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Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Printable Version

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RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Rudo - 02-27-2013

Picked it up over the holidays. My Nord is over Level 50, with 100 smithing, light weapons, light armor, sneak and enchanting. Everything that can have a one-hand damage enchant on it does, and they all boost up my legendary skyforge steel swords.

My battles tend to go like this. I feel almost bad for demolishing Alduin in under five seconds.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Eduard - 02-27-2013

(02-27-2013, 05:37 AM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: (That's why I'm doing things a bit different this time - I've already destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, and I'm going to go with the Dawnguard this time rather than being a Vampire - although it IS really neat to be a Vampire.

Destroyed the Dark Brotherhood? Nice, are you by chance in the Companions as well? (just asking, most people who destroy it tend to go in the Companions as well. I mean, it does make sense doesn't it?

I myself joined the Dark brotherhood and I must say, the Brotherhood storyline is kinda shorter than the one which was in Oblivion, but still, I find it more intriguing and better overall.

However, you're going to have a great time playing Dawnguard side, mostly because it won't stop you for becoming a vampire if you like it

On another sidenote, you really gave me some shed of light among what I used to think regarding the stormcloaks, I used to think they were openly racist to like all the other races though I admit I didn't see any of that open hate too much just against the Dark Elves. And now that you mention this, the Dark Elves kind of deserve it.

Should definetly read books more, I remember I loot all the books I find and place them in my bookcases in my house created using Hearthfire mod. And I only read like 20% of all the books I got, possibly less

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Rudo - 02-27-2013

I went Stormcloak solely because of the Talos thing. That and my Nord's first encounter with the Empire was... largely unpleasant.

Also, I read way too many Asterix and Obelix comics as a kid to ever side with anyone that dresses like the Romans.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-27-2013

(02-27-2013, 05:52 AM)Rudo Wrote: I feel almost bad for demolishing Alduin in under five seconds.

What took you so long? On one of my previous characters (not the one I'm currently playing), I named her bow M256A1 Rheinmetall - just because it was a one shot, one kill kind of thing. Was it a bunny I was aiming at? One shot, one kill. Draugur Deathlord? One shot, one kill. Legendary dragon? One shot, one kill.

Dragonbone bow, enhanced and enchanted such that it did about 2 million damage per shot ... and yes, that DOES take all the fun out of the game, which is why I retired that character pretty early.

It's bad enough that I give all my followers and stewards enhanced Nordic Armor that increases their health and health regeneration - but it does make the game play better, having someone along as a 'meat shield'. Even better when you manage to get two followers that can cast spells, and you have conjuration and can have two atronachs. Just did one of the main quests, and so Esbern was casting Summon Storm Atronach, Breylana was a follower and she summoned a Fire Atronach, and I had two Frost Atronachs - leaving poor Delphine to wonder just what happened to the poor Forsworn ... Smile Aww

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - ProwlerPC - 02-28-2013

My CD-Rom died on my Box so I sold the game to someone else who might enjoy it. Hilariously enough that person never heard of it or the series before. Certainly knows it now.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - AshHill07 - 02-28-2013

I am actually starting to run out of things to do, its amazing. Level 80 and I'm not actually finding any quests at all anymore. Only took about 500 hours. xD

Although thats not includeing Dragonborn as every time I visit that island I seem to stumble onto something I've missed, although I have discovered rather annoyingly that my XBox has a tendency to crash when loading the main area and auto-saveing straight after ...

At this point I'm considering Dawnguard in an attempt to push the game even further, but I'm not entirely sure if I want to go out of my way to get more MS points any time soon. Like hell I'm trusting Microsoft with my Debit card details ... Steam yes, Microsoft no.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Tonto1911 - 02-28-2013

On Dragonborn, did anyone find a certain giant thing that you awaken with a certain item(Staying vague to avoid ruining it for anyone) a real pain even with a high lvl character, or is my Daedric clad Nord just a wimp?

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - AshHill07 - 02-28-2013

(02-28-2013, 06:45 PM)Tonto1911 Wrote: On Dragonborn, did anyone have any trouble with a certain giant thing that you awaken with a certain item(Staying vague to avoid ruining it for anyone) a real pain even with a high lvl character, or is my Daedric clad Nord just a wimp?

You mean "SPOLIER"?

It killed me many times the first time I bumped into it. Thankfully you don't have to fight it that many times ... well ... unless you want to.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Tonto1911 - 02-28-2013

That thing was a pain, but no not that. It was a this: <--Don't know how to replace an entire link with one word but thats a spoiler) That bastard raped my face about six times before I managed to kill it.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - AshHill07 - 02-28-2013

Funny fact, I don't actually know if I've battled that or not ... xD