5m or die' - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Discovery General (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Forum: Discovery RP 24/7 General Discussions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=23) +--- Thread: The next time i see a '5m or die' (/showthread.php?tid=8869) |
The next time i see a '5m or die' - Equinox - 05-27-2008 ' Wrote:I'll admit, even i'm guilty of pirating in a gunboat (bloodsail flew a rogue gunboat) - but I never used the 'X credits or die', or even anything close. When I did resort to pirating, i'd either ask for rum (because pirates run on rum!) or for a small amount (100-300 units) of cargo from the trader. To be honest talking like a Pirate from the good old days is just as dodgy RP as asking for "2 mill or die", you do realize we are in the future right? and that the old eye patch, rum drinking scallywags are not really the same kinda pirates as in Freelancer (take the hackers as an example).:P The next time i see a '5m or die' - Tenacity - 05-27-2008 Quote:To be honest talking like a Pirate from the good old days is just as dodgy RP as asking for "2 mill or die", you do realize we are in the future right? and that the old eye patch, rum drinking scallywags are not really the same kinda pirates as in Freelancer (take the hackers as an example). tongue.gif But it was damn fun to play =) Quote:Still, RP or not, he is still a bloodthirsty pirate with a happy trigger finger and even if he doesn't RP, you should at least do it out of 'fear'. How is that setting a good example? I dont think i'd call a bunch of angry farmers 'bloodthirsty pirates', I was under the impression they were just pissed off that synth foods was owning their gardening skills. The next time i see a '5m or die' - Virus - 05-27-2008 My only pirate is a Lane Hacker. I do my best to play the role. The "basic" set up for when you're stopped is something along the lines of, "You have been Hacked! You will repent for your wickedness by paying a penance of <number> credits to the Lane Hackers!" I usually use an abbreviated version. The next time i see a '5m or die' - Tenacity - 05-27-2008 ' Wrote:My only pirate is a Lane Hacker. I do my best to play the role. The "basic" set up for when you're stopped is something along the lines of, "You have been Hacked! You will repent for your wickedness by paying a penance of <number> credits to the Lane Hackers!" acceptable IMO, but when you've got someone stopped and can easily keep them from escaping via train CD's... why just say "X credits or die!"? You have plenty of time to type out more, but soooo many pirates here are too lazy to do just that. And another thing... the topic is getting a little off topic, this post may have been spurred by the AFA's bad acting, but it's aimed at ALL the lazy pirates out there, not just him. This was not meant to become a flaming by forum. The next time i see a '5m or die' - Spacewolf - 05-27-2008 well ive got 3 words for people who think pirates Lack RP, Stop being stupid. the last 5 times (this is not a joke) ive tryed to talk to traders with more than give me Xamount or die i have either been killed or the trader is about 10 k away before i can do anything. For example a few weeks ago i was pirating the Sigma13 - new berlin tradelane, i said "trader will you give 2 million to help the farmers of Stuttgart defeat the synth food menace" the trader replyeed "Like im going to give you any money" i then went "but you must make at least 5 million per trip on your trading expaditions" (distrupted him twice by now) he then goes "no chance" i go "this is not a volentary payment so pay now or you will be killed" he then goes ok i then start writing "thank you the people of Stuttgart will use this money for a good cause" during this i hear warning sheilds failed followed about 2 seconds later by hull breach immenent i press entre to move as quickly as possible but before i can press f or g i get hit again and die so when you traders stop doing that then most pirates will actualy take the time to RP with you The next time i see a '5m or die' - Heartless - 05-27-2008 just to add my part. I think there should be a rule against this, and once reported you get the amount you pirated from the trader given back to the trader and a warning in your cargo hold telling you to RP. The next time i see a '5m or die' - Nevermore - 05-27-2008 There are certainly better lines than "[amount of money] or die" or "drop your cargo or die", but I don't agree that the pirating line alone makes up good or bad roleplay, since most of the encounters between a pirate and a random trader can be reduced to this. You have to consider that in a pirate situation, both parties will probably be rather economical with words, as typing costs time and concentration, things you'll need to catch your prey in most cases. I've been short and sharp with traders on occasions, and surely not because I'm "lazy" as you put it. I do my best to portray my character, and if the situation requires it (like in numerous vessels shooting on you), I'll end up throwing a short demand rather than citing the lengthy and twisted whereabouts of my faction. I think as well that it's how my character would behave. Thus, in my opinion, judging one's roleplay by the length and detailedness of his demand is like judging one's roleplay by his typing speed. Also, basing your in-character reaction on your rating of the rp-ness of your opponent is, well..., out-of-character. Except the character you're portraying is more interested in a lengthy conversation than in continuing his life. The next time i see a '5m or die' - song - 05-27-2008 This is actually really not fair to the pirates. IF traders stopped when they said, "Halt!" and didn't keep doing things like spamming CDs as they hit cruise or accelerating towards bases/jump holes at maximum thruster--THEN there would be time to "have a dialogue". Everyone is making this out to be a pirate problem--its a trader problem too. Pirates are expected to be honorable and conversational--against their own self interest--but traders are free to do anything to escape. Want a "piraty dialogue"--stop you damn ship when they say halt and quit trying to slip away during the conversation (which usually involves, "//your rp is crappy"--while they are thrusting away). I sympathize with the pirates here. 80% of the people I stop try to run WHILE complaining about rp--as they run. "We are disinclined to acquiesce to your request." The next time i see a '5m or die' - Tenacity - 05-27-2008 ' Wrote:well ive got 3 words for people who think pirates Lack RP, Stop being stupid. the last 5 times (this is not a joke) ive tryed to talk to traders with more than give me Xamount or die i have either been killed or the trader is about 10 k away before i can do anything. For example a few weeks ago i was pirating the Sigma13 - new berlin tradelane, i said "trader will you give 2 million to help the farmers of Stuttgart defeat the synth food menace" the trader replyeed "Like im going to give you any money" i then went "but you must make at least 5 million per trip on your trading expaditions" (distrupted him twice by now) he then goes "no chance" i go "this is not a volentary payment so pay now or you will be killed" he then goes ok i then start writing "thank you the people of Stuttgart will use this money for a good cause" during this i hear warning sheilds failed followed about 2 seconds later by hull breach immenent i press entre to move as quickly as possible but before i can press f or g i get hit again and die so when you traders stop doing that then most pirates will actualy take the time to RP with you Good point, it's not just the pirates with bad RP, it's the powergaming traders as well. The same goes for both groups - not EVERYONE is accused here, there are a lot of good RP'ers on both sides, but there's a lot more that dont even put effort into RP. I always stick to RP whenever i'm stopped by a lawful or a pirate, and I'll usually attempt to talk my way out of something - but too many people focus entirely on pvp whoring rather than immersing themselves in the game. This was a prime example, I was stopped by the AFA because I was a junker. I got the OORP "5million or your life" spam, and after nearly five minutes of trying to convince the guy that I was, in fact, HELPING kusari (which he should have been grateful for), he just kept on demanding money. I tried to run, he chased me about for a good 10 minutes, and I died. I honestly didnt expect to get away from a gunboat with train disruptors, and I certainly cant win a fight against one in my firefly, but that's not what pisses me off here... what does piss me off is the fact that the 'pirate' didnt even attempt to converse or RP with me despite my efforts. I dont care if he's in the flagship of your alliance or not. I dont care if he's a kusari pilot and I'm a junker. Fact remains that he didnt put any effort at all into it, and was using the situation entirely to get easy money or pvp whore. EDIT: And to the last couple replies... Yes, I realize that a lot of times the trader tries to run and you dont have time to type, but I sat there, engines off, trying to talk with the guy and still got nothing but the lame 5m or die line over and over again. I made no attempts to run until it was clear that this guy wasnt going to play in to the RP. The next time i see a '5m or die' - Zelot - 05-27-2008 Now you have pissed me off. I was actually fairly impressed that you kept in RP in the game, even threatening me with bounty, but you come here and attack my RP. I am tired of this crap from people, which is why I SS'ed a good part of the encounter and am posting it here. Judge my RP for yourself, don't just listen to this jerk. Lots of you know me, and I am frankly surprised that the second post I saw here was a signed from a prominent member of the community without even waiting to hear the other side. Is that what we do here, someone posts something and theres 4 pages of flame before I even get a chance to defend my self? How bout screens as a defense ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have a few more, but image shack is giving me problems at the moment. To those of you who waited for me thank you. For those who didn't maybe this should be a lesson about finding out facts before jumping to conclusions. For Tenacity, I'm not sure what you wanted from my rp. It seems that lots of people think that if you don't accept the RP story they made up for themselves that it is bad RP. You know what your story was as to why I shouldn't pirate you? Because you were working for the Kusari running Deuterium to planet Honshu. A junker being hired by the Kusari Government to haul Deuterium to Honshu.....Come on, dont come at my RP when your story was basically crap. Bring as many bounty hunters, GC, Dragons, Outcasts, and whatever else you want after me... I couldn't give a damn. Michael |